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28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p1.

m 1 of 3

close all;
%% Input Data
R1=3.5; % Stator resistance
f=50; % Frequency
Poles=4; % No. of poles
% No load Test Data
%No load Currents
Ia_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase A at no load
Ib_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase B at no load
Ic_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase C at no load
I1=(Ia_nl+Ib_nl+Ic_nl)/3; % Average per phase current
%No load Applied Voltage
Vab_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ab at no load
Vbc_nl=230; % Line voltage V_bc at no load
Vca_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ca at no load
VL_nl=(Vab_nl+Vbc_nl+Vca_nl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_nl=106; % No Load input Power
%Blocked Rotor test Data
Ia_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase A at full load
Ib_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase B at full load
Ic_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase C at full load
I2=(Ia_fl+Ib_fl+Ic_fl)/3; % Average per phase current
% Full load Applied Voltage
Vab_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ab at full load
Vbc_fl=64; % Line voltage V_bc at full load
Vca_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ca at full load
VL_fl=(Vab_fl+Vbc_fl+Vca_fl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_fl=169; % Full Load input Power
%% Calculation using no-load test data
Vp=VL_nl/sqrt(3); % Calculate phase voltage for per phase circuit
Znl=Vp/I1; % No-load Impedance = X1+Xm
P_scl=3*I1*I1*R1; % Stator copper losses
P_rot=Pin_nl-P_scl; % Rotational Losses
PF_nl=Pin_nl/(sqrt(3)*VL_nl*I1); % No load power factor
angle_nl=acos(PF_nl)*180/pi; % No load power factor angle in degrees
angle_nl_r=acos(PF_nl); % No load power factor angle in radians
Vm=Vp-I1*R1; % Voltage across Magnitising branch
Im=I1*sin(angle_nl_r); % Current through Xm
Ic=I1*PF_nl; % Current through Rc
Rc=Vm/Ic; % Value of core resistance
Xm=Vm/Im; % Value of magnetising reactance
Zm=(j*Xm*Rc)/(j*Xm+Rc); % Magnitising branch impedance
Rnl=Znl*PF_nl; % No load resistance from Znl and power factor
Xnl=Znl*sin(angle_nl_r); % No load reactance from Znl and power factor
Znl_complex=Rnl+j*Xnl; % No load impedance in complex form
X1_a=Xnl-imag(Zm); % Calculation of Xm using imaginary part of Znl
X1=Znl-Xm; % Calculation of X1 using approximation i.e. Znl=X1+Xm
disp(['No load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Sator Resistance = R1 = ' num2str(R1) ' ohm'])
disp(['Line to line voltage = Vl = ' num2str(VL_nl) ' V']);
disp(['No load Current = I1 = ' num2str(I1) ' A']);
disp(['No load Input Power Pin = Pin = ' num2str(Pin_nl) ' W'])
disp(['Phase Voltage at no load = Vp = ' num2str(Vp) ' V']);
disp(['No load Impedance Znl = Znl = ' num2str(Znl) ' ohms']);
disp(['No Load power factor = PFnl = ' num2str(PF_nl)]);
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_nl) ' degree']);
disp(['Magnitizing branch volt = Vm = ' num2str(Vm) ' V']);
disp(['Current through Xm = Im = ' num2str(Im) ' A']);
disp(['Current through Rc = Ic = ' num2str(Ic) ' A']);
disp(['Magnitizing Reactance = Xm = ' num2str(Xm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Core Resistance = Rc = ' num2str(Rc) ' ohms']);
disp(['Magnitizing Impedance = Zm = ' num2str(Zm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate Reactance = X1 = ' num2str(X1) ' ohms'])
disp(['Stator Copper Losses = Pscl = ' num2str(P_scl) ' W']);
disp(['Rotational Losses = Prot = ' num2str(P_rot) ' W']);
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p1.m 2 of 3

