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Feature Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

67(6) 44–52
! The Author(s) 2011
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Fukushima and the

DOI: 10.1177/0096340211426395
inevitability of accidents
Charles Perrow

Governments regulate risky industrial systems such as nuclear power plants in hopes of making them less
risky, and a variety of formal and informal warning systems can help society avoid catastrophe. Governments,
businesses, and citizens respond when disaster occurs. But recent history is rife with major disasters accom-
panied by failed regulation, ignored warnings, inept disaster response, and commonplace human error.
Furthermore, despite the best attempts to forestall them, ÒnormalÓ accidents will inevitably occur in the
complex, tightly coupled systems of modern society, resulting in the kind of unpredictable, cascading disaster
seen at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Government and business can always do more to
prevent serious accidents through regulation, design, training, and mindfulness. Even so, some complex sys-
tems with catastrophic potential are just too dangerous to exist, because they cannot be made safe, regardless
of human effort.

accident warnings, industrial disasters, normal accidents, probability, regulatory failure, risk

he March 11, 2011 disaster at the and in the industrial arena there will

T Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power

Station in Japan replicates the
bullet points of most recent industrial
always be failures of design, compo-
nents, or procedures. There will always
be operator errors and unexpected envi-
disasters. It is outstanding in its magni- ronmental conditions. Because of the
tude, perhaps surpassing Chernobyl in inevitability of these failures, and
its effects, but in most other respects, it because there are often economic incen-
simply indicates the risks that we run tives for business not to try very hard to
when we allow high concentrations of play it safe, government regulates risky
energy, economic power, and political systems in an attempt to make them less
power to form. Just how common- so. Formal and informal warning sys-
placeÑ prosaic, evenÑthis disaster tems constitute another method of deal-
was illustrates just how risky the indus- ing with the inherently risky systems of
trial and financial world really is. industrial society. And society can
Nothing is perfect, no matter how always be better prepared to respond
hard people try to make things work, when accidents and disasters occur.
Perrow 45

But for many reasons, even quality European nuclear plants, which are gen-
regulation, close attention to warnings, erally part of a state-run industry, appear
and careful plans for responding to to be safer than the privately owned,
disaster cannot eliminate the possibility poorly regulated nuclear plants in the
of catastrophic industrial accidents. United States, Japan, and other countries.
Because that possibility is always there, Systemic regulatory failureÑas
it is important to ask whether some opposed to simple errorÑis tricky to
industrial systems have such huge cata- identify accurately. After an accident in
strophic potential that they should not a risky industry, it is always possible to
be allowed to exist. find some failure of a regulatory agency.
Everything, after all, is subject to error,
in regulatory agencies as well as chemi-
cal or power plants. To say that regula-
Nuclear safety is problematic when tion failed on a system-wide basis, one
nuclear plants are in private hands must have strong evidence of agency
because private firms have the incentive incompetence or collusion.
and, often, the political and economic The Union Carbide chemical plant in
power to resist effective regulation. Institute, West Virginia, is my favorite
That resistance often results in regula- example of regulatory incompetence; in
tors being captured in some way by the this case, it was a matter of regulators
industry. In Japan and India, for example, seeing what they were apparently pre-
the regulatory function concerned with disposed to see. Shortly after a Union
safety is subservient to the ministry con- Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal,
cerned with promoting nuclear power India, leaked methyl isocyanate gas in
and, therefore, is not independent. The December 1984, killing thousands, the
United States had a similar problem Occupational Safety and Health
that was partially corrected in 1975 by Administration (OSHA) inspected the
putting nuclear safety into the hands of companyÕs West Virginia plant and
an independent agency, the Nuclear gave it a clean bill of health. What hap-
Regulatory Commission (NRC), and pened in Third World India could not
leaving the promotion of nuclear power happen in the United States, it was said.
in the hands of the Energy Department. Nine months later, an accident quite
Japan is now considering such a separa- similar to Bhopal occurred at the plant,
tion. It should make one. Since the acci- though the gas released was not as toxic
dent at Fukushima, many observers have and the wind was in a favorable direc-
charged that there is a revolving door tion, so only some 135 people were hos-
between industry and the nuclear regu- pitalized (Perrow, 2011: 179”180). OSHA
latory agency in JapanÑwhat the New looked again and, predictably, found Òan
York Times called a Ònuclear power vil- accident waiting to happenÓ and cited
lageÓÑcompromising the regulatory the plant for numerous violations,
function. despite its clean bill of health nine
Of course, even in Europe, where for- months before. There was a trivial fine
profit firms have less power, there are and a Union Carbide promise to store
safety problems that have needed more only the small amounts of the toxic gas
effective oversight. But by and large, actually needed for production.
46 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 67(6)

