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1.1 Introduction:

The age we are passing through is the age of science and technology. It has a lot of
influence in every aspect of life, even that believes and thoughts of the people have been
changing. In this age it is quite clear that no country can progress without utilization of
knowledge of science and technology. The progress of a country depends upon the better use and
understanding of scientific research. The developed countries have conquered the universe due to
research in science and technology. The luxuries and necessities of life are all by virtue of
science, on the other hand, the main reason of retardation in underdeveloped countries is due to
their less attention towards information technology and scientific field.

Advancement of Information Technology has resulted in number of good opportunities,

techniques and strategies in education field. (Hill, 1999) Main key to human advancement and
progress is unanimously considered by many scientists and an educationist is combination of
education and information technology. In the modern age, it is necessary for an educator to keep
pace with use of technology and to have deep and through understanding of impacts of this
advancing information technology on education. In recent decades, development of this
technology has given the infrastructure for noticeable and significant change in society and
education. Now in our society manipulation of knowledge has become the pivotal issue to deal
with. (Smart, 1992; Wresch, 1996)

In the I.T curriculum, one of the objectives is to develop encouragement among learner to regard
computer a basic tool in all educational fields. To communicate different ideas, interpret projects
and necessary information in a well organize way, use of multimedia technologies is the need of
the present age. In the general education system role of information technology is evident but in
the special education system this technology has brought a drastic and fruitful change as disable
children are greatly benefited by different types of software and techniques which facilitate them
in their educational activities.

“Wikipedia describes the people grown up with digital technologies like cell phone, computers,
and internet as digital natives”. Now- a- days technology is not limited to only class rooms. It is

extended well beyond the classrooms and fulfills educational requirements of learners in the far
off places who face inaccessibility, disable learners and provides home schooling with more
opportunities for acquiring knowledge. Students and teachers have easy access to every part of
world and every kind of knowledge through internet connection.

Technological development history has proved that there are strong links between industrial
innovations and communication with well improved educational methodology. The development
of communication technology in education at all levels with a purpose of extending educational
facilities and up-grading instruction are highly appropriated. This growth in information and
technology has led to a new subject called “Information Technology”. Technology is the
relationship between people, the information they need and use, and the computer technology
that processes the information.

There has been a rapid development all over the world in recent years in all fields of life. The
development communication technology in education at all levels with a purpose of extending
educational facilities and upgrading instruction are highly appropriated. Information technology
has brought great benefits and created many problems. It has caused the demise of many
different types of industries and created dozen new ones. Some of the effects if the technologies
are described below:

Word processors, accounting programs, databases and spreads sheet have caused massive
reorganization of offices and office procedures. They have created jobs in some areas and caused
loss of jobs in others. The printing and newspaper industries have been changed forever by the
introduction of electronic communication systems which provide a constant flow of news from
overseas. Design, drafting and manufacturing processes have been greatly advanced by the
introduction of computer aided design manufacturing.

Educational methods have changed due to technology. Education needs to change to reflect what
the job market requires. Information Technology has been especially useful for the disabled. A
number of processes and products have been developed to assist the blind, the deaf and the
physically and mentally handicapped. Many of these have been to do with communication. As
technology advances, many new ideas are being used in the diagnosis and treatment of problems
to enhance mobility.

We are living in a computer age where speed and accuracy have become the most important
factors in the world of competition. A computer plays a very vital role in teaching computers,
teaches the students and guides them, according to their abilities. The concepts that are complex
and abstract in nature can be taught with the help of computer. Computers will have significant
effects on curriculum development as well computer assisted instructions and information is
potentially useful in all areas of study. Computer applications are especially useful in computing
mathematics, geography, art, music, physical education, technology and science teaching.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

“Impact of information Technology on Education system”

1.3 Objective of the Study

 To analyze the role of information technology in practical learning

 To improve the teaching and learning process with the help of information technology

1.4 Hypothesis

 There is no significance difference between information technology and practical

 There is no significant difference between information technology and teaching learning
process regarding student’s achievement.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study was help to interpret the actual purpose of Information Technology in Education
system. This study was important for

 students
 teachers
 parents
 university administration
 curriculum developers

The students of information technology will be more benefited as they are much aware of using
technological devices to enhance their learning performance. This study also benefited for

teacher and professors who also considered this study, for they will be more aware to the
importance of these technological devices to enhance their performance in teaching. To the
future generation of students in the field of information technology. To motivate them how to use
technological devices to fully determined and reached their own skills and to contribute to the
world of information technology.

1.6 Method and Procedures

The study was descriptive in nature based on survey design. Descriptive research intended to
produce statistical information.

