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ASUU stands for Academic Staff Union Of Universities.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is a labour union that emerged
from government workers’ interactions to improve Nigeria’s educational

The Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities(ASUU) is a trade union and a

union of intellectuals seeking not only the socio-political and economic/welfare
interest of its members within the framework of promoting the cause of
university education in Nigeria, but the entire good of Nigerians and Nigeria.

Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is the most popular trade union we
have in Nigeria. This is most popular because it is responsible for the industrial
action placed on most Nigerian tertiary institutions.


Aims and Objectives of ASUU is to secure adequate funding, improved salary
package, autonomy and academic freedom in order to curb brain drain and
ensure the survival of the university system.

ASUU is a trade union whose objectives include regulation of relations between

academic staff and employers;

Encouragement of the participation of its members in the affairs of the

university system and of the nation.

Protection and advancement of the socio-economic and cultural interest of the


Aims and Objectives of ASUU also includes establishment and maintenance of a

high standard of academic performance and professional practice, stablishment
and maintenance of just and proper conditions for Universities education.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)

is a Nigerian union of University academic staff with a history of militant action.

ASUU is a trade union whose objectives include regulation of relations between
academic staff and employers; encouragement of the participation of its
members in the affairs of the university system and of the nation, protection
and advancement of the socio-economic and cultural interest of the nation;
establishment and maintenance of a high standard of academic performance
and professional practice; establishment and maintenance of just and proper
conditions of service for its members (Pemede, 2007).The Academic Staff Union
of Universities (ASUU) was formed in 1978. Its predecessor, the Nigerian
Association of University Teachers was formed in 1965. ASUU covers all
academic staff in all of the Federal and State Universities in the country. The
union was active in struggles against the military regime during the 1980s
(Wikipedia, 2016). In 1988 the union organized a national strike to obtain fair
wages and University autonomy. As a result, ASUU was proscribed on 7th
August, 1988 and all its property seized. It was allowed to resume activities in
1990, but after another strike was again banned on 23rd August, 1992.
However, an agreement was reached on 3rd September, 1992 that met several
of the union’s demands including the right of workers to collective bargaining.
ASUU organized further strikes in 1994 and 1996, protesting against the
dismissal of University academic staff by the Sani Abacha military regime
(Wikipedia, 2016).After the return of democracy in 1999 with the Nigerian
Fourth Republic, the union continued to be militant in demanding the rights of
University workers against opposition by the government of President Olusegun
Obasanjo. In July 2002 Dr Oladipo Fashina, the then national president of the
union, petitioned Justice Mustapha Akanbi of the Independent Corrupt Practices
Commission (ICPC) to investigate the authorities of University of Ilorin for
financial mismanagement and corruption (Wikipedia, 2016).1n 2007, ASUU
went on strike for three months. In May 2008, it held two one-week warning
strikes to press a range of demands, including an improved salary scheme and
reinstatement of 49 lecturers who were dismissed many years earlier. In June
2009, ASUU ordered its members in federal and state Universities nationwide to
proceed on an indefinite strike over disagreements with the Federal
Government on an agreement it reached with the union about two and half
years earlier. After three months strike in October 2009, the union and other
staff unions signed a memorandum of understanding with the government and
called off the industrial action (Wikipedia, 2016). On 1st July, 2013, 3

ASUU embarked on another strike which lasted for five months and fifteen days
was called off on 16th December, 2013. Claims made by ASUU with regards to
the strike are centered largely on funding and revitalization of Nigerian public
universities as well as a certain earned allowance which it claims to be in arrears
of 92 billion naira at that time. Presently the figure is far higher than that as a
result of accumulated arrears up to 2016.Another round of disagreement is
brewing between the Federal Government and ASUU with respect to the non-
implementation of the 2009 FGN/ASUU agreement and a number of other
issues bordering on funding, welfare of staff, and smooth running of public
Universities in Nigeria. ASUU has already gone on one week warning strike
between 16th and 22nd November, 2016 to force the Government back to the
negotiating table. Negotiations have however commenced between the two
parties but no one knows what the outcome would be.3


T.R.C.N stands for teachers registration council of Nigeria.

