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A design method is now available kG = gas-phase mass transfer co- LITERATURE CITED

whereby the k R obtained from Equation efficient, lb. moles/(hr.) (sq. 1. Bedingfield, C. H., and T. B. Drew,
(1) can be combined with effective inter- ft.) (atm.) Ind. Eng. Chem., 42, 1165 (1950).
facial areas a reported previously (10, kL = liquid-phase mass transfer co- 2. Buddenburg, J. W., and C. R. Wilke,
11, 12) to obtain a kGa for any desired efficient, lb. moles/(hr.) (sq. J . Phys. Colloid Chem., 55, 1491 (1951).
gas-liquid-solute system for which phy- ft.) (lb. moles/cu. ft.) 3. Dodge, B. F., and 0. E. Dwyer, I n d .
sical properties are available. MM = mean molecular weight of gas, Eng. Chem., 33, 485 (1941).
Ib./lb. mole 4. Goodman, E. L., M.S. thesis, Clarkson
N A = rate of mass transfer, lb. College of Technology, Potsdam, N. Y.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT moles/hr. (1954).
5. Hirschfelder, J. O., R. B. Bird, and
The authors wish to acknowledge support P = partial pressure of naphtha- E. L. Spotz, Trans. A m . SOC.Mech.
of this work under Contract No. AT (30-1)- lene in the gas, atm. Engrs., 71, 921 (1949).
1463 of the Atomic Energy Commission. ( A p )Im = logarithmicmeandriving force, 6. "International Critical Tables," Mc-
atm. Craw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New
PBM = mean partial pressure of inert York (1928).
NOTATION gas in the gas phase, atm. 7. Kowalke, 0. L., 0. A. Hougen, and
T = absolute temperature, OK. K. M. Watson, Bdl. Univ. Wisc. Eng.
A = total surface area of packing, t = temperature of the gas, "C. Expt. Sta. Ser. No. 68 (1925).
sq. f t . U = gas velocity, ft./sec. 8. Lynch, E. J., and C. R. Wilke, A . I.
a = effective interfacial area, sq. Ch. E. JournaZ, 1, 9 (1955).
ft./cu. f t . 9. Molstad, M. C., J. F. McKinney, and
Do = diffusivity of solute in gas,
Greek letters Abbey, R. G., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem.
Engrs , 39, 605 (1943).
sq. ft./hr. E = void fraction, cu. ft./cu. ft. 10. Shulman, H. L., C. F. Ullrich, and
Dp = diameter of sphere possessing P = gas viscosity, lb./(hr.) (ft.) N. Wells, A . I . Ch. E . JournaZ, 1, 247
the same surface area as a P = gas density, Ib./cu. ft. (1955).
piece of packing, ft. 11. Shulman, H. L., C. F. Ullrich, A. Z.
G = superficial gas rate, lb./(hr.)
Proulx, and J. 0. Zimmerman, A . I . Ch.
(sq. ft.) d E . Journal, 1, 253 (1955).
H.T.U. = height of a gas-phase transfer S = a t the naphthalene surface 12. Shulman, H. L., C. F. Ullrich, N. Wells,
unit, ft., ( G / k G a M M P B M ) 81 = a t the naphthalene surface, and A. Z. Proulx, A . I. Ch. E . Journal,
1, 259 (1955).
jD = mass transfer factor, defined bottom of packing
13. Yoshida, F., Chem. Eng. Progr. Sym-
by Equation (1) S, = a t the naphthalene surface, posium Ser., No. 16, 51, 59 (1955).
KG = over-all mass transfer coeffi- top of packing 14. Zabban, W., and 13. F. Dodge, Chem.
cient, lb. moles/(hr.) (sq. ft.) 1 = bottom of packing Eng. Progr. Symposium Ser. No. 10
(atm.) 2 = top of packing 50, 61 (1954).