1.7 Population of Study

Population of study included the whole students of GCWUF. There were 26 academic
departments. Researcher selected randomly 4 departments Education, Computer Science,
Mathematics and Zoology. Sample was comprised on 100 respondents.

Table 1

1.8 Detail of Sample

Description Student Population

Number of University 1

Number of Department 4

Number of Students in Education 25

Number of Students in Mathematics 25

Number of Students in Computer Science 25

Number of students in Zoology 25

1.9 Sampling Technique

Simple random sampling technique was used to select sample of hundred students from
Government College Women Universities of Faisalabad.



2.1 Background

The word “information technology” comprises two words “Information”, means that sign or
symbol, verbal, written or pictorial from a specific source or specific source to a specific receive
by means of any one or through any media.

The word “technology” has been derived from the Greek words “techne” and “logic” the former
means an art or craft and the latter means systematic thought or reasoning means systematic
study. Technology is a manmade device, a process or a logical technique designed to produce a
reproducible effect. Technological innovations have brought in a machines and new techniques
to modern societies. The introduction of new media has necessitated improvement in
instructional methods for better cost effectiveness value of educational programs.

According to UNESCO (1978.pp -10) the concept of educational technology has passed through
three stages of development. 1967 referred to as audio-video aids. Till 1975, it was known as
methods, materials and techniques. By 1978, it was termed as systems analysis. Thus managers
of educational technology moved from technicians to specialists and then to groups. At the first
stage, the objectives were restricted to technical and practical skills. At the second stage, these
were limited to optimization of the teaching and learning process through media, and at the third
stage, to new attitudes and approaches.

To determine the impact of information technology on educational performance in different

settings many empirical and theoretical efforts have been made. Relation between input and its
impacts are evaluated by indicators. During evaluation it is made sure to consider various stages
of implementation procedure and at all levels of school system culture, changes are analyzed. For
the educational use of information technology at national and institutional level various
regulations and educational polices have been formulated. In school to harness the information
technology in best way strategies have been constructed supports their teaching and student,

success. But problem of time it is remain unidentifiable to measure the direct impacts of
information technology use in education. (Kang et al, 2008)

Currently, a good number of initiatives have been taken to find out and monitor the efficient use
of information technology in education system. Exemplary study which explains and identifies
the education use of information technology is SITES (the second Information Technology in
educational Study) and IEA (International association for the Evaluation of education
Achievement) is it sponsor. Across the 26 countries this study determines the use of computers in
teaching, through teachers but it does not consider. Information Technology impacts on students
from the teacher’s perspectives. (Pelgrum and Anderson, 1999; Kozma, 2003).

Educational outcomes and learning quality is improved by the use of information technology
(Yousaf, Shaheeda et al, 2007). By implementation of robust and effective information
technology polices, educational system of a country improves to significant extent
( Iqbal and Ahmad,2010; Hameed, 2006; Khan and Shah, 2004 ).

Instead of clear role of information technology in augmenting student’s computer skills,

technology enhanced learning (TEL) role is controversial. Factors like socioeconomic
background and school characteristics are considered while accessing the positive impact of
Information technology use. (becta 2002, and Kulik 2003)

In the contemporary educational policy, regarding learning and teaching the role of technology is
becoming one of the important and widely discussed issues. (Thierer 2000), In educational field
experts unanimously agreed that proper use of communication technology not only improves
teaching and learning abilities but also shapes work force opportunities, Now computer illiteracy
is considered as new illiteracy.(poole 1995)

2.2 Types of Information

There are different types of information that we need to keep one basic form is the written word.
This is required for letters, report, essays, literature, advertising and so on. There are millions of
different examples of information being stored in words.

Some information is in the form of data or small pieces of information about things or people.
Some information is best recorded in the form of numbers, e.g. financial or scientific data. Other

information is in the form of pictures or graphics with the advancement in science and
technology, civilized societies adopted new skills, which had become more and more complex
over a period of time. The formal education system shifted towards structured knowledge aspect
of education. The present education system is utilizing more of audio and video technology for
communication. Children are passive learners and are becoming auto learners [(self-learning)]
(Anand, R., 1982).

The child is motivated is forced to a set pattern of thinking and learning. There is a
decrease in interpersonal communication.

2.2 (a) Print Media

The print media has laid a strong foundation with emphasis on cognitive aspect. Yet, it retained
partially an element of effective domain. The same ideas are effectively communicated
simultaneously to a large group of people. Either stories or facts (historical and contemporary
make people think and work imaginatively. Elders told children stories. Showing pictures
stimulated children to sympathize feelings and emotion. Their exposure inculcated values and
transformed the values to behavioral patterns in children.

