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Which file system structure keeps the actual file content (data) in EXT4 file system?
Data Blocks

True or False: Removing any hard link just reduces the number of link count but
doesnt effect the other links.

True or False: Volumes in MAC are identical structures to partitions in Windows file

What are the three formats that application setting can be stored in?
Plaintext, plist files, the SQLite database

Which of the following is not a graphics category?


True or False: Digital photos can be saved in two formats: RAW and EXIF. EXIF
format provides significant amount of metadata information about the photo.

JPEG Files are an example of lossy or lossless compression

Lossy. Data is lost when using the JPEG format

True or False: Carving is a method of recovering files by recognizing header and

footer information at the bytes level.

Review pages 310-312 of the textbook for linux command review.

It was bolded.

Second Extended File System

Ext2. Early linux file system

Third Extended File System (Ext3)

A Linux file system that made improvements to Ext2, such as adding journaling as a
built-in file recovery mechanism.

Fourth Extended File System (ext4)

A Linux file system that added support for partitions larger than 16 TB, improved
management of large files, and offered a more flexible approach to adding file
system features.

Now standard but adoption was slow

In ext4 was is the Boot Block

Contains the bootstrap code
Unix/Linux only has one boot block, located on the main hard disk

What is a superblock?
A function of Ext4 that manages the file system. Specifies geometry, available
space, and keeps track of all inodes.

What are Inode Blocks?

The first data after the superblock.

Assigned to every file allocation unit

What are Data Blocks?

Where directories and files are stored
This location is linked directly to inodes

Review Slide 9 or Week 9.1 A helpful diagram is provided there.

Other side.

Important note on the other side

Important note on the other side

Why are Inodes important

Contain file and directory metadata
also link data stored in data blocks

An Inode contains the following:

Mode and type of the file directory
Number of links to a file or directory
UID and GID of the file's or directory's owner
Number of bytes in the file or directory
File's or Directory's last access time and last modified time (MAC times)
Last time the file status was changed
Block address for the file data
Indirect, double-indirect and triple-indirect block addresses for the file data
Number of actual blocks assigned to a file

Lesser Importance:
Current Usage status of the inode
File generation number or version number
Continuation inode's link

What are MAC times

File's or Directory's last access time and last modified time (MAC times)

Review slide 12 of Lecture 9.1 to get a visual representation of indirect pointers,

double-indirect pointers, and triple-indirect pointers
Other side

Bad block inode

Keeps track of disk's bad sectors

To find bad blocks on a linux computer use the following commands:

must be in root to use
mke2fs and e2fsck
include safeguards that prevent them from overwriting important information

Hard link
A pointer that allows accessing the same file by different filenames. Use "ln" to
create a hardlink

What is link count?

A field inside each inode that specifies the number of hard links

What is a symbolic link?

Pointers to other files and arent included in the link count

They have a UNIQUE Inode

What other names for symbolic links?

Soft links OR Symlinks

True or False: Unlike symbolic links, Hard links have their own inode.
False. Hardlinks share an inode. Softlinks DO NOT share an inode.

According to the slides the current version of MAC is?

10.13, High Sierra.

This is no longer true. We are now on 10.15, Catalina

True or False: With OS X, Macintosh moved to the intel processor and became
UNIX based.

What was the pre-OS X file system?

HFS (Hierarchical File System)

What is HFS+
Extended File System. Introduced with MAC OS 8.1

Why is HFS+ for efficient then HFS?

It supports smaller sizes on larger volumes.

With the launch of MAC OS, High Sierra what notable change occured?
The introduction of Apple File System (APFS).

What feature is notable with APFS?

Copied data now copies metadata to help with crash protection.

What two parts make up a file in Mac OS?

Data Fork and Resource Fork

What is the data fork

The data fork contains user created data, however applications can also read and
write to the data fork

What is the resource fork?

the resource fork (or block) contains additional information such as menus and
dialog boxes

What is a volume?
any storage medium used to store files. (All or part of the storage media for

What are the parts of a volume?

Allocation Blocks and Logical Blocks

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