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Quarter 3 Week 5 LAS 1

What’s My Age? (Determining the Age of Fossils)

I. Activity

5 730 years old

11 460 years old

17 190 years old

Q1. What is the oldest fossil?

- The oldest fossil is the petrified wood which is 17 190 years old.
Q2. Why is it important to know the age of the fossil as evidence of evolution?
- Fossils give us a glimpse into the past and reveal how much or how little
organisms changed as life evolved on the planet. It is necessary to estimate
the age of a fossil so that it may be compared to other fossils. Understanding
the ages of related fossil species aids scientists in piecing together a group's
or creatures' evolutionary history.
II. Activity: AHA! Analogous! Homologous!

1. Examine carefully human arm, whale flipper, and bat wing. Can you say that
they belong to a common ancestral group? Describe the shared characteristics of
the whale, bat, and human from domain to class.
-Yes, because the human arm, the whale flipper, and bat wings are all homologous
and similar structures. The human arm is supposed to be akin to a whale’s flipper
and a bat’s wings. Bats, whales, and other animals share homologous
characteristics, indicating that they share a common ancestor.

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