With the advancement in technology there is a shift of emphasis from print media to the
electronic media has created a sort of passivity in people. This exposure and experience affect
the child. They also play a role in the formation of personality at later stages. This media also
acts as stimulator to the children’s behavioral response. This one way audio-visual imaginary
created passivity in people.

2.2 (b) Radio

Radio is a powerful mass medium used in education for disseminating information, imparting
instruction and giving entertainment. Radio has the power to bring the world to the classroom
and program could be presented as textbooks on the air. (Syed, M.H. (2006). Mass Media and

The importance of radio in these days of education technology can hardly be over stressed. It is a
powerful audio-aid. Pupils of remote places have been benefited by Radio lesson lectures by
educationist are broad castled for imparting useful information. The headmistress and concerned

teachers must have beforehand information about such lesson programmers. There are two types
of radio broad casts.

1. Ordinary broadcasts knowledge of general incidents and situations is given through

ordinary broadcasts.
2. Educational broadcasts:

Such broad casts are especially designed for pupils in the form of radio—lesson to achieve
teaching objectives. [(Educational Technology; A Basic Text New Dehli pp (78-93)]

2.2 (c) Record Players

The oldest form of record player was the hand operated gramophones. It played discs. The
electric version was used to play discs, which taught correct pronunciation of languages
linguaphone records. English teachers still use these records in their day to day teaching. At
times, records are also available about sound effects. Teachers can suitably use these records in
various teaching learning situations. Record of speeches of leaders can be well integrated with
classroom teaching activities. [Dr. Muhammad Rashid pp.99]

2.2 (d) Tape Recorder

Tape recorder is an instrument used to record voice. It has a magnetic tape on which the voice is
recorded. Its great benefit is that tape can be washed and recorded in it with the help of magnetic
tape. The students can re-listen this recorded lesson after the class. It is not costly. Recorded
program or lesson can easily be replaced on another cassette and can be repeated.It is possible
for teacher and pupil to hear them. It is best for self-evaluation. Pre-recorded tapes are available
commercially [Dr. Muhammad Rashid PP (363-368)]

2.2 (e) Television

Television can be a powerful teacher. Television program stimulate visit to the zoo, libraries,
bookstores, museums and other active recreational setting, and educational videos can certainly
serve as powerful teaching devices. Through television programs the audiences not only hear but
also see as event taking place. Television is both audio and visual. It is fast becoming an integral
part of education.

Invention of television has brought a great revolution in the means for effective
education. It is powerful medium of communication through auditory as well as visual channels.
It helps the student to listen directly see the lesson on the television screen, ensuring teaching
learning to be durable and everlasting. It has been greatly used in developed and industrialized
countries of the world for education and other purposes. It holds fascinating opportunities for the
world of education. In this era of constant change, it has opened new vistas for instructional
media to meet the problem of shortage of school facilities forever growing school population.

Utility and importance of television can be seen in various ways. Television teaching provides
greater equality of opportunities of receiving education for all pupils. It also creates initiative and
inquisitiveness in students. Television programs prove helpful in upgrading the curriculum and
enriching the educational programs easily and economically. Television has played perhaps the
greatest role in promoting international understanding.

Recently all over the world a great emphasis has been laid on education in international
understanding. Television teaching can contribute a great deal in promoting general education
like Art, Humanities, Science, Music, Agriculture, Health Education, Home Administration etc.
(Das, R.C. 1993 PP 94-117)

2.2 (f) Computer:

Computer is an electronic device operating under control of instruction stored in its own
memory. It is now also used for instructional purposes. It helps the today’s teacher in several
ways. It can work in impressive speed. It can follow long and complicated procedures. It can
store vast amount of data or information. It can provide an output of its work in several ways.
Computers are also capable of printing out information.

Computers are composed of switches, wires, motors, transistors and integrated

circuits assembled on frames. The frames from components such as type writer, line printers,
card reader and punches, magnetic tape drivers, and central processing units. The components
are wired together into a new work called computing system.

According to USASI:

“Computer means a device capable of solving problems by accepting data, performing described
operations on the data and supplying the result of these operations.”Computer can be used to
develop the creativity of students rapidly and to infuse in them the ability to solve problems.
They can work as additional teaching equipment in the Laboratory and has other practical
applications too. The can help in imparting education to handicapped children such as the deaf
and the dumb. The use of computers has been increasing rapidly in Pakistan. These days
Universities have opened separate computer departments. In addition to train people, computers
are also used for reseat work. The result in the board examinations are being prepared these days
by computer.

According to Brookner there are two methods of teaching by computer.

