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Primary and Secondary metabolites derived

from carbon metabolism in plant.
• Living plants are solar-powered biochemical and biosynthetic laboratory which
manufactures both primary and secondary metabolites from air, water, minerals
and sunlight. The primary metabolites like sugars, amino acids and fatty acids that
are needed for general growth and physiological development of plant are widely
distributed in nature and are also utilized as food by man.
• The secondary metabolites are biosynthetically derived from primary metabolites.
They represent chemical adaptations to environmental stresses, or serve as
defensive, protective or offensive chemicals against microorganisms, insects and
higher herbivorous predators. They are sometimes considered as waste or
secretory products of plant metabolism and are of pharmaceutical importance.
e.g.- Alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, volatile oils etc.
Primary metabolites
1. Primary metabolites are widely distributed in nature, practically in all organism
2. Directly involved in growth, development and reproduction The primary metabolites are needed for
general growth and physiological development of plant.
3. Generally, non expensive to produce. E.g., Starch from potato
4. Present in the plant in large quantity
5. Simple in nature
6. Generally, do not have any biological or pharmacological action , utilized as food by man. E.g.,
Starch, cellulose, sugar, amino acid
Secondary metabolites
1. More limited in distribution, biosynthetically derived from primary metabolites restricted to
taxonomic group.
2. Not directly involved in growth and development. Required for chemical adaptations to
environmental stresses, or serve as defensive, protective or offensive chemicals against
microorganisms, insects and higher herbivorous predators. They are sometimes considered as
waste or secretory products of plant metabolism and are of pharmaceutical importance
3. Generally expensive to produce and accumulate E.g., Quinine from cinchona.
4. Present in plants in much smaller quantities than primary metabolite.
5. Complex in nature.
6. Have marked pharmacological action on human body, potent in action E.g. Quinine in cinchona
bark-antimalarial, Alkaloid, glycosides, flavonoids, essential.

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