%% Calculation from blocked rotor test

Vfl=VL_fl/sqrt(3); % Full load phase voltage
R2=(Pin_fl-3*I2*I2*R1)/(3*I2*I2); % Calculating R2 from copper losses
Zfl=Vfl/I2; % Full load equivalent impedence
PFfl=Pin_fl/(sqrt(3)*VL_fl*I2); % Full load power factor
angle_fl=acos(PFfl)*180/pi; % Full load Power factor Angle
Rfl=Zfl*PFfl; % Full load equivalent resistance
Xfl=Zfl*sin(acos(PFfl)); % Full load equivalent raectance
Zfl_c=Rfl+Xfl*j; % Full load impedence in complex form
X2=sqrt(Zfl*Zfl-(R1+R2)^2)-X1; % Calculation of X2

disp([' ']);
disp(['Full load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Full laod Line Voltage = VLfl = ' num2str(VL_fl) ' V']);
disp(['Full load Phase Voltage = Vfl = ' num2str(Vfl) ' ohms'])
disp(['Full laod Current = I2 = ' num2str(I2) ' A']);
disp(['Full laod Impedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl) ' ohms']);
disp(['Full load Power = Pfl = ' num2str(Pin_fl) ' W'])
disp(['Full load Power factor = PFfl = ' num2str(PFfl) ' '])
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_fl) ' degree']);
disp(['Full load Imedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl_c) ' ohm']);
disp(['Rotor resistance = R2 = ' num2str(R2) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate X2 = X2 = ' num2str(X2) ' ohms'])
%% Calculation of thevenin equivalent circuit parameters
Vth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))*Vp; % calculating thevenin equivalent voltage
Rth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))^2*R1; % calculation of thevenin resistance
Xth=X1; % calculation of thevenin reactance
Ns=120*f/Poles; % calculation of synchronous frequency
ws=Ns*2*pi/60; % converting 'rpm' into 'rad/sec'
Tstart=(3*Vth^2*R2)/(ws*((Rth+R2)^2+(Xth+X2)^2)); % Caculating starting torque of motor
Smax=R2/sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2); % Slip for maximum torque
Tmax=(3*Vth^2)/(2*ws*(Rth+sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2))); % Calulating maximum torque
disp([' ']);
disp(['Thevenin Calculation from Induction motor equivalent cicuit'])
disp(['Thevenin Voltage = Vth = ' num2str(Vth) ' V'])
disp(['Thevenin Resistance = Rth = ' num2str(Rth) ' ohms'])
disp(['Thevenin Reactance = Xth = ' num2str(Xth) ' ohms'])
disp([' ']);
disp(['Calculation of starting and pull-out torque '])
disp(['Rated frequency = f = ' num2str(f) ' Hz'])
disp(['No. of poles = P = ' num2str(Poles) ' '])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ns = ' num2str(Ns) ' rpm'])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ws = ' num2str(ws) ' rad/sec'])
disp(['Starting Torque, Tstart = Ts = ' num2str(Tstart) ' N.m'])
disp(['Slip for Tmax = Sm = ' num2str(Smax) ' '])
disp(['Maximum Torque, Tmax = Tm = ' num2str(Tmax) ' N.m'])
%% Plotting torque speed characteristics
for ii=1:1000
xlabel('Rotor Speed (rpm)');
ylabel('Torque induced N.m');
x=[Nmax, Nmax];
hold on;
text(Nmax,Tmax+0.35,'Pull out Torque');
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p1.m 3 of 3

text(15,Tstart-0.25,'Starting Torque');
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p2.m 1 of 2

