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Can I get infected with covid again if i was already sick?

There have been cases of people who, recovered from COVID-19, have tested positive again.
Although science only has hypotheses so far about reinfections, one thing is certain: everyone, even
those who have recovered, must maintain security measures to avoid contracting the virus.
Can I get infected from a person without symptoms?
The virus is most easily spread when an infected person has symptoms, but it is also possible to
spread the virus before there are symptoms. Therefore, it is best to keep your hands clean and not
touch your face.
What do you think about the health system in mexico with concern to covid 19?
Health personnel are all people involved in activities to improve health and understand those who
provide services. Also included are those who direct and organize the functioning of the health
system as managers, administrators or directors.
In caring for the COVID-19 pandemic, health personnel face many challenges, among which we
identified three as priorities: pandemonium, derived from the rapidity of the advance of the pandemic
and the initial chaos to respond to the emergency; the precariousness of the health system to
respond to a public health problem of great magnitude, and the paranoia derived from the social
response of fear in the face of the unknown.
Given all this, it is important to acknowledge and thank health personnel for their work in the face of
the COVID-19 pandemic.
How is covid 19 transmited?
Coronaviruses are transmitted from one infected person to others:
 Through the droplets that a patient expels when coughing and sneezing
 When touching or shaking the hand of a sick person,
 An object or surface contaminated with the virus and then put dirty hands to mouth, nose or
Avoid shaking hands, kissing or hugging
Avoid self-medicating
Avoid spitting
Avoid touching your face with dirty hands
Can I get infected with covid after getting vaccinated?
Immunity is not immediate. The mission of the vaccine to trick the immune system into developing the
antibodies that will protect it from the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a process that takes time. And that time
depends on the vaccine in question.
For example, for Pfizer / BioNtech, immunity starts eight days after the second dose while for
Moderna it occurs fourteen days after the second dose. In both cases, a single dose will not be
enough for there to be a result.
How do you rate the work of Andrés Manuel López obrador facing this pandemic? Explain.
The president's work has been an arduous one, he works to maintain the balance between caring for
the health of the population in Mexico and the recovery of the economy. However, unlike other
countries that have practically eradicated the disease and have regained considerable normality,
Mexico is far below them, so the president's governorship leaves us much to be desired.
New strategies that have worked in other countries should be applied to improve the situation in
which we find ourselves.
Spraying people with sanitizer reduces the spread of covid 19?
Spraying the whole body with alcohol or chlorine, does not serve to kill the viruses that have already
entered the body, these substances can damage the eyes, mouth, etc.
Am I at risk of serious complications from covid 19 if I smoke cigarretes?
Smokers are more vulnerable to COVID-19, as the act of smoking involves bringing fingers (and
cigarettes, which may be contaminated) to the lips, increasing the possibility of transmission of the
virus from hand to mouth. Smokers can also suffer from chronic lung disease or have decreased lung
capacity, greatly increasing the risk of serious disease.
In your opinion do you think that getting vaccinated is the solution to this pandemic?
No, the vaccine will be a beneficial measure, but it is far from being the definitive solution, all of them
can contribute to reducing the number of cases or their severity, but it will take time for these to be
the definitive solution. Currently they generate uncertainty in their effectiveness, in their conservation,
in their development, in the population to which they are directed, in their secondary effects.
But they must continue to investigate in all fields, in the transmission mechanisms, means of
diagnosis, sequelae and variants, research in curative and rehabilitative treatments, and also, very
importantly, in the close follow-up of patients and possible reinfections.

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