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Test Questions--Ministering Unto The Lord: Analysis of Praise and Worship

Test Ministering Unto the Lord: Analysis of Praise and Worship

1. List the three key questions this study will answer.

2. What does “perfected praise mean?

3. How do you develop perfected praise?

4. Define praise.

5. What are the eight types of praise? Define each.

6. What is the fundamental purpose of praising God?

7. Define worship.

8. List the three Greek nouns for worship and their meanings.

9. What is God’s pattern for worship?

10. Entering a “salt covenant” means what?

11. What are three hindrances of worship?

12. Define humble.

13. Complete this sentence. Living a life of being humble or pursuing humility involves
putting aside ___________then lifting others.

14. What is Pride?

15. How does God view pride?

16. What is the solution to pride?

17. Explain reverential fear and worship of the Lord.

18. How to worship in spirit and in truth?

19. What is the difference between praise and worship?

20. What is biblical definition of faith?

21. Name two ways we obtain faith.

22. Explain how faith and worship are connected.

23. What is the purpose of the Tabernacle?

Test Questions--Ministering Unto The Lord: Analysis of Praise and Worship

24. For what purpose did the Tabernacle have? (hint: Exodus 25:8)

25. Name the three chambers the Tabernacle was divided into list them.

26. Every detail of the Tabernacle points to what?

27. What does the Menorah signify?

28. The 12 loaves represent who?

29. According to Exodus 30:7-8 the Altar of Incense was to burn ________and _________.

30. Incense burning symbolically represents what in the scriptures?

31. The second veil separated the ______________ and _____________________.

32. Describe the Ark of the Covenant.

33. Where was the manifested presence of God dwelled?

34. Who was allowed into the Holy of Holies and how often?

35. Why do we practice the Lord’s Supper?

36. What is spiritual warfare?

37. Where is the battlefield?

38. What is our spiritual position in this warfare?

39. What is our weaponry? Explain praise and worship and spiritual warfare.

40. Where did Angels come from?

41. Some of the duties of Angels:

42. How do Angels minister to Jehovah?

43. Define fasting.

44. What is the purpose of fasting?

45. Why should a Christian fast?

46. What are three reasons for improper fasting?

47. Describe persona of the Holy Spirit.

Test Questions--Ministering Unto The Lord: Analysis of Praise and Worship

48. List 3 of the names of the Holy Spirit.

49. Summarize the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a Believers life today.

50. Explain the “new birth” receiving and the infilling or being baptized.

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