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In the past centuries, the ancestors of every mankind used to go for a war to solve conflicts between

countries. It is embedded in their minds that the only solution to win against other nation is to defeat them
through declaring war and kill lives. But in the current time, war is something that people feared the most
for it is considered as a deadly calamity and a social disaster, for it does not only afflicted a single place
but it affects the state of humanity as a whole.

As of the current situation, the alarming siege between Russia and Ukraine has been a controversial topic
not only in the Philippines but all over the world. And as a nation that is also deeply affected by the issue,
the stand of the Philippines particularly its leader was awaited. The decision of the President “Rodrigo
Roa Duterte”, which is to maintain ‘neutral’ and refused to take sides is a decision I solely agree.

As a concern citizen who earns to live in peace and prosperity, the president’s resoluteness is something
that I concede and should also be corresponded by others. Why? First and foremost, as to what the
president stated on his speech “It is not our fight so we shouldn’t interfere”. If he would choose to take
sides, there is a paramount chance that our nation would be part of the discordance and it would also
cause conflict among the placid relationship of the two nations.

Aside from that, the possible effects of war include long-term physical and psychological damage not
only to adults but also the children. Killing and injuries might occur which is totally an abuse to the
victim’s human rights. It destroys families, restrict access to agricultural land and basic needs of the
mankind. The lives of the children will be deeply affected particularly its future. It can also cause
disorder like post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) and drives anxiety, terror, pain, grief and the most-
timid of them all- death.

Peace and security is a vital factor of a human life. Where war damage and destroys all the possible things
we possessed, peace creates, enhances, consolidate and resuscitate. And If we do have the privilege to
maintain peace and tranquility for the security of the humanity in the face of the troubles, why choose
war? If we can choose between solve the chaos by the means of declaring warfare or to fix it in the right
manner, why not choose the latter? After all, decision is something that makes our actions. If we choose
war, death and all are the things it only brings but if we choose to go in the line of calm and collected, we
can convey nobility, lead a significant sense of sanctification to the humanity and could give a great
hereafter of the mankind.

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