close all;
%% Input Data
R1=3.5; % Stator resistance
f=50; % Frequency
Poles=4; % No. of poles
% No load Test Data
%No load Currents
Ia_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase A at no load
Ib_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase B at no load
Ic_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase C at no load
I1=(Ia_nl+Ib_nl+Ic_nl)/3; % Average per phase current
%No load Applied Voltage
Vab_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ab at no load
Vbc_nl=230; % Line voltage V_bc at no load
Vca_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ca at no load
VL_nl=(Vab_nl+Vbc_nl+Vca_nl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_nl=106; % No Load input Power
%Blocked Rotor test Data
Ia_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase A at full load
Ib_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase B at full load
Ic_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase C at full load
I2=(Ia_fl+Ib_fl+Ic_fl)/3; % Average per phase current
% Full load Applied Voltage
Vab_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ab at full load
Vbc_fl=64; % Line voltage V_bc at full load
Vca_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ca at full load
VL_fl=(Vab_fl+Vbc_fl+Vca_fl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_fl=169; % Full Load input Power
%% Calculation using no-load test data
Vp=VL_nl/sqrt(3); % Calculate phase voltage for per phase circuit
Znl=Vp/I1; % No-load Impedance = X1+Xm
P_scl=3*I1*I1*R1; % Stator copper losses
P_rot=Pin_nl-P_scl; % Rotational Losses
PF_nl=Pin_nl/(sqrt(3)*VL_nl*I1); % No load power factor
angle_nl=acos(PF_nl)*180/pi; % No load power factor angle in degrees
angle_nl_r=acos(PF_nl); % No load power factor angle in radians
Vm=Vp-I1*R1; % Voltage across Magnitising branch
Im=I1*sin(angle_nl_r); % Current through Xm
Ic=I1*PF_nl; % Current through Rc
Rc=Vm/Ic; % Value of core resistance
Xm=Vm/Im; % Value of magnetising reactance
Zm=(j*Xm*Rc)/(j*Xm+Rc); % Magnitising branch impedance
Rnl=Znl*PF_nl; % No load resistance from Znl and power factor
Xnl=Znl*sin(angle_nl_r); % No load reactance from Znl and power factor
Znl_complex=Rnl+j*Xnl; % No load impedance in complex form
X1_a=Xnl-imag(Zm); % Calculation of Xm using imaginary part of Znl
X1=Znl-Xm; % Calculation of X1 using approximation i.e. Znl=X1+Xm
disp(['No load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Sator Resistance = R1 = ' num2str(R1) ' ohm'])
disp(['Line to line voltage = Vl = ' num2str(VL_nl) ' V']);
disp(['No load Current = I1 = ' num2str(I1) ' A']);
disp(['No load Input Power Pin = Pin = ' num2str(Pin_nl) ' W'])
disp(['Phase Voltage at no load = Vp = ' num2str(Vp) ' V']);
disp(['No load Impedance Znl = Znl = ' num2str(Znl) ' ohms']);
disp(['No Load power factor = PFnl = ' num2str(PF_nl)]);
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_nl) ' degree']);
disp(['Magnitizing branch volt = Vm = ' num2str(Vm) ' V']);
disp(['Current through Xm = Im = ' num2str(Im) ' A']);
disp(['Current through Rc = Ic = ' num2str(Ic) ' A']);
disp(['Magnitizing Reactance = Xm = ' num2str(Xm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Core Resistance = Rc = ' num2str(Rc) ' ohms']);
disp(['Magnitizing Impedance = Zm = ' num2str(Zm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate Reactance = X1 = ' num2str(X1) ' ohms'])
disp(['Stator Copper Losses = Pscl = ' num2str(P_scl) ' W']);
disp(['Rotational Losses = Prot = ' num2str(P_rot) ' W']);
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p2.m 2 of 2

%% Calculation from blocked rotor test

Vfl=VL_fl/sqrt(3); % Full load phase voltage
R2=(Pin_fl-3*I2*I2*R1)/(3*I2*I2); % Calculating R2 from copper losses
Zfl=Vfl/I2; % Full load equivalent impedence
PFfl=Pin_fl/(sqrt(3)*VL_fl*I2); % Full load power factor
angle_fl=acos(PFfl)*180/pi; % Full load Power factor Angle
Rfl=Zfl*PFfl; % Full load equivalent resistance
Xfl=Zfl*sin(acos(PFfl)); % Full load equivalent raectance
Zfl_c=Rfl+Xfl*j; % Full load impedence in complex form
X2=sqrt(Zfl*Zfl-(R1+R2)^2)-X1; % Calculation of X2

