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Full name: Bùi Dương Phương Nghi

MSSV: 20DH712300
I. Hook:
“Life is incomplete without success of health” (Health and Self, 2018). This saying
reinforces a thought, meaning that nothing is as important and precious to human being as
health. Staying healthy has become a trend that everyone follows because as long as people
have health, they will achieve their dreams in many ways.
II. Background information:
1. Introduction/ Definition:
First of all, according to the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being”. Expanding the issue, health includes both physical
and mental health, physical health means being healthy, strong, support, etc. Get on the
operational needs to serve daily life and work comfortably without difficulties. Mental
health means that people have a comfortable mind, freedom, and when faced with difficult
problems, they can still easily overcome without falling into depression.
2. History/ Orrigion:
Started in the mid-20th century, the primary cause of death worldwide shifted from
infection to chronic condition, such as heart disease and cancer. The World Health
Organization has meticulously documented this change. Their discoveries in nutrition,
exercise, and other risk factors help reconfingured the public health landscape.
3. Fact/ Popularity:
An estimated that every year in our country, about 12.5 million people have hypertension, 3.5
million people have diabetes, and 2 million people have chronic cars, lung disease, and nearly
126.000 new cancer cases.
( Ministry of Health, 2020)
4. Important:
We must be healthy to enjoy life to the fullest. Health is the basic foundation of a happy and
joyful life, an essential basic for each person to realize their life’s ideas, dreams, and aspiration.
Because if we are sick, we will not have enough health to think about other things. Not to
mention that disease also cause people to consume money and possessions, affect family
members. Therefore, health is the most important key that opened the door to happiness for each
5. Function:
Health is essential to eradicating extreme poverty and promoting growth of well-being and
the analysis shows that over the past decade, health improvements-measured by the value of
life-years gained-constitute 24% of full income growth in low and middle income countries.
( The global Health Center at The Graduate Institute, 2020)
6. Effect:
It is no secret that stay healthy is important and it helps anyone look more youthful.
When we look after our physical health, we will feel better to-filter, more relaxed and better
able to cope with other things.
7. Comment:
According to Thomas Cralyle: “He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has
everything”, and Paul Tournier: “Most illnesses do not, as is generally thought, come like a
bolt out of the blue. The ground is prepared for years through faulty diet, intemperance,
overwork, and moral conflicts, slowly eroding the subject’s vitality”.
III. Thesis statement:
This paper will focus on some methods to stay healthy, which will surely help to
possess a happy and healthier life.

(1) Adam Felman (2020). What is good health?. What is health?
Retrieved from
(2) Health and Self (2018). What Really Matters – The 7 Most Important Things in
Life. Health.
Retrieved from
(3) Ilona Kickbusch (2020). Health is the most important value for the individual person
and for society. Health is an investment.
Retrieved from
(4) Paul Tournier (n.d). QuoteFancy. Paul Tournier Quotes.
Retrieved from
(5) Thomas Carlyle (n.d). BrainyQuote. Thomas Carlyle Quotes.
Retrieved from

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