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Consolidated test no.

I remember being discouraged at times when I have to be brave. I can state a situation wherein I was
shy when I needed to be confident. I have the memory of falling and crying. All these put together, I am
not a perfect person. I have flaws. I have done mistakes. But above all, I chose to be strong. I choose to
always lift my chin up. I decided to rise up simply because I wanted to keep going.

At often times we are faced with trials and hardships in life that we forget to focus on what our goals are
or maybe we are just too focused on them. We may have whined and complained about such agonizing
events but still we remain fighting because we have a certain goal. Remember that, we can succeed or
fail in the dream of what we believe to be possible, but the results we achieve in the process are, in
many ways, stronger than achieving what our specific goals are initially.

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