disp([' ']);
disp(['Full load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Full laod Line Voltage = VLfl = ' num2str(VL_fl) ' V']);
disp(['Full load Phase Voltage = Vfl = ' num2str(Vfl) ' ohms'])
disp(['Full laod Current = I2 = ' num2str(I2) ' A']);
disp(['Full laod Impedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl) ' ohms']);
disp(['Full load Power = Pfl = ' num2str(Pin_fl) ' W'])
disp(['Full load Power factor = PFfl = ' num2str(PFfl) ' '])
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_fl) ' degree']);
disp(['Full load Imedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl_c) ' ohm']);
disp(['Rotor resistance = R2 = ' num2str(R2) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate X2 = X2 = ' num2str(X2) ' ohms'])
%% Calculation of thevenin equivalent circuit parameters
Vth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))*Vp; % calculating thevenin equivalent voltage
Rth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))^2*R1; % calculation of thevenin resistance
Xth=X1; % calculation of thevenin reactance
Ns=120*f/Poles; % calculation of synchronous frequency
ws=Ns*2*pi/60; % converting 'rpm' into 'rad/sec'
Tstart=(3*Vth^2*R2)/(ws*((Rth+R2)^2+(Xth+X2)^2)); % Caculating starting torque of motor
Smax=R2/sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2); % Slip for maximum torque
Tmax=(3*Vth^2)/(2*ws*(Rth+sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2))); % Calulating maximum torque
disp([' ']);
disp(['Thevenin Calculation from Induction motor equivalent cicuit'])
disp(['Thevenin Voltage = Vth = ' num2str(Vth) ' V'])
disp(['Thevenin Resistance = Rth = ' num2str(Rth) ' ohms'])
disp(['Thevenin Reactance = Xth = ' num2str(Xth) ' ohms'])
disp([' ']);
disp(['Calculation of starting and pull-out torque '])
disp(['Rated frequency = f = ' num2str(f) ' Hz'])
disp(['No. of poles = P = ' num2str(Poles) ' '])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ns = ' num2str(Ns) ' rpm'])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ws = ' num2str(ws) ' rad/sec'])
disp(['Starting Torque, Tstart = Ts = ' num2str(Tstart) ' N.m'])
disp(['Slip for Tmax = Sm = ' num2str(Smax) ' '])
disp(['Maximum Torque, Tmax = Tm = ' num2str(Tmax) ' N.m'])
%% Plotting torque speed characteristics
for ii=1:1000

xlabel('Torque induced N.m');

ylabel('Rotor Speed(rpm)');
title('Torque speed curve of induction motor in dynamic braking');
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p3.m 1 of 2

close all;
%% Input Data
R1=3.5; % Stator resistance
f=50; % Frequency
Poles=4; % No. of poles
% No load Test Data
%No load Currents
Ia_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase A at no load
Ib_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase B at no load
Ic_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase C at no load
I1=(Ia_nl+Ib_nl+Ic_nl)/3; % Average per phase current
%No load Applied Voltage
Vab_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ab at no load
Vbc_nl=230; % Line voltage V_bc at no load
Vca_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ca at no load
VL_nl=(Vab_nl+Vbc_nl+Vca_nl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_nl=106; % No Load input Power
%Blocked Rotor test Data
Ia_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase A at full load
Ib_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase B at full load
Ic_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase C at full load
I2=(Ia_fl+Ib_fl+Ic_fl)/3; % Average per phase current
% Full load Applied Voltage
Vab_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ab at full load
Vbc_fl=64; % Line voltage V_bc at full load
Vca_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ca at full load
VL_fl=(Vab_fl+Vbc_fl+Vca_fl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_fl=169; % Full Load input Power
%% Calculation using no-load test data
Vp=VL_nl/sqrt(3); % Calculate phase voltage for per phase circuit
Znl=Vp/I1; % No-load Impedance = X1+Xm
P_scl=3*I1*I1*R1; % Stator copper losses
P_rot=Pin_nl-P_scl; % Rotational Losses
PF_nl=Pin_nl/(sqrt(3)*VL_nl*I1); % No load power factor
angle_nl=acos(PF_nl)*180/pi; % No load power factor angle in degrees
angle_nl_r=acos(PF_nl); % No load power factor angle in radians
Vm=Vp-I1*R1; % Voltage across Magnitising branch
Im=I1*sin(angle_nl_r); % Current through Xm
Ic=I1*PF_nl; % Current through Rc
Rc=Vm/Ic; % Value of core resistance
Xm=Vm/Im; % Value of magnetising reactance
Zm=(j*Xm*Rc)/(j*Xm+Rc); % Magnitising branch impedance
Rnl=Znl*PF_nl; % No load resistance from Znl and power factor
Xnl=Znl*sin(angle_nl_r); % No load reactance from Znl and power factor
Znl_complex=Rnl+j*Xnl; % No load impedance in complex form
X1_a=Xnl-imag(Zm); % Calculation of Xm using imaginary part of Znl
X1=Znl-Xm; % Calculation of X1 using approximation i.e. Znl=X1+Xm
disp(['No load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Sator Resistance = R1 = ' num2str(R1) ' ohm'])
disp(['Line to line voltage = Vl = ' num2str(VL_nl) ' V']);
disp(['No load Current = I1 = ' num2str(I1) ' A']);
disp(['No load Input Power Pin = Pin = ' num2str(Pin_nl) ' W'])
disp(['Phase Voltage at no load = Vp = ' num2str(Vp) ' V']);
disp(['No load Impedance Znl = Znl = ' num2str(Znl) ' ohms']);
disp(['No Load power factor = PFnl = ' num2str(PF_nl)]);
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_nl) ' degree']);
disp(['Magnitizing branch volt = Vm = ' num2str(Vm) ' V']);
disp(['Current through Xm = Im = ' num2str(Im) ' A']);
disp(['Current through Rc = Ic = ' num2str(Ic) ' A']);
disp(['Magnitizing Reactance = Xm = ' num2str(Xm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Core Resistance = Rc = ' num2str(Rc) ' ohms']);
disp(['Magnitizing Impedance = Zm = ' num2str(Zm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate Reactance = X1 = ' num2str(X1) ' ohms'])
disp(['Stator Copper Losses = Pscl = ' num2str(P_scl) ' W']);
disp(['Rotational Losses = Prot = ' num2str(P_rot) ' W']);
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p3.m 2 of 2

