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Government Commercial Certificate Examination
04 DECEMBER, 2015
[Time : 09-00]
(Total Marks for Sections I and II : 100)
(30 Words Per Minute)
[Time Allowed : 7 Minutes]
Note : Do not type the ‘Speed Passage’ again.
Type the following speed passage in SEVEN MINUTES. Use DOUBLE or ONE
and HALF LINE SPACING and a Margin of FIFTEEN SPACES on the left.

[Marks : 40]
In the hills first touched by the rising sun
every day, there lived two brothers. Both the
brothers were brave, athletic and loved each other
dearly. But their temperaments were very, very
different. The elder brother was a quiet, peace-
loving person who spent most of his time thinking
and wandering through the forest on the hill slopes.
He was done of all the animals that inhabited
the forest and could not cause them even the
slightest harm. The younger one was a hunter. In
fact, he was a very renowned hunter. Once the
chase began, no animal could escape his arrow.
The elder brother often tried to reason with
the younger one. It is not right to kill animals.
How can you take away a life when you cannot give
it back ? But I don't trap the animals do I ?
I give every animal that I hunt a fair
chance, he said. It's just a question of who is
more skilled. It is not my fault if animal is
not fast enough or clever enough to escape my
arrows besides many animals.

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