Densities of Liquid-acetone-water Solutions

up to Their Normal Boiling Points
North Carolina State College, Raleigh, North Carolina

The densities of acetone-water liquid solutions have been measured over the entire
composition range from 20°C. to within 3" to 7°C. of the normal boiling point of the mixture.
The density was measured with a Robertson pycnometer (13),which was modified slightly.
The density values are thought to be accurate to within f0.00005 density units. The
technique for determining density values of the volatile mixture near the boiling tempera-
ture is given in some detail. The refractive index (12~'~) of pure acetone has been redeter-
mined and equJs 1.35596 =I=0.00003.

I n a study of the effect of the physical was known whereby the density data density values, and the density data
properties on the efficiency of distillation could be extrapolated 30" to 75°C. to would also be useful in this respect.
in the binary acetone-water system, phys- the boiling points with confidence. It was Several early investigators (8, 10) have
ical properties such as density, viscosity, resolved to measure the density precisely reported the densities of acetone-water
molecular diffusivity, and surface tension (at least to f 0 . 0 1 % ) from 20°C. to mixtures a t 15", 20", and 25°C. Their
were needed a t the boiling temperature. within a few degrees of the boiling tem- results, however, scatter considerably,
No density data of acetone-water mix- perature. These data could then be used probably because of the inferior quality
tures above 25°C. could be found in the to extrapolate accurately to the boiling of the acetone available to them. The
literature; furthermore, no reliable method points. Measurements and correlations most recent, and presumably the best,
of other physical properties such as the determinations of the densities of acetone-
absolute viscosity, the surface tension, water mixtures were done by Young (16)
K. T. Thomas is with Indian KarcLEartlis,:Ltd.,
Bombay, India. and molecular diffusivity require accurate a t 20°C. and by Griffiths ( 5 ) a t 25OC.

Val. 3, No. 2 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 161

of 0.79061, an indication that i t was not
yet completely anhydrous. Tests in the
authors’ laboratory show that the water
content of acetone continues to decrease
even after 6 months with calcium sulfate
as the desiccant. Using Thirion’s (14)
100.00% density value of 0.78990 g./ml.
and drawing a curve parallel to Young’s
in the region of 0 to 5 wt. yo water in
acetone is an accurate means of predicting
the water content of acetone samples
I from precision density measurements.
This was the primary standard by which
155590 the water content of the acetone used
I I in this work was determined. Dreisbach’s
- I 1 (4) density value for 99.70 wt. %
’ acetone
(99.04 mole yo)is 0.79079. The value read
from the aforementioned curve a t 99.04
mole yo is 0.79078, showing excellent
Fig. 1. agreement with this method. The second-
ary standard was the refractive-index
vs. water-composition curve. A record
was made of the refractive indexes of the
acetone samples the water contents of
which had been determined by density
measurements. These data are given in
Table 2 and Figure 1.



Mole yo Density Refractive

acetone at 20”C., g./ml. index, nDz5
99 92 0.78998 1.35595
99 82 0.79007 1,35599
SCALE 15 C U l INTO 98.74 0,79106 1.35609
98 88 0,79093 1.35611
99.24 0.79061 I . 35605
99 34 0.79059 I . 35600
100.00 0.78990 I . 35596*
*This ~ a l u eaas extrapolated from the data of
Figure 1.