%% Calculation from blocked rotor test

Vfl=VL_fl/sqrt(3); % Full load phase voltage
R2=(Pin_fl-3*I2*I2*R1)/(3*I2*I2); % Calculating R2 from copper losses
Zfl=Vfl/I2; % Full load equivalent impedence
PFfl=Pin_fl/(sqrt(3)*VL_fl*I2); % Full load power factor
angle_fl=acos(PFfl)*180/pi; % Full load Power factor Angle
Rfl=Zfl*PFfl; % Full load equivalent resistance
Xfl=Zfl*sin(acos(PFfl)); % Full load equivalent raectance
Zfl_c=Rfl+Xfl*j; % Full load impedence in complex form
X2=sqrt(Zfl*Zfl-(R1+R2)^2)-X1; % Calculation of X2

disp([' ']);
disp(['Full load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Full laod Line Voltage = VLfl = ' num2str(VL_fl) ' V']);
disp(['Full load Phase Voltage = Vfl = ' num2str(Vfl) ' ohms'])
disp(['Full laod Current = I2 = ' num2str(I2) ' A']);
disp(['Full laod Impedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl) ' ohms']);
disp(['Full load Power = Pfl = ' num2str(Pin_fl) ' W'])
disp(['Full load Power factor = PFfl = ' num2str(PFfl) ' '])
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_fl) ' degree']);
disp(['Full load Imedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl_c) ' ohm']);
disp(['Rotor resistance = R2 = ' num2str(R2) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate X2 = X2 = ' num2str(X2) ' ohms'])
%% Calculation of thevenin equivalent circuit parameters
Vth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))*Vp; % calculating thevenin equivalent voltage
Rth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))^2*R1; % calculation of thevenin resistance
Xth=X1; % calculation of thevenin reactance
Ns=120*f/Poles; % calculation of synchronous frequency
ws=Ns*2*pi/60; % converting 'rpm' into 'rad/sec'
Tstart=(3*Vth^2*R2)/(ws*((Rth+R2)^2+(Xth+X2)^2)); % Caculating starting torque of motor
Smax=R2/sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2); % Slip for maximum torque
Tmax=(3*Vth^2)/(2*ws*(Rth+sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2))); % Calulating maximum torque
disp([' ']);
disp(['Thevenin Calculation from Induction motor equivalent cicuit'])
disp(['Thevenin Voltage = Vth = ' num2str(Vth) ' V'])
disp(['Thevenin Resistance = Rth = ' num2str(Rth) ' ohms'])
disp(['Thevenin Reactance = Xth = ' num2str(Xth) ' ohms'])
disp([' ']);
disp(['Calculation of starting and pull-out torque '])
disp(['Rated frequency = f = ' num2str(f) ' Hz'])
disp(['No. of poles = P = ' num2str(Poles) ' '])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ns = ' num2str(Ns) ' rpm'])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ws = ' num2str(ws) ' rad/sec'])
disp(['Starting Torque, Tstart = Ts = ' num2str(Tstart) ' N.m'])
disp(['Slip for Tmax = Sm = ' num2str(Smax) ' '])
disp(['Maximum Torque, Tmax = Tm = ' num2str(Tmax) ' N.m'])
%% Plotting torque speed characteristics
for ii=1:1000

xlabel('Torque induced N.m');

ylabel('Rotor Speed(rpm)');
title('Torque speed curve of induction motor in regenerative braking');
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p4.m 1 of 2

