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There are several points will be elaborated in this presentation

The first, Definition about STOICISM.

The second, How be stoic concept.
The third, what benefit of adopting stoic practice
So without any further ado, let’s begin to presentation with the first point,
Stoicism, also called Stoic which in Greek means porch or veranda. The Stoics are the name of
a school of philosophy from Greece in the early 3rd century BC, famous people who coined
such as Epictetus and Aurelius.
Simply stoic is way to be happens, in stoic we learn to distinguish between what we can control
and what we cannot. The things in our life that we can control, we should try to direct them to
the best possible outcome. What we cannot control, we must learn to accept. and Not knowing
the difference between these two things, this is the main source of human unhappiness.

Next point,

How be Stoic ?
The several things to be stoic.
1. Be kind ; Stoa always saw ability as an opportunity. just a smile or just say thankyou to
your friends, your teacher, or your parents, it's all kind, so always be kind
2. Be an eternal student ; Never take a day off from learning.
3. Say only what isn’t left unsaid ;
4. Don’t get disturbed and buy tranquillity instead ; Try to stay calm and focus in all
situations, don't waste your energy getting angry over things that no matter
5. Se the opportunity in challenging Situations. ; we don't stress or get nervous about
problems, look for opportunities from all situations.

Next point

What Benefits of Adopting a Stoic Practice?

there are benefits from applying the stoic concept is like;
1. You’ll care lesswhat people think
2. You’ll less time
3. You can remember whats in your control.
4. You’ll Stop being so distracted
5. You’ll stop being so anxious.
6. You’ll be more grateful
7. You’ll want less.

From all the questions and answer being stated before I will close the presentation
To conclude, (definition)

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