The dashed curves in the figure are

approximately f0.00002 refractive index
units from the solid, median curve. The
instrument with which the measurements
was made is accurate to =t0.00003 unit.
Fig. 2. Modified Robertson pycnometer. It is seen from the figure that Dreisbach’s
(4) point a t 99.04 mole yo acetone is
well within the rated accuracy. From
this graph the water content of the “pure”
acetone was checked each time an acetone-
water mixture was made up. In this way
ACETONE in Table 1. The agreement of density the mole percentages of acetone reported
AT 20.00”C. values of acetone at other temperatures are thought to be accurate to within
Density, g./ml Reference is no better (1.;). Thirion and Craven,of the value of the composition.
(14) made a careful study of the density
0.792 7 and dryness of acetone and concluded
0.79082 15 that the most accurate density of pure EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
0.79079 (99.70 wt. % j 4 acetone a t 20.0O”C. was 0.78990 g./ml.
0.79061 16 A 10-ml. Robertson pycnometer (IJ),
0.79060 15 Small amounts of water increase the obtained from the ScientificGlass Apparatus
0.79053 15 density, while isopropyl ether, a probable Company of Bloomfield, New Jersey, was
0.78990 14 contaminant if the acetone is manufac- modified as shown in Figure 2. The modifica-
0.7895 2 tured from isopropanol, will reduce the tion consisted of putting a skirt on the caps
0.7894 12 density. Careful measurements of the which would allow the entire pycnometer,
0.7894 6 density of aretone-water mixtures in the including the caps, t o be immersed in the
constsnt-temperature bath without the
range of 0 to 5 wt. % of water were ground glass of the tips being wetted. When
The density of pure water is, of course, made by Young (16) at 20°C. The the bath temperature was above room tem-
known very accurately, but not the acetone that Young used as pure, how- perature, it was necessary to immerse the
density of pure acetone. Density values ever, had been dried over calcium entire pycnometer to prevent condensation
for “pure” acetone at 20.00”C. are listed chloride for one week and had a density of the acetone-water mixture in the caps.

Page 162 A.1.Ch.E. Journal June, 1957

Bauer's (1) technique for precision
pycnometric measurements was followed 10 808
carefully except for a few modifications
10 806
which became necessary. The standard
liquid used for calibrating the pycnometer 10804
was tap water that had been distilled once
I0 802
in a Barnstead still and redistilled in an
all-quartz apparatus (9). 10.800
The acetone used in this investigation was
Baker Analyzed Reagent Grade, Baker and
Adamson Reagent Grade, and Fisher 10 796
Certified Reagent, Spectroanalyzed. Thirion
10 794
and Craven's (14) test for isopropyl ether
indicated that this impurity was not present. I0 792
The three acetone sources were also analyzed
in a Fisher-Gulf Partitioner (a gas chroma- 0 100 200 300 400 100 600 700 BOO 000 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1100 1600
tography unit) and the results showed that TIME (MINUTES)
water was the only contaminant, a finding
that was supported by distillation studies Fig. 4. Pycnometer weight as a function of time.
in a laboratory still (1- by 90-cm. reflux
section packed with 1/8-in. Pyrex helixcs)
The boiling point range was 56.1" to 56.2"C.
(749 to 750 mm. Hg). The water content
of the acetone was determined from density and the caps were set in place. Enough caps were removed, the portion of the arm
and refractive-index measurements as de- liquid had overflowed from t.he pycnometer under the cap skirt was quickly wiped, and
scribed. so that when it was put in the main constant- clean dry caps were inserted immediately.
All weights used in the calibration, in the temperature bath a t the test temperature, At 37.78"C. and higher the pycnometer was
density determinations, and in making up the liquid contracted and the meniscii fell removed from the bath and straightway
the mixtures were corrected to the vacuum into the graduated range of the capillary carried to a refrigerator, where the wiping
weight. The brass weights used were com- arms. From the completion of filling until and replacement of the caps took place. In
pared with National Bureau of Standards the pycnometer was placed in the main
calibrated weights and the corrections constant-temperature bath was a matter
noted. The constant-temperature bath of less than 1 min. Evaporation in handling
controlled the temperature to f0.01"C. the pycnometer was negligible. Some TABLE
and the thermometer used was calibrated evaporation from the liquid necessarily took WATER SOLUTIONS
by the National Bureau of Standards. place in the constant-temperature bath. The Temperature, Mole %
' Density,
The method of filling the pycnometer is vapors filled the upper arms of the capil- "C. acetone g./ml.
shown in Figure 3. Using the ball joint as laries and the small volumes of the caps. It
shown in the figure avoided air locks in the was estimated that this amount of evapora- 20.00 100.00 0.78990*
filling and flushing of the pycnometer. tion changed the mole percentage of the 99.92 0.78998
Especially a t the higher temperatures i t liquid in the pycnometer less than 0.002 99.82 0.79007
was found convenient to fill the pycnometer unit. The density differences resulting from 99.34 0.79050
completely and immediately after filling to this were completely unimportant t o the 99.24 0.79061
immerse it partially in an auxiliary bath accuracy of the measurements. 98.88 0.79093
3" to 10" above the temperature a t which After the volume had been read in the 98.74 0.79106
the density was to be measured. The liquid constant-temperature bath, the pycnometer 78.84 0.81344
which was forced out of the pycnometer was removed and carefully wiped dry and 49.06 0.85953
was wiped off quickly with a dry chamois, clean on the outside with a chamois. The 25.10 0.91613
14.50 0.94833
0.00 0.99823
25.00 99.58 0.78482
80.31 0.80626
48.21 0.85617
38.02 0.87836
25.30 0.91103
14.55 0.94446
6.935 0.97033
37.78 99.58 0.77015
(100.OO"F.) 76.46 0.79646
50.12 0.83921
37.22 0.86742
25.02 0.90015
BALL AND SOCKET 14.52 0.93483
7.166 0.96247
50.05 99.58 0.75556
78.13 0.78003
48.55 0.82888
24.86 0.88911
LEVEL SHOWN. 14.40 0.92542
7.152 0.95486
60.11 11.00 0.93104
70.20 4.716 0.95218
2.063 0.96482
*-- 80.35 2.109 0.95971