Students remain active when teaching is imparted through computer. Computer can be used
effectively as compulsory teaching aids. The following facts will throw light on the uses of
computer. Computer controlled teaching guides the teacher in implementing his instructional
technology. The teacher has in depended on the hardware and study material.

Generally students cannot keep contact in line with the computer process and the task need not
be completed within a prescribed time limit. Teaching material is not stored.
Computers are being used in teaching methods and educational institutions for solving teaching
problems. Much high quality professionally produced information already, exists and is on the
increase, relevant for research, education, business and entertainment. (Library Information
Technology in modern ERA Dr. H.S. Chopra PP 22to 25

2.2 (g) Internet

The internet has a significant potential for providing children and youth with access to
educational information, and can be compared with a huge home library. Regardless of gender,
race, age, geographic location, language or any disability, internet gives an equal chance to all to
progress in the field of education. (Weerasinghe, Thianjala (2009) “Don’t be a bookworm”)

Education is one of the best things that the internet can provide. There are number of
books, reference book, online help centre’s, expert’s views and other study oriented material on

the internet. There are lots and lots of websites which are related to different topics. With the use
of internet for education, you are non-longer dependent on some other personto come and teach
you. There can’t be any excellent use of the internet other than education as it is the key to
achieve everything in life.

Many efforts are to be made so that the academic instructions can also take part in the internet.
Special concessions may be thought for Pakistan academic environment to establish a strong user
base for internet and take part in the information technology and be active member of the
information society. Internet in library is like “wealth in the mirror” which can be only seen and
cannot be used or accessed let us think about the strategies for getting into the internet. “The
Information Super Highway”.

No doubt the use of all electronic aids such as video, TV, teleconferencing, cable television,
satellite television, computer networking and internet in education come under the category of
expensive media but it appears pleasant effect in the learning approach of the students.

2.2 (h) Impact of Mobile Devices in Education

The advent of mobile devices has changed the learning methods of students. Students store all
their notes in mobiles and study from it because it’s easy and convenient. The researches can
effectively use mobile services to get accurate data, clarify the data and make thesis more

2.3 Information Technology is used to enable

 Communication, interaction, and collaboration

 Computation, visualization, simulation and data modeling
 Instructional, tutoring, and monitoring
 Gathering and filtering of data, consolidation of information, and derivation of
 Combinations of the above instantiated as multimedia applications

2.4 The ability of Information Technology

 Provide access to worldwide resources

 Facilitate the accumulation, generation, and presentation of data
 Provide tools for analysis and modeling of more deeper and more realistic examples in a
short time
 Enable inquiry and extend the human capability to visualize, organize, and analyze data
 Provide immediate feedback to the students, either from the technology itself or the
facilitator/ instructor.

2.5 Effective use of information technology for students

 Stimulate students and engage them with the material, such as role playing simulations
 Illustrate the working of complex systems by exploring cause and effect relationship, or
demonstrate microscope, molecular, or hypothetical scenarios
 Encourage collaboration with other individuals, teams, or institutions to coordinate a
group effort while exposing students to different ideas and perspective (e.g., electronic
mail for communicating with classmates or instructors.)
 Foster development of critical thinking skills, visualization, and conceptualization,
integration of disparate data and resolution of patterns within data.
 Utilize the World Wide Web for research, advertising, and posting material.

2.6 Identification of effective learning materials

 The identification and rejection of bad products is much more obvious than
differentiating between good and very good products.
 Web site “traffic” number of product downloads; content and volume of feedback to the
author can all provide indications of a product’s merits.
 The technology is appropriate and applicable to the problem or concept being addressed.
 The ease of use, compatibility, expendability, adaptability, and authoring development
support of the technology should also consider.

2.7 Issues in the use of Information Technology

 There is more research needed on how people learn, certainly from I.T., but also from
each other, and how these systems really compare to the traditional methods that some
argue are inadequate.
 Increased research is required into the effectiveness of I.T. in the classroom.
 How I.T is enhanced learning different than other learning programs? And, if such
enhancements are demonstrably better, how can these benefits be communicated to other
faculty, institutions, a particular discipline, or as a requirement for a given course.
 Any set of perspective recommendations will depend upon the intended user group and
the breadth of that group--- as across an institution, a particular discipline, or as a
requirement for a given course.
 A three to four year process in implementation and dissemination may be too slow to
make the best use of whatever information technology is available.
 A card of developers and user must be sustained, and coordinated between institutions,
publishers should help to find and define an “Author pool”.
 For innovations to “survive”, it will require a more concerted effort by professional
societies, journals, and the support of agencies such as the “National Science
 Performance, quality control, and standards for information technology developers
deserve further attention.
 The specific economics benefits and profitability of information technology enhanced
teaching and learning have to be presented to faculty, academic institutions, and industry



3.1 Introduction

. This chapter discusses research methodology while mentioning population, sample, research
instrument and procedure of study. Quantitative data were collected with the help of
questionnaire on the format of 5 rating scale. The combination of all these components leads the
result upon which conclusions will be made. Therefore, research methodology provides a
framework under which the study is conducted.