The Nigerian Teachers Registration council (TRCN) is a registration guideline

which will ensure that all teachers in the country are mandatory by law to
register so as to be qualified to teach in all Nigerian schools.

The Nigerian Teachers Registration council (TRCN) is an agency of the Federal

Ministry of Education. It was established by the TRCN Degree NO. 31 of 1993
(now TRCN Act CAP T3 of 2004) with major mandate of regulation and control of
the teaching profession at all levels of the Nigerian Education System, both in
Public and Private sectors.

Purpose for the Registration - Nigerian Teachers Registration council (TRCN)

The registration of the Nigerian Teachers Registration council (TRCN) is for the
purpose of professionalization to facilitate the upliftment of teachers’ status
and dignity as professionals.


The Teachers Registration Council was established in 1993 by Decree (now Act)
31 of 1993. The council was established after many years where teachers and
other stakeholders had agitated long and hard for the establishment of a
regulatory agency for the teaching profession in Nigeria.

The Teachers Registration Council (TRCN) was established as an agency of the

Federal Ministry of Education. The agency was established as an instrument to
control and standardize the Teaching Profession in Nigeria.


The legal backing of the establishment of TRCN has great implications for the
teaching profession in Nigeria. Every profession has councils that regulate and
control its operations. Take, for example, Law, Medicine, Engineering,
Pharmacy, etc. All these professions have their own agencies that regulates the
activities of professionals and also help to set the tone for the way the
professions are perceived by the general public. The Act that establishes the
Teachers Registration Council has the same content with the Acts that
established the Councils that regulate other professions. The first implication is
that those who want to be teachers have to go through standardized processes
of registration and approval which would set them apart as professionals rather
than quack or laypeople. Are you an aspiring teacher or are one already and you
want to know more about the Teachers Registration Council? This article
provides you with information and all you need to know about the agency. Read
on below:

The Teachers Registration Council was set up with the aim of controlling and
regulating all operations and activities of teachers; to include education,
training and practice at all levels and in all areas of the Nigerian education
system. The council is to ensure that every teacher in the Nigeria educational
system matches up with international standards in terms of professionalism and
ethical conduct.

Basically, the Teachers Registration Council exists to promote excellence and

professionalism in the education sector. The Council achieves this through
various methods and activities, which are:

Effective registration and licensing of teachers

Approval and accreditation of teachers

Monitoring and supervision of teachers through training programmes

Organizing professional development programmes and maintaining discipline

among teachers at all levels of the education system.

Functions of the Teachers Registration Council

With the Teachers Registration Council lies the ultimate responsibility to
determine who is and who is not a teacher. The Council provides the necessary
information about the teaching profession so as to set the standards for
becoming a teacher. The general culture in Nigeria where anyone can just go
into the teaching profession will not hold anymore. This is because every
teacher must follow certain standards and rules that have been established by
the TRCN.

The Teachers Registration Council determines the relevant knowledge and skills
teachers are meant to have.

The Teachers Registration Council also has the power to raise these standards as
it deems fit.

Registration of teachers: The Teachers Registration Council is the body that

qualifies teachers to the teaching profession based on their level of training. The
body sets the rules for the teachers to acquire a certain level of training.

Approval, registration and enlisting of qualified teachers

The Teachers Registration Council approves institutions that train teachers.
Hence, the body is involved in the maintenance of teachers’ institutions such as
The National Teachers Institute, Polytechnics, Education Institutes and Facilities
in Nigeria, Colleges and Schools of Education

Organization of training and Internship Programs.

The Teachers Registration Council organizes training and internship programmes

for fresh graduates from educational institutions. This is to equip new teachers
with relevant knowledge and skills that will help them teach as professionals.

Organizing Assessment Tests and Examinations

The Teachers Registration Council conducts examinations and testing for
teachers to determine qualified teachers

The Teachers Registration Council is responsible for enforcing professional

ethics to teachers in Nigeria.

The Teachers Registration Council is empowered to prosecute offending, false or

unqualified teachers

The Teachers Registration Council is a body that acts as a voice for the teachers.
The TRCN is a body that represents the rights of teachers all over the country.

