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Hello mrs.

how are you doing? I really admire your courage, you took the time to write this email to me.
When I read your message, my heart melted. You are a real woman, write an e-mail to my
request, in respectof major Ben Dosier, I was in the same situation, when I was a young
soldier, but your email took me back to the reality of the time, let me realize that I am a man.

Madam , I really want to help you, but I can't do it alone. American government deployed him,
and let him leave here no easy task, because his mission is has not ended.

In addition. major Ben Dosier is still very active, I really cannot guarantee this task.

The only solution is that major Ben Dosier to obtain leave certificate, so other soldiers could
replace him, from American or any other countries. This is the most secure way, but it will cost
you some money.

Give me the following information below, and after that, we can move to the next step:

1) rank of officer:

2)name on the uniform of officer

3)name of camp

4) officer platoon number

Madam i want you to know that this request you made is been given a limited time because
once i get soldier to replace major Ben Dosier,you have to act fast.
yours truly,

us military base Jalalabad and in Kandahar

which carries a maximum sentence of up to life in prison. Desertion carries a maximum of five
years. Bergdahl could also face a dishonorable discharge, reduction in rank and forfeiture of all
his pay if convicted.

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