Union Carbide soon resumed massive blew up in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting
storage of methyl iscocyanate. Bayer in the largest oil spill of its kind, making
subsequently took over the plant and, the regulatory failure especially
in 2008, an explosion killed two workers dramatic.
and threatened to release 4,000 gallons Charges of regulatory failure were
of the deadly gas. Subsequent investiga- also levied in the 2010 Massey Energy
tion by the US Chemical Safety Board coal mine disaster in West Virginia,
again found an accident waiting to which killed 29; the explosion at BPÕs
happen. OSHA appears not to have Texas City, Texas, refinery in 2005,
noticed that its strictures on the which killed 15 and injured at least 170;
amount of storage were violated. and BPÕs massive oil pipeline break in
Regulations will always be imperfect. 2006 in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
They cannot cover every exigency, and, There are many forms of regulatory
unfortunately, almost anything can be failure. Regulations on the books can
declared the cause of an accident. One lie dormant by the common consent of
can also make the case that too much regulators and industry. A worker at the
regulation interferes with safe practices, Millstone nuclear power plant in
as nuclear plant operators have always Connecticut kept warning management
claimed in the United States. But the that the spent fuel rods were being put
overregulation complaint is undermined too quickly into the spent storage pool
by the following anecdote: A few years and that the number of rods in the pool
ago, the NRC sharply increased the exceeded specifications. Management
number of inspections of nuclear ignored him, so he went directly to the
power plants following some embarrass- NRC, which eventually admitted that it
ing near-misses. A then-powerful US knew of both of the forbidden practices,
senator, Pete Domenici of New Mexico, which happened at many plants, but
a recipient of large campaign donations chose to ignore them. The whistle-
from the industry, called in top NRC blower was fired and blacklisted.
officials and threatened to cut the Rather than completely ignore regula-
agencyÕs budget in half if it did not tions, a captured regulatory agency may
reduce the number of inspections just lower the standards it uses. The
(Mangels, 2003). The NRC reduced its NRC has consistently lowered standards
inspections. I doubt that anything simi- for emergency electric power supplies
lar could take place in Europe. in US nuclear plants. And in the wake
Regulatory capture is widespread in of the Fukushima disaster, the govern-
many risky US industrial systems and ment of Japan is lowering standards for
often subtleÑbut not always. In the allowable doses of radiation.
Interior DepartmentÕs Materials Regulations are only as good as their
Management Service, for example, rep- enforcement, and here the evidence is
resentatives of the oil industry and reg- fairly uniform: Enforcement is generally
ulators who were supposed to be lax and often all but nonexistent.
overseeing oil exploration exchanged Workers at Fukushima reported that
sexual favors and drugs. This intramural they had advance warnings of inspec-
partying was disclosed just before the tions, and inspectors regularly winked
BP-leased Deepwater Horizon oil rig at violations. The record of the NRC is
Perrow 47

