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Kristine Escalante Asian Cuisine

BSHM 2E April 4, 2022



For the dough:

● 1 ½ cup of all purpose flour
● 2 T of cooking oil
● 1 T yeast
● Comstarch
● 1 cup of water
● 1 t of salt
For the filling:
● ½ cup Spring onion (minced)
● ½ cup Parsley (minced)
● cheese


● To make the dough, put all the dry ingredients in a bowl, you sift it if you want it
is optional. Then put the liquid ingredients, like the oil and water.
● Mix it well, until it forms into a lightly crumbed texture.
● Knead for at least 10 minutes until it becomes elastic and not sticky
● Oil a bowl then put the dough to rest.
● Put the minced spring onion and parsley in a bowl, then season it with salt and
pepper. You can add chili flakes if you want to, it’s optional.
● If the dough is already done, roll it into small dough then flatten,
● You can fill the dough with the mixture of spring onions and parsley or cheese.
● Cook it under low heat in a flat pan, then serve.

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