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Grinding production API requirement

We require an API that provides the following information:

1. Get the list of all the following details

 Building Name, e.g., Building 1,2, etc.

 List of available setups
 Date in a specific format
 Shift name such as 3/12 shift 2

0. .
2. Every single setup contains the following information

 Safety and quality check

 Production
 Downtime
 Operator notes
 Employee details

Safety and Quality check API checklist

For this function to complete, the API required contains:

1. Magnets cleaned or not info through a checklist

2. Purge check complete or not
3. Compressor is on or not
4. Fire tech check available
5. Finally, after the above checklists, we must enter the supervisor PIN which will activate the Save
and Exit button.

Production API requirement

For the production segment, we must work on Input and Output APIs separately

Input API Setup

For this function to complete, we must work on the following API details:

1. To configure the “ADD ENTRY “button which opens the pop-up to fill required details
2. With the Building name, current setup, and shift information in line, we have to check the
Product type through the drop-down menu as “ingot” or other types.
3. The product code will be entered as 101 Magc through dropdown also.
4. The lot number should be added in the form of a number.
5. After entering the ingot and weight number, API should activate the save and next button.

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