close all;
%% Input Data
R1=3.5; % Stator resistance
f=50; % Frequency
Poles=4; % No. of poles
% No load Test Data
%No load Currents
Ia_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase A at no load
Ib_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase B at no load
Ic_nl=2.5; % Line current of phase C at no load
I1=(Ia_nl+Ib_nl+Ic_nl)/3; % Average per phase current
%No load Applied Voltage
Vab_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ab at no load
Vbc_nl=230; % Line voltage V_bc at no load
Vca_nl=230; % Line voltage V_ca at no load
VL_nl=(Vab_nl+Vbc_nl+Vca_nl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_nl=106; % No Load input Power
%Blocked Rotor test Data
Ia_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase A at full load
Ib_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase B at full load
Ic_fl=2.6; % Line current of phase C at full load
I2=(Ia_fl+Ib_fl+Ic_fl)/3; % Average per phase current
% Full load Applied Voltage
Vab_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ab at full load
Vbc_fl=64; % Line voltage V_bc at full load
Vca_fl=64; % Line voltage V_ca at full load
VL_fl=(Vab_fl+Vbc_fl+Vca_fl)/3; % Average line to line voltage
Pin_fl=169; % Full Load input Power
%% Calculation using no-load test data
Vp=VL_nl/sqrt(3); % Calculate phase voltage for per phase circuit
Znl=Vp/I1; % No-load Impedance = X1+Xm
P_scl=3*I1*I1*R1; % Stator copper losses
P_rot=Pin_nl-P_scl; % Rotational Losses
PF_nl=Pin_nl/(sqrt(3)*VL_nl*I1); % No load power factor
angle_nl=acos(PF_nl)*180/pi; % No load power factor angle in degrees
angle_nl_r=acos(PF_nl); % No load power factor angle in radians
Vm=Vp-I1*R1; % Voltage across Magnitising branch
Im=I1*sin(angle_nl_r); % Current through Xm
Ic=I1*PF_nl; % Current through Rc
Rc=Vm/Ic; % Value of core resistance
Xm=Vm/Im; % Value of magnetising reactance
Zm=(j*Xm*Rc)/(j*Xm+Rc); % Magnitising branch impedance
Rnl=Znl*PF_nl; % No load resistance from Znl and power factor
Xnl=Znl*sin(angle_nl_r); % No load reactance from Znl and power factor
Znl_complex=Rnl+j*Xnl; % No load impedance in complex form
X1_a=Xnl-imag(Zm); % Calculation of Xm using imaginary part of Znl
X1=Znl-Xm; % Calculation of X1 using approximation i.e. Znl=X1+Xm
disp(['No load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Sator Resistance = R1 = ' num2str(R1) ' ohm'])
disp(['Line to line voltage = Vl = ' num2str(VL_nl) ' V']);
disp(['No load Current = I1 = ' num2str(I1) ' A']);
disp(['No load Input Power Pin = Pin = ' num2str(Pin_nl) ' W'])
disp(['Phase Voltage at no load = Vp = ' num2str(Vp) ' V']);
disp(['No load Impedance Znl = Znl = ' num2str(Znl) ' ohms']);
disp(['No Load power factor = PFnl = ' num2str(PF_nl)]);
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_nl) ' degree']);
disp(['Magnitizing branch volt = Vm = ' num2str(Vm) ' V']);
disp(['Current through Xm = Im = ' num2str(Im) ' A']);
disp(['Current through Rc = Ic = ' num2str(Ic) ' A']);
disp(['Magnitizing Reactance = Xm = ' num2str(Xm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Core Resistance = Rc = ' num2str(Rc) ' ohms']);
disp(['Magnitizing Impedance = Zm = ' num2str(Zm) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate Reactance = X1 = ' num2str(X1) ' ohms'])
disp(['Stator Copper Losses = Pscl = ' num2str(P_scl) ' W']);
disp(['Rotational Losses = Prot = ' num2str(P_rot) ' W']);
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE_324_Q1_p4.m 2 of 2

