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2 marks

4 marks

Q3; Discuss the importance of chemistry in daily life?

Ans; Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry. Chemical reactions occur when you
breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. You are surrounded by materials and substances, all chemicals. Even your
body is made of chemicals. Some chemicals are toxic. Some causes cancer. Some chemicals are also beneficial.
Some can save lives. Many are useful. All matter is made of chemicals. So the importance of chemistry is that it
is the study of everything. Chemistry deals with everything. Better understanding of chemistry would make us to
control the uses of chemicals. So we could maximise their benefits and minimise the risk involved in their use.

4. Distinguish and compare the branches of chemistry.

Ans; *** Table ေခါင်းစ တပ်ပါ။ Table 1.1 ေြဖပါ။

Q5 (Ex3) How does the study of chemistry relate to other area of study in science?


Agriculture also uses chemistry in many areas. Chemistry is very important for the food and beverage industry
and medical industry. Chemistry has helped in establishing industries which manufacture utility goods, such as
acids, alkalis, soaps, detergents, dyes, polymers, metals, etc. These industries contribute in a big way to the
economy of a nation and generate employment.

Chemistry is also required for many fields of study. For example, courses in Pharmacy and Medicine require
applicants to have knowledge of chemistry; cutting-edge of today's digital technology requires knowledge on the
principles of chemistry.

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