3.2 Nature of Study

This study was descriptive study in nature. A descriptive research is a type of method that is used
when he wants to get information on the current status of person or an object.

3.2.1 Descriptive Research

Descriptive Research involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions
concerning the current status of the subject of study. Descriptive studies attempt to describe
things as they currently are but it does not make any effort to control variables. Typical
descriptive studies are concerned with the assessment of attitude, opinions, demographic
information, condition and procedures. Descriptive data are usually collected through

3.3 Sources of Data Collection

The data were collected through questionnaire

3.4 Population of Study

Description Student Population

Number of University 1

Number of Students in GCWUF 12000

Sample of Students 100

3.5 Sample of Study

A sample is a small proportion of a population selected by specific procedures for observation

and analysis. The characteristics of a sample represents the characteristics of population from
which is drawn

3.6 Sampling

Sampling is a process selecting a number of individual for a study in such a way that the
individuals represent the large group from which they were selected.

3.7 Target Population

Description Students Population Sample Size

Number of Universities 1 12000

Number of Selected Departments 4 100

Total Number of Students of Education 322 25

Total Number of Students of Computer 450 25


Total Number of Students of Mathematics 400 25

Total Number of students of Zoology 255 25

Total Sample Size 12,200

3.8 Research Instrument

Data collection of research instrument was developed by the research herself. They were
presented to the expert in the area of education for validation. To check the reliability of
instrument statistical inferential test was conducted. One research instrument was used on the
format of 5 rating scale. There were 5 expert opinions under which this instrument were made.
Questionnaires on the format of 5 rating scale about the title of IMPACT OF INFORMATION
TECHNOLOGY ON EDUCATION SYSTEM were done under the opinions of expert.

3.9 Data Collection

Questionnaires were used to collect data for present study. Data were collected by researcher in

3.10 Data Analysis

Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS. Data was analyzed through descriptive and
inferential statistics. Quantitative data were coded manually organized and analyzed using
percentage and frequency. The results were presented in tabulated from easy interpretation after
the data has been completely analyzed; its results have to be properly interpreted. That
interpretation of results is the most meaningful to the organization.



Analysis and interpretation of data are the most important steps in scientific research without
these steps generalization and prediction cannot be achieved which is the target of all scientific
research. This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data. This chapter deals with the
background information about the respondents their parents education and occupation and
monthly income etc. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) use as the tool of research for
data analysis.

Table 1

Informational Technology improves learning abilities of the students.

Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 84 1.7347 .55419

Disagree 16 1.5985 .64569

Total no. 100 1.6967 .60030

Table 1 show that total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 84 students prefer that informational technology improve

learning abilities of the student.16 students denied the statement. The mean value is 1.6967 and

SD value is .60030.

Table 2

Informational Technology provides practical learning for the students.

Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 78 1.3500 .48936

Disagree 12 1.3333 .51640

Total no 100 1.3467 .47911

Table 2 show that total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 78 students prefer that information technology provides

practical learning for the students.12 students denied the statement. The mean value is 1.3467

and SD value is .47911.

Table 3

With the help of Informational Technology teachers can improve their professional skills.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 80 2.0711 .84515

Disagree 20 2.0000 1.41421

Total no 100 2.0000 .83827

Table 3 Show that total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 80 students prefer that with the help of informational

technology teachers can improve their professional skills .20 students denied the statement. The
mean value is 2.0000 and SD value is .83827.

Table 4

Interaction between teachers and students becomes better after using Informational
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 74 1.6364 .70984

Disagree 26 1.7500 .88641

Total no 100 1.7600 .73227

Table 4 Show that total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 74 students prefer that interaction between teacher and
students become better after using Information Technology.26 students denied the statement.
The mean value is 1.7600 and SD value is .73227.

Table 5
Information Technology prepares students for global market.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 45 2.0732 1.03954

Disagree 55 1.0000 .84824

Total no 100 1.9733 .92959

Table 5 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 45 students prefer that informational technology prepares
students for global market.55 students denied the statement. The mean value is 1.9733 and SD
value is .92959.

Table 6

Uses of Information Technology improve students’ performance.

Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 79 1.6585 .52961

Disagree 21 1.3333 .57735

Total no 100 1.6133 .59031

Table 6 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 79 students prefer that uses of information technology

improve student performance.21 denied the statement. The mean value is 1.6133 and SD value is


Table 7
Information Technology makes learning more effective.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 68 1.7568 .68874

Disagree 32 1.5000 .70711

Total no 100 1.8000 .73521

Table 7 Show that Total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 68 students prefer that information technology make learning
more effective .32 were disagree with this statement. The mean value is 1.8000 and SD value
is .73521.

Table 8
IT enables academic staff to use internet.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 35 2.1111 .86023

Disagree 65 2.2000 .44721

Total no 100 2.3200 .96086

Table 8 Show that total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 35 students prefer that IT enables academic staff to use
internet.65 were disagreed the statement. The mean value is 1.6667 and SD value is .60030.

Table 9
Internet is necessary for studies in classrooms.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 95 1.9302 .68799

Disagree 05 1.0000 .95743

Total no 100 1.9302 .84747

Table 9 Show that total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 95 students prefer that internet is necessary for studies in
classrooms .05 were disagreed with this statement. The mean value is 1.8933 and SD value
is .84747.

Table 10
Information Technology improves student’s grade.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 69 1.6667 .48507

Disagree 31 1.9286 1.34519

Total no 100 1.8400 .82265

Table 10 Show that total numbers of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 69 students prefer that information technology improve

student grade. .31 denied the statement. The mean value is 1.8400 and SD value is .82265.

Table 11
Use of computer effect classroom climate and student attitude
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 75 2.1667 .88115

Disagree 25 2.0000 1.41423

Total no 100 2.1333 .89039

Table 11 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 75 students prefer that use of computer effect classroom
climate and student attitude. 25 were disagreed with this statement. The mean value is 2.1667
and SD value is .89039.

Table 12
Use of IT is very helpful for disable students in their learning.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 45 1.5854 .54611

Disagree 55 1.6667 .54006

Total no 100 1.6133 .54260

Table 12 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 45 students prefer that use of IT is very helpful for disable
students in their learning .55 person disagreed with this statement. The mean value is 1.6133 and
SD value is .54260.

Table 13
IT enables different type of institution to b a part of digital world.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 80 1.4524 .50376

Disagree 20 1.6000 .54772

Total no 100 1.4800 .57797

Table 13 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and
masters as well as M.Phil Students. 80 students prefer that IT enables type of institution to be
parts of digital world.20 were disagreed with this statement. The mean value is 1.4800 and SD
value is .57797.

Table 14
The world has become a global village due to IT.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 89 1.7347 .56919

Disagree 11 1.5385 .64689

Total no 100 1.6667 .60030

Table 14 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 89 students prefer that the world has become a global village

due to IT.11 denied the statement. The mean value is 1.6667 and SD value is .60030.

Table 15
Students exchange their knowledge through E-mail.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 25 2.0213 1.01058

Dis Agree 75 1.6667 .51640

Total no 100 2.0533 1.08918

Table 15 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 60 students prefer that students exchange their knowledge

through E-mail. 40 were disagreed with the statement. The mean value is 2.0533 and SD value is


Table 16
Internet is a source of huge information for student.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 80 2.0714 .74322

Disagree 20 1.7333 .83478

Total no 100 2.0800 .78431

Table 16 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 15 students agree that internet is a source of huge

information for students. 85 were disagreed with this statement. The mean value is 2.0800 and

SD value is .78431.

Table 17
Social networking is a way of building online communities.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 86 1.7347 .56919

Disagree 14 1.5385 .64689

Total no 100 1.6667 .60030

Table 17 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 14 students prefer that social networking is ways of building

online cmmunities.85 are denied the statement. The mean value is 1.6667 and SD value

is .60030.

Table 18
Internet encourages students to conduct independent research.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 61 1.6538 .48516

Disagree 39 1.5000 .50553

Total no 100 1.5467 .50117

Table 18 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 39 students prefer that internet encourages students to

conduct independent research. 61 were disagreed with this statement. The mean value is 1.5467

and SD value is .50117.

Table 19
Computer software helps in better presentation of information.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 70 1.9545 .48573

Disagree 30 1.5000 .57735

Total no 100 1.7067 .56409

Table 19 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 45 students prefer that computer software helps in better

presentation of information. 55 were disagreed with this statement. The mean value is 1.7067

and SD value is .56409.

Table 20

I can know about everything on internet quickly.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 70 1.7347 .56919

Disagree 30 1.5385 .64689

Total no 100 1.6667 .60030

Table 20 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 23 students prefer that I can know about everything on

internet quickly. 77 were disagreed from the statement. The mean value is 1.6667 and SD value

is .60030.

