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Government Commercial Certificate Examination
01 DECEMBER, 2015
[Time : 09-00]
(Total Marks for Sections I and II : 100)
(30 Words Per Minute)
[Time Allowed : 7 Minutes]
Note : Do not type the ‘SPEED PASSAGE’ again.
Type the following speed passage in SEVEN MINUTES. Use DOUBLE or ONE
and HALF LINE SPACING and a Margin of FIFTEEN SPACES on the left.

[Marks : 40]

Timing, however, is of great importance. Field training

which lasts too long can be just as disastrous as that which
is insufficient and skimped. It is natural and to be expected
that a new representative will want to get into his territory
as soon as possible and unless he is allowed to lose his
initial enthusiasm, consequently, unless a product is
extremely complex, both this and his sales training should
last only a few weeks at the most, whilst Field Training
should be concluded immediately. It is felt that he has
mastered the necessary selling techniques and is able to
motivate himself efficiently. It is far better to let him
commence his work proper quickly and then bring him
back for re-training it is found subsequently that some
part of his technique is at fault and in need of correction.

After all, any good Representative is himself self-

correcting and sharpening his methods both consciously
and unconsciously as he comes upon more experience
and objections in his work.


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