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Feedback  atau umpan balik merupakan jargon yang digunakan untuk memberikan
komentar konstruktif tentang sesuatu.
2 End of play

Jargon end of play  mengacu pada akhir hari kerja.

3. Drill down

Jargon ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang perlu diperiksa lebih lanjut.

4 Best practice

Best practice  digunakan untuk menggambarkan cara terbaik dalam mengerjakan

sesuatu yang diakui secara umum untuk mencapai hasil yang optimal.
5. Skill set

Istilah skill set  mengacu pada seseorang yang memiliki berbagai keterampilan.

1. Feedback

Feedback is a jargon used to provide constructive comments about something.

“Feedback is a vital part of any leader’s skillset. Project managers, team leaders, teachers,

coaches develop this skill over the course of their careers. “

2. End of play

End of play jargon refers to the end of the working day.

“In business, a working day's end. Often used in the construction "by the end of play," it refers

to the end of a given day's play in sports such as cricket or tennis.”

3. . Drill down

This jargon is used to describe something that needs further examination.

“Drill down is a capability that takes the user from a more general view of the data to a more

specific one at the click of a mouse.”

4. . Best practice

Best practice is used to describe the best way to do something that is generally recognized to

achieve optimal results.

“Best practices are a set of guidelines, ethics, or ideas that represent the most efficient or prudent

course of action in a given business situation.”

5. . Skill sets

The term skill set refers to a person who has various skills.

“A skill set is the knowledge, abilities, and experience needed to perform a job. Specific skill set
areas can include human relations, research and planning, accounting, leadership, management,
and computer skills.”

1. spending by individuals and businesses bounced back from the initial impact of the
2. "I have very mixed feelings about this GDP result, Our priority is to prevent the spread of
the virus. It's very bad for the economy for this situation to drag on.”
3. A spike in cases of the Delta variant in other parts of Asia. And then Japan's economy
shrank by more than 4.8% over the year.
4. In Tokyo, Japan's benchmark Nikkei share index closed 1.6% lower on Monday, its third
session of losses in a row. Meanwhile, in China factory output and retail sales both rose
more slowly than expected last month, compared to a year ago, so losing steam as
export growth cools and new Covid-19 outbreaks disrupt business.
5. Japan rebounded faster than covid-19. (Ini mah bedain aja sama kamu, jangan ikut yang
aku, soalnya ditanya judul menurut pendapat kamu)

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