Table 21
Computer has become an integral part of teaching learning process.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 77 1.7960 .58749

Disagree 23 1.5120 .66734

Total no 100 1.8965 .76349

Table 21 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 77 students prefer that computer has become an integral part

of teaching learning process.23 were disagree with this statement. The mean value is 1.8965 and

SD value is .76349.

Table 22

Information can be transferred with the help of technological devices.
Respondents N Mean SD

Agree 65 1.6654 .61233

Disagree 35 1.5135 .54736

Total no 100 1.6754 .66547

Table 22 Show that total number of respondents are 100. Included the students of bachelors and

masters as well as M.Phil Students. 55 students prefer that Information can be transferred fastly

with the help of technological device. 45 were disagreed with this statement. The mean value is

1.6754 and SD value is .66547. CHAPTER-5


5.1 Summary of Study

The purpose of present study was to determine the Impact of Information Technology in
Education system, how this technology is helpful for the students as well as for the teachers in
the new millennium.

Related literature was reviewed with a great effort to collect the relevant material to determine
the impacts of information technology in education. For the purpose sample adequate for the
mentioned purpose was carefully selected. To collect the information from the students a
comprehensive questionnaire consisting of 22 items was made, responses of students of different
departments of Government College of Women University collected very carefully. After
collecting these responses, data was tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis like regression
and inferential test to assess the actual role on Information Technology in Education

5.2 Results

 This study examines the impact of information technology on education system. Results
show that information technology is necessary for effective learning.
 Information Technology improves learning abilities of the students. 84 percent
respondents were agreed of this statement.
 Information Technology provides practical learning for students. 12 percent respondents
were disagreed of this statement.
 With the help of information Technology teachers can improve their professional skills.
80 percent respondents were agreed of this statement.
 Interaction between teacher and students becomes better after using information
technology .26 percent respondents were disagreed of this statement.
 Information Technology prepares students for global market. 45 percent respondents
were agreed of this statement.
 Information Technology makes learning more effective.32 percent respondents were
disagreed of this statement.
 Information Technology enables academic staff to use internet. 65 percent respondents
were disagreed of this statement.

 Internet is necessary for studies in classroom 95 percent students were agreed of this
 Information technology improve student’s grade. 31 percent respondents were disagreed
of this statement
 Use of computer affect classroom climate and students attitude. 75 percent respondents
were agreed of this statement.
 Use of Information Technology is very helpful for disable students in their learning. 55
percent respondents were disagreed of this statement.

5.3 Recommendations

 Effort to promote the awareness of I.T should be made at every stage of studentship.
 The use of these informative equipment must be ensured at higher level
 Experienced staff should be appointed in these institutions which have enough ability to
run these modern tools of study.
 Special emoluments should be given to qualified staff which will definitely increase the
teaching performance.
 The labs of the universities should be upgrade to fulfill the requirements of the modern
 Government and governing bodies should provide the appropriate funds for purchases
and maintenance of the informative equipment.
 Computer education should be compulsory component for all training programs in the
education sector.
 Departmental handles to purchase any useful material for students should be minimized.
 A crash programmed for the training of teachers should be launched with the assistance
of computer science departments in the universities.
 Seminars should be conducted to create awareness about information technology at least
at higher level.
 Software development competition (Incentive based) should be launched at national level
for schools.


 Amjad, R. (2006). Why Pakistan must break-into the knowledge economy. Lahore
Journal of Economics, Special Edition, September 2006.
 Haikh, Z.A. (2009). Usage, Acceptance, Adoption, and Diffusion of Information and
Communication Technologies in Higher Education: A Measurement of Critical Factors,
Journal of Information.
 Hill, M.W (1999) the impact of Information Technology on Society London: Bowker
 Iqbal, M.J., & Ahmed, M. (2010). Enhancing quality of education through e-learning: the
case study of Allama Iqbal Open University. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance
Education, 11(1); 84-97.
 Jayson, W.R. (2008). ICT in Education Reform in Cambodia: Problems, Politics, and
Policies impacting implementation. Information Technology and International
Development, 4(4), 67-82.
 Kang TH, et al. (2008) Chitin Synthase 2 Inhibitory Activity of O-Methyl Pisiferic Acid
and 8, 20-Dihydroxy -9(11), 3- Abietadien-12-one, Isolated from Chamaecyparis pisifera.
Biol Pharm Bull 31(4): 755-9.
 Kozma, R. (Ed.) (2003). Technology, innovation, and educational change; A Global
perspectives Eugene, and school. Washington, DC; National Academic Press.
 Pelgrum, W. & Anderson, R. (1999). ICT and the emerging paradigm for lifelong
learning: a worldwide educational assessment of infrastructure, goals and practices.
Amsterdam: IEA.
 Shaheeda, J., Dick, N., & Laura, C. (2007). The role of ICT, in higher education in South
Africa: One Strategy for addressing teaching and learning challenges, International
Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication
Technology. 3(4); 131-142.
 Smart, B. (1992). Modern Conditions, postmodern controversies. London: Routledge.
 Turner, Sandra and Handler, Marianna (1997), Hypermedia in Education: Children as
audience or authors? Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 6(10),

