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Kate Aguinaldo 11-2


Good morning to everyone presents today. I feel humbled that I was allowed to give a
speech on success. I hope everyone learns new things and your definition of success changes.
So, what is success? And why is everyone running after it? We live in a period where
everyone wants to be successful. They want to accomplish something in their lives. It could be to
get the dream job or to do well in school. The point which I want to prove is that the definition of
success changes from one person to another. The person sitting next to you will have a
completely different view of success compared to you, so there is no definite definition of
success for everyone around the world.
But success could be simply defined as the satisfaction one gets after accomplishing
their goals. Let us take the example of the students sitting here. We all know that every student in
school aspires and aims to be successful in school. Academic success and good grades are two of
their aspirations. They need to do it to achieve their goals and be successful in life.
Students, let me tell you, the road to success is not easy. If it was easy, everyone would
have been successful. Success is also not achieved in a day or a night. It is a long, steady process
that requires hard work, commitment, and sacrifice.
The next important thing that one should have to be successful in life, is a firm
blueprint to accomplish your goals. Students should plan accordingly to reach their goals and
accomplish wonders. Blueprint is required and the first step in making a blueprint is to invest
your time in your goals which could be done by preparing a good timetable. Students as we all
know; lost money could be earned back in the future but the time lost cannot be gained back.
Time is the most valuable asset in anyone’s life, and it is very important to figure out how to
invest it and with whom we should invest it. Investing your time to develop a new skill and
cultivate it in the future is what most successful people do. You might have heard about Elon
Musk. He is the world’s richest person, and people think he is the richest because he has money.
The answer is no, he is the richest because of the goals he has accomplished throughout his life.
20 years ago, he invested his time in learning new skills and inventing new things, and the time
he invested back then has given him the status of the world's richest man today. All I want to say
to all the students present here is that they do dream about a good life, do dream about a goal or a
job that will settle you, but it is also required that you work on that, you have to water it every
day so that it will yield you the success you want in the future.
Students let me tell you that the amount of success a person achieves is directly related
to the number of things that person has sacrificed in life. I want you all to understand this
concept of sacrifice because it is required for you to become successful. I truly believe that if you
are not ready to sacrifice the things that are dearest to your heart, you won’t achieve anything in
life. I don’t mean that sacrificing things such as not even food or playing, those activities are
Kate Aguinaldo 11-2

required for the proper functioning of your brain. Not playing video games or watching
television is the sacrifice you have to make if you want to get good grades in school. You can do
fun activities when you are free and not when your examinations are approaching. It is very
important to invest your time in studying when needed.
Success is directly proportional to the amount of hard work and the time you have
invested in achieving that goal. Hard work here to work physically which makes you tired but it
just means that you have to prioritize important things that will make you successful and work
towards it. Next is failure, Failure is the most important step in achieving your goals. Many of us
fear as we think that it will not make us successful but sometimes failing is important as it helps
in determining your path. Imagine what would have happened if Thomas Edison hesitated while
he worked on discovering light? the world would have still been dark. Don’t fear failure, face it
as it will help in achieving success.
To conclude this speech, I want to say that Success plays an important role in a
person’s life. It is very important to be successful if you want to be recognized by the world but
keep in mind that success is not the final stage of your life, it won’t solve all of your problems.
We often hear that many people take success too seriously and have mental health issues like
anxiety and depression. Having a goal in your mind and working towards it is very important but
it does not mean being too serious about it. Work on the process of becoming successful rather
than running after it. Spend time with your family and friends while you are working on your
goals and please enjoy life and be successful with time. Success will come to you if you have
invested your time in it.

Thank you.

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