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Instructions: Unrar and install the application.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED not to create 'native

image' while installing!!! Read Notes below.
Run \patch\sap2000_v22_kg.exe
A license file (lservrc) will be generated.
Copy both generated above license and applied
emulator (SentinelRMSCore.dll) to the folders:
<installdir> and <installdir>\CSiLicensing\
NOTE_0: allow program's access to the
internet otherwise program will not even
NOTE_1: 2 All, who used "Perform native image
generation ..." while installing, has also to
bla(depend on product)\
It is the same dll as in the \patch\ folder but
renamed from SentinelRMSCore.dll to
Strictly speaking it is not the same dll, but
generated by dot net ngen utility based on
original SentinelRMSCore.dll But for our case
it is suitable enough.
NOTE_2: do not use Windows Explorer for
replacing No chance to
do this with it. Use Total Commander (for
example) with turning on option for showing
hidden files.
NOTE_3: to activate SAPULC option, create text
file <installdir>\level.txt with one string:

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