You are on page 1of 4 (GENERAL MEDICINE /GENERAL 1. A 75 year old patient clutehes chest and falls down, A. Physician arrives om the scene. What isthe first thing to be done by the physici Call for belp B. Clear patient airway (C-Check peripheral pulse. Chest compressions 2, Dose ofreeplase for management of MI is? ASIU BIO cis D.so1u ‘A. Desquamting skin lesion zine deficiency 1. Associated with tiie hyperplasia 9. What isthe correet sequence of events according to BLS? ‘A Stat CPR, give rescue brea, ases Pulse B. Give rescue breath, See pals, start CPR Assess patient, activate emergency response team, call for LDH2 'B. LDH2> LDH 1 C.LDH2>LDA3 D, LDH3>LDH2 21, Raised unconjugated hyperbiirubinemia is seen in ‘A Gilbert s Syndrome 'B. Dubin Johnson syndrome C:Drug induced cholestasis, Hepatocellular necrosis 22. Electrical alternans in EGG is seen ‘A Pericardial effusion '. Left ventricular fire C. Digitalis toxicity D, Wenekebach block 23. In coarctation of arta, ib notching i seen in A36ihrib 1.6. ib 10-12hnsib D126 24 Ventricular llaton i best ested by A.Wamedarone B, Carotid massage C.Bletrcalcariovesion_D. 1V lignocaine 25,3 may be present inal except A iypetphie cardiomyopathy B Piegnaney C Hyperkiotiscreulatory states D. Altes 26. The sound best audible by bell of stethoscope is & , Venous ham C Fiction cick D. Opening snap 27 Ilyper mobility of TMH isnot seen ‘k Phenatarines B. Tardive dsskinesin . Anterior dik isloation ”D. Mafn'ssyndame ‘A300 ug/dl——B. Liver biopsy CTIBC <200 ug ft 'D, Hepatic ion index >1.5 38. A chronic alcoholic develops palpitations suddenly after alcohol binge. Which of the following arrhythmia is: most commonly associated with alcohol binge in the alcoholics? (A Ventricular Ribrillations 5B, Ventricular premature contactions Ail fater D. Atrial ibilation 36. VLDL is? ‘A Triglyceride values i. Trigiycerie valuels CLDLEDL D-LDLADL-HDL 3 /Eariit signin : ‘A. Bscrisis= B, Alternate constriction and dilated pupil C.Constucional apraxia. Psychiat abnormalities iss fulminant hepatic failure is seen B. Pregnant female D. Child < 15 year of age. CEDEES® Page1 39. Classical triad in carcinoid syndrome is ‘A. Dyspmoea shin, valvular heat disease B, Flushing dinthoe, valvular heart disease C Prius, wheezing, diarrhoea D. Telangicetasias, ushing, diarrhoea 40. Dightalis is used in mitral stenosis when patient develops ‘A Atal ibeillation ' Right ventricular fire ©. Acute pulmonary edema __D. Myocarditis, Al. Dose of streptokinase to be wed in ML is? ‘A018 Million BL 1S Million units C15 Million ws D. 150 Million units 42. Unconscious child, CPR was started and ECG shows normal QRS but peripheral pulse was absent inspite of chest ‘compressions. What should be done next? ‘A. Epinepbrine B. Atropine C-Defirillatr D. Synchronised cardioversion 47. The Kayser-Fleischer ring is ‘A Broader laterally and medially B, The infesioe pole of corneas fist affected C-Copper deposition in Descemet's membrane . Hampers vision 48, Inheritance pattern of White sponge nevus is: ‘A. Autosomal recessive 3, Autosomal dominant . Xeinkod recessive D. Xeinked dominant 49, Am athlete presents with chest pain, which o the following tests would be most sensitive and specific for diagnosis of myocardial infarction? A Troponin andT B, Creatine kinase-MB CLeakoeytoss| D. Ceeactve protein ‘50, Most common site of myocardial infaretion is: ‘A Anterioe wal of left ventricle B, Posterior wall of et ventricle C Posterior val of right ventricle D. Inferior wall of et ventricle SL. Murter Driffield Index is used to measure: ‘A Dental cares Parameter of B. Radiograph Parameter of CC_NIT instrument Parameter of D, Stainless tel Parameter of 52. Ucwave in EGG is characteristcally found in ‘A Hyperalaem '. Hyponatremia CC Hypocalsemia D. Hypokalaemia 5. The most dependable definitive diagnosis of typhoid is by: i ea aT shpaesie pasicres os cantor p anette fe a Epo i ee Tome rescuer in CPR forall ages is? SP Disa Bae oie ett 0 Sate Asti st CEDEES® We Transform Live: $9, Major symptom of eute pancreatitis i: ‘A. Abdominal Bloating BB. Agonizing upper abdominal pain Jaundice 1D. Constipation 0, Lieve syndrome is characterized by all except? ‘A. Alea abuse 'B.Hemolysis| CC Hypertiglyceridemia ___D, Pancreatic lipase deficiency 61. Which of the following is not characteristic of congenital 1B Interstitial herttis Mulberry molars . Notched incisors 62, Allare the features of Marfan’ syndrome except: A Arachnodactyly Increased height High palate High arched foot 6. Lardaceous spleen ig seen in ‘A. Chronie myeloid leukemia B, Chronic kala-azar CC. Subacute bacterial endocarditis _Dilfase amyloidosis, 64. Regrading neck venous pulsation, which i fase ‘A Undulting 'B. Bele fet than seen CC. Becomes prominent on ying down . There are two negative waves 5. In Budd-Chiari syndrome theres obstruction to: ‘A Inferior vena cava 'B. Pulmonary artery CC. Larger hepatic veins Portal vein (6. Radiofemoral delay isa feature of al except ‘A. Aortoatritis 'B.Coariation of sorta C.Uafolding of aorta D. Atherosclerosis of aorta 667. Graham Steel! murmur-is found ia ‘A. Severe pulmonary hypertension 1B Subacute bacterial endocarditis .Idiopaiic hypertophic subsonic sens HSS) D,Fricuspid atresia 46. Torsade de pointes Is associated with ‘A Increased QT interval, B Inraseddrton of ORS complex 73, Digitalis toxicity is precipitated by all except A.Old age 'B. Hypokalaemia ©. Rena ioe Hepatic encephalopathy 7. Which ofthe following heart sounds occurs shorly after St A Ejection lick 'B. Opening snap C-Tumour plop in atrial myxoma, D. Pericardial knock 78. Carey Coombs murmur i found in “A: Pulmonary Bypetension-— B. AT | Acute rheumatic ever DMS 76. The most specific test for AIDS is: . Mongoeid slant of eyes| “78. Double apex in hypecirophie cardiomyopathy is malaly due ae B, Musele wemor D. Palpable $3 A Palpable St {CPalabic opening snap 73, Otomycosisis cased by B.Histplesa capsulatum D. Cryptococcus neoformans ‘A. Asporgils niger CC. Rhinosporiium secber CEDEES® Page 2 CEDEES® We Transform Lives. ‘80, Which of the following docs not lead to Kisenmenger's 101. Which of the following deficieney has a definite role in syndrome ‘enamel hypoplasia: ‘A. Coartation of sonia B.PDA ‘A Vitamin A B. Carbohydrates CaSD D.VSD (C.Fas and lipids D. Proteins ‘iL, Sinus Bradyeardiais defined as heart rate of? 102. Palsusbisferien is best perceived in A Radial B Brachial Femoral D. Any of the above 103. Differential cyanosis is found in A Fallot teelogy 'B. Transposition of great vessels C.vsp Ebstein's anomaly 104, The ESR may be zero" in A.Old age B. Vasculitis Afibrinogenaemia DSLE 108. Cannon wave in the eck vein seem in ‘A. Complete heat block ———_-B. Constitvepericaris Tricuspid incompetence __D. Right tial myxoma 106, Giant a-waye in neck vein is seen in A Tef atrial myxoma B Consrcive pericarditis G Pulmonary fypertensi D. Atal fibillation 107. The -Keith-Wagener-Barker elassifieation for retinal cthanges is meant foe ‘A. Diabetes mellitus B. Aortoareiis ise CC Systemic hypertension —__D, Takayasu's disease ‘B. Alta septal defect 108. Propranolol can be used inal except CC. Veniicuar septal defect _D: Persistent dues anriosus ‘A. Systemic hypertension” B. Congestive cardiac failure ‘88. Treatment by hepari is best monitored by CC: Angina pestors AA Prothrombin time (PT), B. Clotting tine (CT) . Supeaventicula tachyarrythmias C. Activate patil thromboplastin time (APTT) Fibrin degradation product (FDP) 89. Which chamber Of heart fails first in MS A. Streptococens viridans B. Staphylococcus wifens C.Streptocoecus faecal 9. Infection ofthe mastcator space is caused due to infection of: ‘A Lateral pharyngeal space B. Tonsil . Lower molar D. Parotid 92. A child with bilateral TM ankylosis and retrognathia will suffer from: A.OSA 8B Hypoventiltion . yperearbin D. Increased oxygen saturation 113. Frample of ealeivi 93, MacCallum plagues in acute rheumatic fever are usualy ‘A. Hepatitis A vius 1B. Hepatitis B virus seen Hepatitis C vias Hepa E virus A Right atrium B.Left acim 114. Patient with hypercalcemia, Moth eaten appearance