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CT no.

The literature has a major impact on the development of society. It forms a civilization,
changing the political system, and has exposed fraud. Literature gives us a detailed preview of
human experience, so we can lead to basic steps. Caesar himself allows readers to understand
the meaning of human conflict. He emphasized the role of literature in doing so.

"In the age of modern media like television and movies, people come to believe that every
question or problem has a quick answer or solution," a university professor said. "But the
literature confirms the true complexity of the human experience."

Students also recognized the role of literature in influencing human thinking. "Literature
provides insights into the minds of others, the minds of the author, and the characters he or
she revives," said Sophie Chamas, an international research student at American University of
Sharjah. "It promotes your education, constantly learning new things, and providing you with
the opportunity to come into contact with a wealth of ideas."

Students and professors, ignoring literature is a major element of ignorance leading to

stereotypes, judgments, preconceptions about other people and cultures, etc. "Literature is a
study of humanity. We see human nature through tragedy and romance, joy and sadness,
inspiration and denial, moments of heroes and moments of cowardice," said Sa'ad Farooqi,
Department of English Literature, University of California.

Today's young people are aware of the true depth of human emotions and actions. They
understand that there is more to a person than what they show on the outside. They see the
complexity of the human experience and give them an open mind and heart. However, today's
teenagers can only be achieved for this enlightenment by reading knowledge by reading and
cultivating. Literature also asks us some questions of our most significant conviction and allows
you to check our lives We can deepen our understanding and our understanding.

All these things added, literature has greatly molded the society we have right now.
CT no.2

The human race has usually perpetrated social injustice on fellow beings. We are all
fallible, and each people of a sure age has perpetrated social injustice someday at some point
of our lives, a number of us extra than others. The elders amongst us understand this extra than
the more youthful amongst us. Only an idiot could boast she or he had by no means dedicated
social injustice, however, then again…. So, then, even individuals who are protesting social
injustice have perpetrated social injustice in some unspecified time in the future of their lives,
and extra than probable had been sufferers of social injustice.

The worldwide food system, Criminal Justice System, and Contaminated Water system,
are all simply exceptional names for the equal oppressive system fueled by the colonial legacy
of institutionalized racism. We might also additionally have abolished slavery a hundred and
fifty-five years ago, however maximum of our meals continues to be picked, packed, and
shipped via way of means of black and brown hands. We are all a part of a system that
consumes marginalized bodies, and which leaves individuals who take advantage from it
confused, guilty, and angry; a society that has injustice at its very core. So, what can we do?
How are we going to be able to probably get away from those structures that entwine, confine,
however, hopefully won`t preserve to outline us.

Society so frequently attempts to divide us, due to the fact humans divided are simpler
to suppress, however while we wake up to the injustices which surround us and are available
collectively withinside the shape of collective motion we are able to task the very cloth of
society. In the phrases of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” In those
unheard-of instances, it's far important we come collectively and use ourselves to leverage and
make a distinction due to the fact if we don`t, who will?

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