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Government Commercial Certificate Examination
04 DECEMBER, 2015
[Time : 11-30]
(Total Marks for Sections I and II : 100)
(30 Words Per Minute)
[Time Allowed : 7 Minutes]
Note : Do not type the ‘SPEED PASSAGE’ again.
Type the following speed passage in SEVEN MINUTES. Use DOUBLE or ONE
and HALF LINE SPACING and a Margin of FIFTEEN SPACES on the left.

[Marks : 40]
Long, long ago, there was a child named Epimetheus.
Another child was sent from a far country, to live with
him, and be his companion. Her name was Pandora. The
first thing that Pandora saw, when she entered the
cottage where Epimetheus dwelt, was a great box.
And almost the first question which she put to him
was this.
In the days when Epimetheus and Pandora lived,
the world was very different from what it is now.
Then, everybody was a child. There was no danger,
nor trouble of any kind, and there was always plenty
to eat and drink. Whenever a child wanted his dinner,
he found it growing on a tree. What was most
wounderful of all, the children never quarrelled
among themseleves, O, what a good time was that to
be alive in !
But Pandora could not stop thinking about the
box. He continually kept saying to herself and to
Epimetheus. He was shocked at the idea of looking
into a box, which had been confided to him on the
condition of his never opening it left at the door.


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