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Name: Ivan Dennis B.

Salupan March 22, 2022

Year & Course: BTLED 2-HE


1. How will you evaluate and assess the lesson plan if the objective stated in the lesson plan are
met or not?
 If the learning objectives stated in the lesson plan are met or not I will evaluate the scores of the
students from their activities and assessment because it is part of the lesson plan. Because as a
future Teacher I will find out by including some form of assessment – or a check for student
understanding into each lesson. If the objective was about understanding a concept, I might ask
students to complete an activity around explaining or using that concept. If the objective was to learn
a new skill (or even strengthen an existing one), t6he assessment might require students to perform
that skill to demonstrate their proficiency. This is the way in order to met the objectives that every
student must possess at the end of the lesson.

2. As a teacher, why is it important to have a lesson plan?

 As a teacher lesson plan is important because it is the teachers road map of what students need to
learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Then, you can design appropriate
learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. An effective lesson
plan includes several elements: learning objectives, quality questions, supplies and activities. It is
important to have the learning objectives in mind because those should drive the development of all
activities in the classroom. Quality questions are inquiries that the teacher plans to direct at the
students over the discussion of the lesson.

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