of skull ‘on radiograph, ground glass appearance of bones will mast 94. Poyave in ECG is absent in probably be suering from: ‘A. Atrial fibrillation B. Atrial tier ‘A. Hyperparathyroidism ——_B. Hypoparathyroiism Hypokalacmia D.PSVT CHypophesphateia D Sickie cal anemia 95, [a patient with MS in sinus rhythin, severity of lesion is 1S. Radiological evidence of boue formation in the extraction indicated by. socket occurs after: ‘A. Late and fou opening rap B. Presence of $3 A 3 weeks B.6 weeks €.9 months D.6 month 116, Double retraction cord techpique is specially used for ‘A. Difficult to control moisture B. Knife edge gingival margin which is dificult to discem . Excessive bleeding from the sulcus D. Finish ine cose gingival attachment 417. All of the following. are risk indicators for periodontal discase excepts ) AHIVAIDs B. Osteoporosis Bleeding on probing D. iregular deta visits 98. Vitamin K absorption dependent om ANCI B. Bile salts 118, Fale petatgy i Fal traloy plas © Bilin D, Suocus enericus A.ASD. 99. Hepatitis E virus eause: . Associated LH Das [A Aeate liver flare 19, The principal lpicoptents of human bile areal except .Cithoss real A Fie fay nes ¥ "B. Conjugated bile sls . Cholestiol D. Lecithin 100, Maeroglossia is seen in al ofthe following except: |A. Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome 120, Normal portal venous pressure is B,Tollner syndrome AI2mm He C Osier Weber Rendu syndrome C57 mm He D.7-10 mm Hg . Behmelsyndsome CEDEES® Page 3 121. Which is of the folowing not a ‘major manifestation’ of Jones criteria In rheumati fever ‘A. Chorea '. Erythema nodosum C. Subcutancous nodule. Polyarthritis 122. The prostalandl A Proteins B, Enzymes C. Polysaccharides D. Faty acids 123, Example of transudative ascites is ‘A. Malignant peritonitis 1B. Budd-Chiai syndrome C. Cinhosis ofliver . Chylous ascites val inflammation, the predominant cel fnlgrate to GCF i urge quant A. Lymphoeyes| B. Monoeytes CC. Newtophis D.Besinopils 130, Maximum chance of spread in accidental needle stick injury ie A, Hepatitis B.HIV. CHepatiis © D.EBV 131. Osiers node s classically seenin ‘A Libman-Sacks endocarditis 1B Marat endocardit . Acute staphylococcal endocarditis Candida bicans endocarditis CHbsAg-+1G M antIBe antibody D.Hibsag + Hbcag. 134, Portal hypertension associated with sft liver suggests ‘A. Budl-Chiat syndrome B, Extrahepatic obstruction C.Non-ithtic pot ibrosis_D. Cirtosis of liver 1S, Severity of mitral stenosis is assessed by: 'B, Length of murmur ‘A. Loud opening snap D. Loud SI D. Spiting S2 136, Dane particle pertains to AAV, BBV C.NANB 1D. None ofthe above cease lee Fe een C. Right x St = Se Ee aco i oo CEDEES® CEDEES® We Transform Live: 144. A patient is found to be positive only for Anti HB&Ag. All other viral markers are negatve.The likely diagnosis is ‘A. Vaccination '. Chronic hepatitis © Acute hepatitis . Fulminant hepatitis B 142. Leptospirosis can be diagnosed during the Ist week of ness by ‘A Urine analysis B. Stool culture CC: Darkfield examination. Aglutination test 1&3. Allare causes ofehylous ascites except ‘A. Intraabdominal malignaney B. Thrombosis of mesenteric anery C.Tubereuosis D. Filariass 14. 'Sago spleen is found in ‘A. Chron myeloid lukgemia 8. Felt’ syndrome Chronic ative hepatitis. Focal amyloidosis 145, Most important triad of symptoms in portal hypertension ‘A Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly and Ascites 3 Splenomegaly, Orsophageal varices and Ascites C Pls, splenomegaly and general Anasarea ‘D. Oesophageal varies piles and General Anasarea 146. Bacterial vegetations in heart valves are seem i ‘A-Rhcumaticheart disease B.Infective endocarditis © AL shunt 'D.Cospulmonale 1S. Incubation period of hepatitis Bis: B. 6 days 106 weeks . More than 6 years AG weeks to 6 mons C6 months to 6 years 152, All are class I antiarrhythmic drugs except ‘A Disopyramide 'B Flecaimide C Verapamit . Quinidine 18 Left venticlar hypertrophy ao asocted with AAS cms Dat Page 4

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