Activities of the Teachers Registration Council

After the establishment of the Teachers Registration Council, it became
unlawful for anyone to engage in the teaching profession without registration
and approval of the TRCN. Employers and other officials who employ
unqualified/unregistered teachers are just as guilty of the same offence.

The Teachers Registration Council has put in much effort in assisting unqualified
teachers to get qualified. There is a lot of pressure on unqualified teachers so
the TRCN stepped up to help. For example, TRCN collaborated with the Institute
of Education of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria to work out a new teacher
education programme called Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) for
teachers to upgrade to.

Qualification for Registration

If you want to be registered as a professional teacher, there are certain criteria
that must be met. These are:
A teaching qualification not lower in standards than the Nigeria Certificate in
Education (NCE). This is the minimum standard as stipulated by the National
Policy on Education. Teachers who had only a Teachers Grade Two certificate
stopped being registered from 2006.

Problems of the TRCN

The TRCN has encountered some challenges in carrying out its functions. First of
which is poor funding. There is need to raise the Internally Generated Revenue
(IGR) of the Council so the Council can perform its roles better.Professionalism is
the most fundamental need of any vocation for it to be considered successful. In
order to restore the glory of the teaching profession, there is need for the TRCN
to keep up with its activities. This way the education sector will deliver better
and qualitative services to the society. The activities of the TRCN will ensure
that only those that are well trained teach, which will improve the educational
sector in Nigeria. TRCN will also ensure that professional ethics are imbibed and
obeyed by all teachers, irrespective of the levels of educational qualifications.
This way the education sector will be improved and there will be greater
national development.


COEASU stands for Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union, the trade union
for workers in Nigeria Colleges of Education.

The College is an institution of Higher Education. Its primary charitable purpose

is the pursuit of education, religion, learning and research, and its overall
objective is to rank amongst the highest achieving academic institutions in the

Nigeria Union of Teachers is a major trade union in Nigeria. It was formed to

create a united front for practitioners of the teaching profession in the country.
Major objectives of the union covers the improvement in economic conditions
of teachers, an avenue for bringing forth ideas about the educational
development of the country from the perspectives of teachers and general
economic security for teachers in the country.

Nigeria Union of Teachers is the largest body of organized professional teachers

in Nigeria in present day Nigeria.

There were amounts of reasons for its creation in Nigeria educational settings
during the era of the colonial masters, due to different educational code of
conduct laid down for governance ranging from funding to administration.
Many of the Schools were Missionary owned, while few belong to the


The rudiments of the establishment of the teaching profession in Nigeria

began in July 1931 by the amalgamation of the first two teachers association in
Nigeria namely,Lagos union of teachers formed in 1925 with the founding
president as Rev.J.O Lucas and the association of headmasters of Ijebu schools
led by Rev.I.O Ranome kuti formed in 1926.

At an inaugural meeting of the two groups held at C.M.S Grammar school

Lagos on 8th and 19th July 1931,a constitution was drafted and ratified and all
Nigerian Union of teachers was officially launched after accommodating other
teachers associations from Agege,Ibadan and Abeokuta.
The formation of this union was in response to various conditions to which
teachers were exposed during colonial era.


i. To foster unity and progress among all teachers in Nigeria.

ii. To foster the spirit of active co-operation and comradeship between teachers
and other workers.iii. To raise the status of the teaching profession through
improved quality of education and conditions of service.

iv. To promote and advance the course of education and the teaching profession
throughout the federation and also endeavor to secure the removal of
difficulties, abuses, anomalies and obsolete regulations detrimental to progress.

v. To enhance the social and economic well-being of members and establish

welfare funds for the benefit of members of the Union.

vi. To provide a forum for the co-operation of teachers and the promotion of
their welfare, the interest of education and the teaching profession.

vii. To promote the corporate image of the Union both nationally and
internationally by ensuring the continued existence of a strong, virile and well
articulated organization.

viii. To give leadership and stimulate interest in matters which foster national
and international unity and understanding.

ix. Study, promote and improve conditions affecting the teaching profession.

X.Create a better understanding among the teachers in Nigeria.