Fig. 3. Pycnometer filling procedure and apparatus. *Reference 1 4 .

Vol. 3, No. 2 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 16:

this way vaporization losses were held to a 1.01 the given temperature, tlic volume of
minimum. The pycnometcr u as suspended 0.99 the pycnometer with both menisci at
in the left arm or the balance, a tare (dummy the zero scalc reading was a straight-line
pycnometer) being in the right arm, and 0.97
function of temperature and was ex-
the weigiiings u ere begun. Weight-vs.-time 0.95 pressed as an equation derived by the
curves, such as shown in Figure 4, were E

prepared. Zero time corresponded to the 0.93 method of least squares.

time of reading the volume just before
--I Calculation of the difference of the
j 0.91
the pycnometer w-as removed from the 5 calibration points from the least-sqiiares
constant-temperature bath. The first por- ;; 0.89 calibration curve gave the average
2(I 0.87
tion of the curve represented the time period
when water evaporation and water-vapor - 0.85
expected crror in the volunir readings
as &0.000175 ml. ITith f0.0002 g.
adsorption on the outside of the pycnom-

l- allowed as the maximuni error in the

eters mere coming to their equiiibrium a 0.83 vacuum n eights calculated along with
a 0.81 t h e volume deviation mentioned above,
0.79 t h e error i n the density measurements
was estimated as f0.00003 density unit.
TABLE OF I J ~ ~ i ~0.77 ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
T h~e figure
given in the abstract for the
0 10 2 0 30 4 0 5 0 6 0 70 8 0 9 0 100
accuracy of the density values of
=t0.00005 is a conservative one.
Mole % Boiling Density, T h e accuracy of the reported mole
acetone temperature*, g./ml. Fig. 5. Dansity of liquid-acetone-water solu- percentage. is discussed above and esti-
“C. tions. mated as j ~ O . 1 7of~ the reported com-
0 100 00 0 9584 position.
2 86 50 0 9551
5 75 00 0 9472
7.5 70 20 0 9385
10 66 72 0 9298 This work was carried out in connection
20 62 17 0 8949 mith Research Project 1, “Tray Efficiencirs
30 61 01 0 8623 in Distillzition Columns,” sponsored hy the
40 60 40 0 8368 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
50 59 84 0 8155 The authors gratefully acknowledge the
60 59 30 0 7983 support and encouragement of the A. I. Ch.
70 58 81 0 7823 E. &search Committee during the course
80 58 20 0 7678 of this investigation.
90 57 43 0 7560
100 56 20 0 7476
*;A\erared ralues from References 8 , 3 , and 1 1 . 1. Bauer, Norman, in ,4.Weissberger, ed.,
“Terhniqiie of Organic Chemistry,”
vol. I, 2 ed.? pp. 267ff, I n t
values. At the same time some weight was Publishers, In(.., New Pork (19-19).
being lost owing to evaporation of the 2. Briuijrs, A. S., and kI. J. 1’. 13ogtrt,
liquid in the pycnometer. The former effects I n d . Eng. Chen~.,35, 257 (1943).
no longer changed the apparent weight 3. Chii, J. C., “Distillation Equilihriiim
after about 300 min., hut the latter effects MOL PERCENT ACETONE
D:it:L,” p. 23, Reinhold Publishing
