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Euthanasia, considered a controversial topic and highly debated by society, bioethics, sociologists,
lawyers, philosophers, theologians, doctors, among others. However, on the cross-cutting issue
that concerns us, which is medical progress, whose essential objective is to prolong the life of the
patient, since the life of the human being prevails, although, in other words, it seeks to prolong the
process of waiting for the death of the person, since the family is placed before the dilemma of
duty or not doing everything to the extent possible, despite the fact that this causes even more
pain. Thus, for Ordóñez and Monroy (2016) considering that: “…as the problem evolves, the
patient has the right to express the decisions he will make about the end of his life given his
inevitable death. Many times in the terminal stage of the disease, health personnel and their
relatives do not find themselves whether to end the patient's suffering (and with it their existence)
or whether to let the disease end their life” We believe that bioethics can reach the resolution of
these, since in terminally ill patients, the decision of the patient regarding treatments or outbreaks
must be respected, as long as he has been previously informed about them. In the development of
this essay, it will be analyzed which It is the procedure that must be carried out in euthanasia and
in general, considering the causes for which this method is taken into account. Finding euthanasia
as a death foretold since it is focused on patients with terminal illnesses, therefore, it is prudent
for us to ask the following question


1. Topic : tema
2. Bioethics : bioética
3. philosophers : Filósofas
4. However : Sin embargo
5. cross-cutting : transversal
6. prevails : prevalece
7. although : a pesar de que
8. duty : deber
9. despite : A pesar de
10. Thus : Por lo tanto
11. Evolves : evoluciona
12. Disease : enfermedad
13. Themselves : Ellos mismos
14. Outbreaks : brotes
15. Foretold : predicho
16. Therefore : por lo tanto

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