Xi.Be an organ through which the opinions of teachers on matters directly or

indirectly affecting the teaching profession could be channeled to the
1. Nigeria Union Of Teachers Campaigns On Working
Conditions Of Its Members And Educational Issues:
A key function of the Nigeria Union of Teachers was to promote, as well as,
protect the general interests of its members. Besides this function of advancing
the cause of Nigerian teachers, the Nigeria Union of Teachers is also charged
with the responsibility of campaigning on the conducive working environment
and improved working conditions of its members.The Nigeria Union of Teachers
is also saddled with the responsibility of campaigning on educational issues that
will engender quality education delivery Nigerian children.

2. Nigeria Union Of Teachers Bargains For Fair Pay For

Teachers ..This is another function of the Nigeria Union of Teachers. It is
incumbent on the part of the Nigeria Union of Teachers to make sure that it
bargains for a favourable and fair pay for practising teachers, working in Nigeria.
Gone are the days, whereby, there is some sort of slogan making the round
that, teachers’ rewards are in heaven.If teachers are those professionals, who
impart knowledge, they equally got to be rewarded in commensurate with their

3. Nigeria Union Of Teachers Makes Teachers Protection

A Priority
Every professional organization has one peculiar responsibility, and this
responsibility is in the area of protecting the interests of the members of the
Union.The Nigeria Union of Teachers is not exempted, that is why, and teachers’
protection becomes a priority to the Nigeria Union of Teachers.It is incumbent
on the part of the Nigeria Union of Teachers to always make sure that, members
are offered preferably a far higher level service in those areas of their core
professional practice, which is teaching.
4. Nigeria Union Of Teachers Legally Protects All
Members Of The Union
As I said earlier, protection of teachers by the Nigeria Union of Teachers is
paramount to the Union, but this time, it is legal protection, and it is
automatic.Another major function of the Nigeria Union of Teachers is to make
sure that it provides legal protection to every one of its registered members.

By the virtue of their registration as professional teachers, this legal protection

and professional services are automatically available to every registered
teacher.For instance, teachers do have group insurance that covered them, as
well as, other support services. Others are insurance cover for hospitalization,
and personal accidents, and personal property, and malicious damages to
teachers’ cars that are either in schools or in colleges.

5. Nigeria Union Of Teachers Encourages Teachers To

Work Together, Shares Ideas And Successes
Teachers are encouraged by the Nigeria Union of Teachers to make sure that
they work together via their unions at a local level, whereby, they can share
their ideas and their successes.This has helped in creating networks among the
teachers, where teachers have access to high-quality programmes, where they
can be trained, and received support in order to ensure the development of
their skills, and the development of their confidence particularly, in union

6. Enhances Social And Economic Well Being Of

Teachers Another major function of the Nigeria Union of Teachers is in the
area of making provision for the enhancement of social and economic well-
being of teachers.This aspect of the Nigeria Union of Teachers is very important
and necessary since almost all the teachers are yearning for social and economic
well being.It is also expected of the Nigeria Union of Teachers to endeavour to
establish teachers’ well fare funds for the purpose of providing financial
benefits to the members of the Union.The Nigeria Union of Teachers is also
saddled with the responsibility of providing a forum, where there is promotion
of teachers’ well fare, as well as, the promotion of teaching profession and
interest in education.


N.B.A stands for nigerain bar association.The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is a
non-profit, umbrella professional association of all lawyers admitted to the bar
in Nigeria. It is engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, the
rule of law and good governance in Nigeria.

The NBA is Nigeria’s foremost and oldest professional membership organisation

and Africa's most influential network of legal practitioners, with over 120,000
lawyers on its roll in 125 active branches across the 36 States and the Federal
Capital Territory of Nigeria.

The NBA is engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule
of law and good governance in Nigeria. It has an observer status with the
African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, and a working partnership
with many national and international governmental and non-governmental
organisations concerned with human rights, the rule of law and good
governance in Nigeria and across the world.


1..Promote and protect the principles of the Rule of Law and respect for Human

2.Promote and advance quality and functional Legal Education, Continuing Legal
Education, Advocacy and Progressive Jurisprudence
3..Maintenance of the highest standards of professional conduct, etiquette and
discipline among lawyers.

4..Maintenance and defence of the integrity and independence of the Bar and
the Judiciary.