continued as long as weighings were made. Corpor;ition, New York 11950).
The straight-line portion of Figure 4 Fig. 6. Densities of liquid-acetone-water 4. I)reishnrh, It. R., and It. A. Martin,
represent,ed taliat t,inie period when only solutions at the normal boiling points; I n d . Eng. Chem., 41, 2876 (1949).
evaporation csuused :t weight change. 5. Griffiths, V. S., J . Chem. SOC., 1326
Extrapolation of this h e to zero time (1952).
represented the accliritte apparent weight 6. Griswold, J., and C. B. Buford! I n d .
a t the time of reading the volume. The h’ng. Chrni., 41, 23-17 (1949).
continued loss in weight must indicste the 7. Hodgeman, C. I)., ed., “Handbook of
fugitive nature of acetone-water vapors in Chemistry and Physics,” 30 ed., p. 597,
spite of tightly placed ground-glass caps. was given t o the boiling-point d a t a of Chemical Piililishing Comyatny, Cleve-
In the water-calibration runs the weight-vs.- Brunjes ( 2 ) ,as they scemed t o have more land (1948).
t,imc curve soon f(.ll to t: constant weight,. internal consistency. T h e boiling-point 8. “International Critical Tables,” vol.
tempcraturrs are probably no more 111, p. 113, 5 references, McGrctw-Hill
accurate than f 0 . l ” C . T h e extrapolated h o k Company, Inc., ?Jew York (1Y28).
RESULTS 9. Kendall, J., J . Awzer. Chetn. Soc., 38,
density values thrrcfore lack piecision.
The results of the density measure- Should more accurate boiling-point tem- 2460 (1916).
10. Nitville, P., Helv. Chini. dctcr, 9, 913
mcnts arc giver1 in Table 3 and Figure 5. peratures become available, cori espond-
T h e isothcrms arc sliapcd i n a smooth ing density values can be e x t r a p o l a t ~ d 11. Othmer, I). F., and R. F. Benenati,
curve and display a small inflection near with a precision t o match t h a t of t h e Znd. Eny. Chem., 37, 290 (1945).
15 mole yo.Density values read at fixed measuied density values. 12. Othmer, 1). F., and F. Morley, I n d .
compositions from cnlargcd plots of Eng. Chem., 38, 751 (1946).
Figure 5 were cross-plotted as functions 13. Robertson, G. R., Znd. Erig. Chem.,
of temperature from which the densities Anal. Ed., 11, 464 (1939).
at the boiling temperature were obtained T h e pycnometer was calibrated at Z O O , 14. Thirion, R., and E. C. Craven, J . -4ppl.
by extrapolation. T h c values are listed 25”, and 60°C. Two runs wcre made Chem., 2, 210 (1952).
in Table 4 and shown in Figure 6. Boiling- at each temperature, one run with water 15. Timmermans, J., “Physico-Chemical
Constants of Pure Organic Compounds,”
point temperatures as functions of com- at a low level i n t h e calibrated arms of p. 355, Elsevier Publishing Company,
position in the liquid phase were deter- the pycnometer and another at a high Inc., New York (1950).
mined from the average values from level. If the milliliters per scale division 16. Young, W., J . Sac. Chem. Znd., 52,
several sources (2, 3, 11). More weight in each a r m were assunird t o be equal a t T449 (1933).

Page 164 A.1.Ch.E. Journal June, 1957

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