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Week 8

Unit 16 Modal verbs: present and future


Must, don’t have to, had better, could, have to, can’t, have to, should, might, should


Had better give up, should be/get there by, I have to bring, must be, have to have/use, you are
unable to, can’t be, is bound to be, are to report, ought to know


I don’t believe it, She always is, It’s the rule, if you don’t want to, It’s only natural, It isn’t
allowed, It’s the rule, It’s not a good idea, I expect so, That’s my advice.


Might, might, must, can, can’t, might not, can’t, might, must, mustn’t


Helen must feel really lonely., You can’t/mustn’t park here., Harry should take a holiday.,
Brenda can’t be over thirty., Do I have to have a different driving licence for a motorbike?, What
do you think I should do?, Mary can stand on her head.,You don’t have to come with me if you
don’t want to., Anybody can/could break into this house!, The dentist will see you soon. He
shouldn’t be long.


2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2
Unit 11 Modals (1)


Doesn’t have to/hasn’t got to, mustn’t, will have to, has to/has got to, didn’t have to, must, do
you have to/have you got to, mustn’t, must/will have to, had to, have to/have got to, must, don’t
have to/haven’t got to


2F, 3E, 4D, 5A, 6H, 7C, 8B


Should have locked it, should have asked, shouldn’t have lied, should have revised


Worn his latest designer clothes, stand in the queue, carry his luggage, walk from the car park,
got angry with his driver


Needn’t/don’t need to/don’t have to phone me before you come

Must/need to buy a good dictionary

Shouldn’t have taken money from my purse without asking

Didn’t need to/didn’t have to drive to the station to pick up my sister

Should help me (to) do the washing-up

Mustn’t use their phones during classes

Needn’t have turned the music down

Shouldn’t make promises which she doesn’t keep

Don’t have to/don’t need to/needn’t give the tour guide a tip

Reading comprehension/84

1E, 2G, 3B, 4F, 5A, 6C

Grammar focus task/85

2. The first thing you must address is tiredness.

3. You should also take exercise regularly in the evenings.

4. it has to be vigorous.

5. Walking or tennis have to be kept up for at least an hour.

6. You should choose something you like doing.

7. You need to keep reminding yourself of the advantages.

8. You don’t need to behave in the same way.

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