5..Promote networking opportunities among the members of the Association,

International Organisations, as well as associations from other countries.

6..Promote the welfare, security, economic, and professional advancement

of Legal Practitioners in Nigeria.

7..Create and maintain an Endowment fund for the proper observance and
discharge of any of these aims.

8..Promote and support law reform initiatives

9..Promote timely and affordable access to Justice

Functions Of The Nigerian Bar Association:

The Nigerian Bar Association is undertaking many functions as spelled out in its
constitution, however, in this article, I am going to explain most of these
functions as spelled out in the Nigerian Bar Association’s constitution.

1. The Nigerian Bar Association Maintains And Defences

The Integrity Of The Bar
One of the major functions of the Nigeria Bar Association is to make sure that,
the integrity of the Nigerian Bar Association is maintained, and as well,
Asides the maintenance of the Bar’s integrity, and the defense of the Bar’s
integrity, the Nigerian Bar Association also maintained the independence of the
Bar and defended the same, including the maintenance and defense of the
Judiciary in the country.

2. The Nigerian Bar Association Promotes And Advances

Legal Education
Continuous learning and frequent upgrading of skills and knowledge have been
held at a high scale in almost every organization today globally.Therefore, the
Nigerian Bar Association is not ignorant about such development hence, it has
involved in promoting legal education, as well as, advancing Legal Education,
and Continuing Legal Education, and Advocacy, as well as Jurisprudence.

3. The Nigerian Bar Association Improves The System Of

Administration Of Justice
Another function of the Nigerian Bar Association has been to improve the
system of justice administration in Nigeria.The Bar has also involved in the
arrangement and the procedure of business of the court, including the regular
law reportage. The procedure and the business of the court are expected to be
effective and efficient through the activities of the Nigerian Bar Association.

4. The Nigerian Bar Association Establishes And

Maintains Efficient Operation Of The System
It is the function of the Nigerian Bar Association to make sure that, it
established an efficient operation of the system that has to do with prompt
efficient legal assistance particularly, for those set of persons who are desirous,
but who could not be able to afford such services.Apart from establishing such
an efficient system of operation, it is also the function of the Nigerian Bar
Association to maintain such a system.

5. The Nigerian Bar Association Promotes And Support

Law Reform
This is another function of the Nigerian Bar Association. It is the place of the
Nigerian Bar Association to endeavour to support the law reform in the country,
and as well, promote law reform in Nigeria.

Through law reform programmes, obsolete laws that are detrimental to the
growth of Nigeria would be changed and amended, while good laws would also
be made to give room for the progress of the Nigerian state.

6. The Nigerian Bar Association Mountains Higher

Standard Of Legal Profession
Every professional body has its professional ethics, so does the Nigerian Bar
Association. With its professional standard, it is expected that legal practitioners
comply with the highest professional standard in carrying out their
constitutional duties.Going by this, it is incumbent on the part of the Nigerian
Bar Association to make sure that it maintains this standard of professional
standards, professional conduct professional etiquette, and professional

7. The Nigerian Bar Association Promotes Good

Relations Among Its Members
One of the purposes of forming a professional body is to promote the interest of
members. In the case of the Nigerian Bar Association, the professional body is
saddled with the responsibility of promoting good relations among its members.
Such relations are also promoted between legal practitioners from other
countries of the world.

8. The Nigerian Bar Association Promotes Cooperation

National And International Law Organization. The Nigerian
Bar Association also extended its tentacles in promoting national and
international cooperation between the Nigerian Bar Association and the
international law organizations.This cooperation is also extended to other such
organizations and professional bodies that the Nigerian Bar Association deemed
fit to relate with, and such cooperation is approved by the National Executive

9. The Nigerian Bar Association Encourages And

Protects The Right Of Access To Court
It is the duty of the Nigerian Bar Association to encourage, as well as, protect
the right of persons to approach court, in the event of someone infringing their
rights, the Nigerian Bar Association will also go as far as protecting the right of
persons, who may wish to access court, and the Nigerian Bar Association must
make it in a way that is much more reasonable, in terms of fee to be
afforded.The Nigerian Bar Association also encouraged and protected the right
of representation by the legal practitioner before the court of law and the

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