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TO: Employees at Green Grocery 201

FROM: Megan Taylor, Store Director, Green Grocery 201

DATE: June 23, 2021

SUBJECT: New Parking Lot Rules

I want to personally congratulate all employees for your performance last year. During the new
location opening, I know that we all have faced some challenges and we were all able to perform
beyond the owner’s expectations.

Walk Through of The Store

Last week, we had Drew Morrison, the owner come to our store to examine our performance. He
was very pleased with our location’s performance. Since his last visit two weeks ago, he was
surprised and impressed to find the improvements that we had made in such a short time. We
showed an increase in foot traffic and an increase in profit.

The only thing that he pointed out that was a concern to him was that all of the employees were
parking close to the store. He understood that Tucson’s hot weather might lead employees to
want to park close to the store, but he is worried about someone hurting themselves by having to
park far away. At our location, we have a larger population of elderly people. He is concerned
that the elderly shoppers might fall and seriously hurt themselves because of their long walk to
the car. The owner and I have come up with a plan where employee can park their cars and the
consequence of parking in the costumer’s area will need to be discussed.

Employee Parking Area

Drew and I have finally decided on the location in which all employees have to park. Employees
can park starting at the edge of the parking lot to the last sixteen spaces on the northwest side of
the parking lot. By Monday morning, I will have the employee parking area marked in red lines.
These lines will indicate where the employees should park so that there will be no confusion
amongst staff. By parking in this area, this should decrease the liability for our elderly shoppers
and prevent falls in the parking lot.

Parking in the Costumer Area

Drew and I have discussed that there will be a leniency period until July 7, 2021. Prior to this
date, employees will not receive disciplinary action for parking in the costumer area. After this
time, an employee will be disciplined for parking in the costumer area. All of the department
heads and general managers are responsible to report employees that are not parking in the
designated employee area. I understand that we have some employees that are on vacation and
will be unaware of these changes; they will be excluded from the July 7th deadline.

I know that there will be a lot of confusion and missteps with the new parking policy. By the end
of July, I believe that as a team that we will have none of our employees parking in the costumer
area. I understand that at this moment there is no shade in that area. I have good news that Drew
has announced that he is providing 50% of the employee parking lot with solar shade. This
project should be complete by the end of the year.

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