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The year 2022 paves way towards the election: the coming of new leaders for the next

years. While to others it might not be that affecting, but to fellow Filipinos who need the support
of the government, it is. Therefore, reliable sources of information during this time are definitely
crucial to ensure that factual and non-bias data are prioritized.
In line with such data to prioritize, certain news such as those related with the pandemic
are chosen to further emphasize how an article can be described as a “good read” not just for
readers to read but also for writers to serve as inspiration to write. To serve as an example, an
article written by WHO Philippines entitled, “WHO warns of a surge in COVID-19 cases if
unsafe gatherings continue” on April 4, 2022 was critiqued below.
It is already given how writers are often faced with seemingly impossible task which is to
produce such quality article at a tight deadline. That’s why it is important to know that
researching efficiently is a crucial factor towards a well-written work. Observing the introduction
of the article, it is noticeable how ideas are neatly placed together, if not, in a chronological order
of events. The writer warns a surge of the pandemic as Filipino practices are going to be held for
the next days: holy week and election activities. Dr. Rajendra Yadav, an acting WHO
representative of the Philippines delivered such information as well as advised citizens to prepare
for a pandemic surge and focus on the remaining unvaccinated groups to provide door-to-door
vaccinations. He also further emphasized the importance of these vaccines and boosters to help
people amidst the pandemic which were all effectively written by the writer. Moreover, priority
groups were also discussed more in such a manner that Dr. Yadav explained how crucial it is for
authorities to lead operations for those that are unreachable. The article was simply focused on
their targets which are those that are not yet vaccinated, how to reach them and then bridged the
gap between communities for things to be easily done. Starting onto a specific subject, the writer
then ends the article generally, and onto a larger focus.
Overall, the writer was able to deliver the news effectively and as understandable as
possible to a general audience. Anyone who reads this will easily be able to grasp what this
content is all about which is advisable for all writers to do. It is easy to express as writers but
learn also how to express within the capacity of your readers.

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