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Nama : Ongky Christianto

Prodi : D3 Keperawatan
Nim : 11190021

Page 66
Taks 2
1. Dental caries : Receding gum lines, inflammation, gaps between teeth, rough or
jagged teeth
2. Gingivitis : Inflammation of gum
3. Periodontitis : Discoloration of tooth enamel
4. Halitosis : Bad breath
5. Pericoronitis : Pain when you bite on the area and unpleasant taste
Taks 3
1. Do you have problems with your oral health
2. Do your gums hurt when you brush your teeth?
3. This is your kit for brushing your teeth
4. You want to rinse now?
5. Vomit the leftover gargle water into this container

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