 Watson, D.M. (2001) pedagogy before Technology: Re-Thinking the Relationship
between ICT and Teaching. Education and Information Technology vol. 6(4), 251-266
 Wresch, W (1996) Disconnected; Haves and Have-Nots in the Information Age. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutders University Press.
 Yusuf, M.O., & Afolabi, A.O. (2010) Effects of Computer assisted instruction (cai) on
Secondary School student’s performance in biology. Turkish Online Journal of
Educational Technology, 9(1); 62-69




Student information


Age: 20 - 25 26 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 49

Gender: Male Female

Profession: ----------------- Qualification: ----------------- Category: ----------------

Sr Statement SA A UD DA SDA
1 Information Technology improves learning abilities of the
2 Information Technology provides practical learning for the
3 With the help of information technology teachers can
improve their professional skills.
4 Interaction between teacher and students becomes better
after using Information technology.
5 Information Technology prepares students for global market
6 Uses of Information technology improve student’s
7 Information Technology makes learning more effective.
8 IT enables academic staff to use internet.
9 Internet is necessary for studies in classroom.
10 Information Technology improve students’ grade.
11 Use of computer affect classroom climate and students
12 Use of IT is very helpful for disable students in their learning.
13 IT enables different types of institutions to be a part of digital
14 The world has become a global village due to IT.
15 Students exchange their knowledge through E- mail.
16 Internet is a source of huge information for students.
17 Social networking is a way of building online communities.

18 Internet encourages students to conduct independent
19 Computer software helps in better presentation of
20 I can know about everything on internet quickly.
21 Computer has become an integral part of teaching learning
22 Information can be transferred fastly with the help of
Technological devices.


 Amjad, R. (2006). Why Pakistan must break-into the knowledge economy. Lahore
Journal of Economics, Special Edition, September 2006.
 Haikh, Z.A. (2009). Usage, Acceptance, Adoption, and Diffusion of Information and
Communication Technologies in Higher Education: A Measurement of Critical Factors,
Journal of Information.
 Hill, M.W (1999) the impact of Information Technology on Society London: Bowker
 Iqbal, M.J., & Ahmed, M. (2010). Enhancing quality of education through e-learning: the
case study of Allama Iqbal Open University. The Turkish Online Journal of Distance
Education, 11(1); 84-97.
 Jayson, W.R. (2008). ICT in Education Reform in Cambodia: Problems, Politics, and
Policies impacting implementation. Information Technology and International
Development, 4(4), 67-82.
 Kang TH, et al. (2008) Chitin Synthase 2 Inhibitory Activity of O-Methyl Pisiferic Acid
and 8, 20-Dihydroxy -9(11), 3- Abietadien-12-one, Isolated from Chamaecyparis pisifera.
Biol Pharm Bull 31(4): 755-9.
 Kozma, R. (Ed.) (2003). Technology, innovation, and educational change; A Global
perspectives Eugene, and school. Washington, DC; National Academic Press.
 Pelgrum, W. & Anderson, R. (1999). ICT and the emerging paradigm for lifelong
learning: a worldwide educational assessment of infrastructure, goals and practices.
Amsterdam: IEA.
 Shaheeda, J., Dick, N., & Laura, C. (2007). The role of ICT, in higher education in South
Africa: One Strategy for addressing teaching and learning challenges, International
Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication
Technology. 3(4); 131-142.
 Smart, B. (1992). Modern Conditions, postmodern controversies. London: Routledge.
 Turner, Sandra and Handler, Marianna (1997), Hypermedia in Education: Children as
audience or authors? Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 6(10),

 Watson, D.M. (2001) pedagogy before Technology: Re-Thinking the Relationship
between ICT and Teaching. Education and Information Technology vol. 6(4), 251-266
 Wresch, W (1996) Disconnected; Haves and Have-Nots in the Information Age. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutders University Press.
 Yusuf, M.O., & Afolabi, A.O. (2010) Effects of Computer assisted instruction (cai) on
Secondary School student’s performance in biology. Turkish Online Journal of
Educational Technology, 9(1); 62-69


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