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Describe an interesting experience

Model Answer 1:

Thank you very much for this interesting topic. I can recall several such thrilling occasions, and for this topic, I would like
to talk about one of my recent exciting experiences.
A couple of months ago I went to watch a 3D animated movie in a movie theatre for the first time in my life. I have had the
experience of watching a 3D movie at home but not on a really large screen in a theatre. It was an overwhelming experience
and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I went to watch the movie with two close friends of mine and it was mid-November in 2020. The name of the movie theatre
was (...say a movie theatre name...) and the movie we enjoyed was (...say an animated movie name...). Once there, I decided
to watch a 3D movie as I thought it would be fun to watch a 3D movie on a large screen. To share my impression with you,
I was enthralled and quite taken aback by the surreal stage at which I entered when I wore the 3D glasses. It was as if I was
present at the event and was witnessing the whole thing with my own eyes!
Just after I put on the glasses that were designed for watching 3D movies, I was taken to a magical yet original world of
animation. I cannot compare it with my previous experience of watching a movie in a theatre. I felt as if I was cut off from
reality and transported to a fairy world of animated characters. The sound system of the theatre added another thrilling
dimension to the experience. Though 3D movies are still in its primary stages, I would say, it has advanced remarkably and
offers a whole new dimension to the movie lovers.
The experience I have had at that time was unique. I was so enchanted with the experience that I went to watch another 3D
movie within a week. Afterwards, I have enjoyed more than five or six 3D movies so far but the excitement of experiencing
it for the first time is unforgettable.

Model Answer 2:
Life is full of many exciting experiences, some of which, we tend to forget, but as for others, we remember them for a long
time. Today, I would like to talk about such an experience, involving riding on a boat, which I will never forget.
It was during a long summer holiday about 5 years ago, when my university had just closed, and I decided to visit one of
my best friend’s hometown at his invitation in order to see one of the biggest lakes of my country. The lake was very famous,
not only because of its huge size but also because of its crystal clear water. Anyway, I was very excited about my visit to
see the lake, but little did I know that even more excitement and surprise were waiting for me.
In fact, after arriving at my friend’s hometown, when he took me to the lake, I could see a brand new, white, and motor-
driven boat was waiting for us to ride. However, the problem was I never had a boat journey before, nor did I know any
swimming. But my friend was indeed brave, and he assured me that nothing would happen. So, our boat journey started and
in no time, I found myself far away from the lakeshore. The exciting thing was that I could actually see the fishes swimming
around us through the clear water of the lake! In a second, I forgot about my fear and wanted to catch some of those big
fishes, but my friend prevented me.
Anyway, it was indeed a “once in a lifetime” kind of exciting experience for me because I never travelled by boat before.
Besides, when I was in the middle of the lake, it felt like the sky was only covering the lake like a “tower”. I also felt like
the fishes wanted to talk to us and befriend us when they were swimming around our boat! Finally, chirping of the birds
over our heads felt like they were singing to “greet” us in their world!
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