%% Calculation from blocked rotor test

Vfl=VL_fl/sqrt(3); % Full load phase voltage
R2=(Pin_fl-3*I2*I2*R1)/(3*I2*I2); % Calculating R2 from copper losses
Zfl=Vfl/I2; % Full load equivalent impedence
PFfl=Pin_fl/(sqrt(3)*VL_fl*I2); % Full load power factor
angle_fl=acos(PFfl)*180/pi; % Full load Power factor Angle
Rfl=Zfl*PFfl; % Full load equivalent resistance
Xfl=Zfl*sin(acos(PFfl)); % Full load equivalent raectance
Zfl_c=Rfl+Xfl*j; % Full load impedence in complex form
X2=sqrt(Zfl*Zfl-(R1+R2)^2)-X1; % Calculation of X2

disp([' ']);
disp(['Full load calculations for trasformer equivalent circuit'])
disp(['Full laod Line Voltage = VLfl = ' num2str(VL_fl) ' V']);
disp(['Full load Phase Voltage = Vfl = ' num2str(Vfl) ' ohms'])
disp(['Full laod Current = I2 = ' num2str(I2) ' A']);
disp(['Full laod Impedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl) ' ohms']);
disp(['Full load Power = Pfl = ' num2str(Pin_fl) ' W'])
disp(['Full load Power factor = PFfl = ' num2str(PFfl) ' '])
disp(['Power factor angle = phi = ' num2str(angle_fl) ' degree']);
disp(['Full load Imedance = Zfl = ' num2str(Zfl_c) ' ohm']);
disp(['Rotor resistance = R2 = ' num2str(R2) ' ohms']);
disp(['Approximate X2 = X2 = ' num2str(X2) ' ohms'])
%% Calculation of thevenin equivalent circuit parameters
Vth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))*Vp; % calculating thevenin equivalent voltage
Rth=(Xm/(X1+Xm))^2*R1; % calculation of thevenin resistance
Xth=X1; % calculation of thevenin reactance
Ns=120*f/Poles; % calculation of synchronous frequency
ws=Ns*2*pi/60; % converting 'rpm' into 'rad/sec'
Tstart=(3*Vth^2*R2)/(ws*((Rth+R2)^2+(Xth+X2)^2)); % Caculating starting torque of motor
Smax=R2/sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2); % Slip for maximum torque
Tmax=(3*Vth^2)/(2*ws*(Rth+sqrt(Rth^2+(Xth+X2)^2))); % Calulating maximum torque
disp([' ']);
disp(['Thevenin Calculation from Induction motor equivalent cicuit'])
disp(['Thevenin Voltage = Vth = ' num2str(Vth) ' V'])
disp(['Thevenin Resistance = Rth = ' num2str(Rth) ' ohms'])
disp(['Thevenin Reactance = Xth = ' num2str(Xth) ' ohms'])
disp([' ']);
disp(['Calculation of starting and pull-out torque '])
disp(['Rated frequency = f = ' num2str(f) ' Hz'])
disp(['No. of poles = P = ' num2str(Poles) ' '])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ns = ' num2str(Ns) ' rpm'])
disp(['Synchronous speed = Ws = ' num2str(ws) ' rad/sec'])
disp(['Starting Torque, Tstart = Ts = ' num2str(Tstart) ' N.m'])
disp(['Slip for Tmax = Sm = ' num2str(Smax) ' '])
disp(['Maximum Torque, Tmax = Tm = ' num2str(Tmax) ' N.m'])
%% Plotting torque speed characteristics
for ii=1:1000

xlabel('Torque induced N.m');

ylabel('Rotor Speed(rpm)');
title('Torque speed curve of induction motor in plugging');
hold on;
grid on;
hold off;
2. Solutions starting from next pages
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syms V ke phi T R;
w = V/(ke*phi) - T*R/(ke*phi)^2;
hold on;
for r = [10 20 30]
fplot(subs(w, [V ke phi R], [220 10 20 r]), [0 40]);
hold off;
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syms T kf Rb R;
w = -T*(Rb+R) / kf;
hold on;
for r = [10 20 30]
fplot(subs(w, [kf Rb R], [50 r 10]), [-10 0]);
hold off;
28/2/22 3:30 AM D:\Software\MATLAB\bin\EE324_Q2_P3.m 1 of 1

syms V ke phi T R kt;

w = V/(ke*phi) - T*R/(ke*kt*phi^2);
hold on;
for v = [100 200 300]
fplot(subs(w, [V ke phi R kt], [v 10 20 1000 30]), [-10 0]);
hold off;
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syms V k phi T R;
w = -V/k - T*R/k^2;
hold on;
for r = [1000 2000 3000]
fplot(subs(w, [V k R], [220 10 r]), [-8 0]);
hold off;

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