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1. What is the title of the research?

The title is From knowledge sharing to quality performance: The role of absorptive
capacity, ambidexterity and innovation capability in creative industry
2. Who is/are the author/s and
The authors are Pebi Kurniawana, Wiwi Hartatia, Sari Laelatul Qodriaha and Badawi
3. What is the name of journal and volume?
The name of journal and volume is Management Science Letters 10 (2020) 433–442
4. What is the research design of the study?
The design of the study is, this study uses mixed methods, which is combined quantitative
and qualitative analysis. The quantitative data comes from primary data that is obtained
through questionnaire distributed to 150 creative industry actors in Yogyakarta, Pekalongan,
and Cirebon
5. What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between knowledge sharing,
absorptive capacity, ambidexterity, innovation capability and company's quality
6. What are the variables (keywords) of the study?
Keywords are:
Knowledge sharing
Absorptive Capacity
Innovation Capability
Quality Performance
7. Where is the research setting?
The research setting is in Indonesia, namely Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, and Cirebon
8. What are the research problems?
The development of creative industry is expected to strengthen future national economy.
The expectation is likely to be realized, since the data from Central Statistical Bureau (BPS)
and Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (IACE/BEKRAF) in 2017 shows that the
amount of growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in creative economy sector has
increased by an average of 10.14% every year. Therefore, quality performance becomes
very important for creative industry actors in order to maintain sustainable development.
This study explores how quality performance is formed in a company, start from knowledge
sharing, absorptive capacity, ambidexterity, and innovation capability
9. What are the population and sample of the study?
The population of this study includes three regions of creative industries in Indonesia,
namely Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, and Cirebon. Sample is obtained through questionnaire
distributed to 150 creative industry actors in Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, and Cirebon
10. What are the instruments of the study?
This instruments uses 5 variables which consist of 1 exogenous variable (knowledge
sharing) and 4 endogenous variables (absorptive capacity, ambidexterity, innovation
capability, and quality performance). And added through interviews in three regions.
11. What are the findings of the study?
From Table 5, it is known that knowledge sharing has positive and significant effect on
absorptive capacity with the P value <0.05, which is 0.000 and t statistic value of > 1.96
which is 13.769. This study also proves that knowledge sharing has a significant effect on
ambidexterity with the P value <0.05, which is 0.000 and t statistics value of > 1.96 which
is 4.641. Absorptive capacity has positive and significant effect on innovation capability
with the P value <0.05 which is 0.003 and t statistics value of >1.96 which is 3.008.
Ambidexterity is also proved to have positive and significant effect on innovation capability
with the p value <0.05 which is 0.000 and t statistic value > 1.96 which is 8.159. Innovation
capability is also proved to have positive and significant effect on the company’s quality
performance with the P value <0.05 which is 0.000 and t statistics value of >1.96 which is
12. What are the conclusions of the study?
The conclusions are :
1. Knowledge sharing has positive and significant effect on absorptive capacity.
2. Knowledge sharing has positive and significant effect on ambidexterity.
3. Absorptive capacity has positive and significant effect on innovation capability.
4. Ambidexterity has positive and significant effect on innovation capability.
5. Innovation capability has positive and significant effect on company’s quality
13. Please translate the abstract into Bahasa Indonesia.
Industri kreatif memiliki kontribusi yang tinggi terhadap perekonomian nasional. Beberapa
literatur menunjukkan bahwa industri kreatif tidak menyoroti beberapa aspek penting
seperti berbagi pengetahuan, kapasitas absorptif, dan ambidexterity. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara berbagi pengetahuan, kapasitas absorptif,
ambidexterity, kemampuan inovasi dan kinerja kualitas perusahaan. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode campuran dengan hasil studi empiris melalui distribusi kuesioner
kepada 150 pelaku bisnis di industri kreatif dan dikombinasikan dengan hasil wawancara
pengusaha industri kreatif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa berbagi pengetahuan memiliki
hubungan positif dan signifikan dengan kapasitas absorptif dan ambidexterity. Sedangkan
ambidexterity dan Kapasitas absorptif memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan dengan
kemampuan inovasi dan kemampuan inovasi memiliki hubungan yang positif dan
signifikan dengan kinerja kualitas perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat
membantu pelaku bisnis di industri kreatif meningkatkan kinerja kualitasnya melalui
peningkatan knowledge sharing, kapasitas absorptive, ambidexterity, dan kemampuan

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