similar in the United States; for example, warnings of a consensus of thousands

when utilities complained about the of the worldÕs top climate scientists.
standards for fire prevention at nuclear Not surprisingly, we also do not find
plants in recent years, the regulators that warnings of looming industrial and
lowered the standards. financial disasters have much impact. At
Even when safety inspections find Fukushima, the regulatory authorities
violations, there is no guarantee that required a seawall that was a bit taller
the regulated firm will be moved to than the largest tsunami that locale had
change its practices. In many cases, the experienced in the last 1,000 years. So
fines levied are too small to be a deter- the danger was, indeed, recognized. But
rent. After BPÕs huge spill in Prudhoe the seawall design was based on prob-
Bay, the company was fined less than abilistic thinking, not thinking about
its profits for one day of operation. what is possible, and the seawall was
After the Texas City refinery explosion, horribly inadequate to the 2011 tsunami.
the New York Times reported that OSHA Some Japanese experts had done pos-
had levied a record fine of $87 million sibility analysis. They pointed to histor-
against the firm. According to BP, it ical records of a huge tsunami in the year
made a profit of about $14 billion in 869; three huge tsunamis on the Pacific
2009, meaning the fine amounted to Ring of Fire, along which Japan lies, in
about six-tenths of a percent of its the last 100 years; and a geological
profit for the year. An official of OSHA record of relentless collision between
subsequently testified to the agencyÕs two tectonic plates underneath Japan.
weakness and the power of the petro- Before 2011, these experts were largely
chemical industry by noting that the ignored.
size of the fines levied did not deter; Japan has 53 nuclear power plants
firms repeated the same glaring mistakes drawing cooling water from the ocean.
despite their costs, ignored warnings, Before Fukushima, 14 lawsuits charging
and harassed workers who warned of that risks had been ignored or hidden
wrongdoing. were filed in Japan, revealing a disturb-
ing pattern in which operators underes-
timated or hid seismic dangers to avoid
costly upgrades and keep operating. But
all the lawsuits were unsuccessful.
Even if a risky system is only loosely A representative in the Japanese par-
regulated, a point will come when liament in 2003 warned that the nuclear
warnings are loud enough to attract plants were not sufficiently protected; a
attention. Catastrophes are expensive; seismology professor at Kobe
no one wants them. The overall experi- University resigned in protest from a
ence with warnings about global warm- nuclear safety board in 2006 due to a
ing, however, should caution against lack of attention to earthquake and tsu-
expecting warnings to be too effective. nami risks. Even though there had been a
A well-funded but factually challenged 30-foot tsunami in 1993 on JapanÕs west
campaign to deny that climate change coast from a much smaller 7.8 earth-
is the result of human activity has man- quake, the former head of the Toyko
aged to ice the climate-warming Electric Power Company (Tepco) said
48 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 67(6)

that that the risk of a tsunami never Credible warnings before major acci-
crossed his mind when he was president dents are much more common.
of that firm. He obviously did not have a The most credible ones are specific
possibilistic mind set. and in-house: The night before the
But warnings can be slippery and hard launch of the space shuttle Challenger,
to use effectively, regardless of the atti- engineers wanted to delay it because of
tudes of the people being warned. Too the cold, saying, ÒWe have never
often warnings are imprecise, which was launched at this temperature, and cold
why Condoleezza Rice, as national secu- affects the O rings.Ó Before the re-entry
rity adviser at the time of 9/11, dismissed that burned up Columbia, a technician
the warnings of a terrorist attack using on the shuttleÕs launch team tried to get
airplanes. The warnings did not specify pictures of the extent of the damage
the time and place. Many warnings are, caused by chunks of insulation that
in fact, so general as to be useless, e.g., had fallen off a fuel tank during the lift-
Ònuclear power is dangerousÓ or Òradical off. Before the Deepwater Horizon
Moslems will strike the United States.Ó was destroyed in a fiery blowout,
There is the problem that warnings Halliburton managers warned BP offi-
are often seen as mere obstructionism. cials that there were not enough stabiliz-
This was the view of a representative ing rings installed on the drill pipe to
for a Japanese utility who brushed continue drilling safely. Before BPÕs
away the possibility that two backup Prudhoe pipeline leaked, workmen
electrical generators would fail simulta- placed hand-painted signs in the parts
neously. He said that worrying about of the pipeline that did the most shaking,
such possibilities would Òmake it impos- warning people to stand back because
sible to ever build anything.Ó it might rupture (it did, but in an iso-
Warnings may also be false, especially lated area, and the break was not discov-
if based upon information that has little ered for some days). Testimony has
credibility, as with the weapons of mass revealed that Massey managers regu-
destruction that Iraq was supposed to larly told supervisors to ignore warnings
have. Many seemingly credible warn- of dangerous concentrations of
ings never materialized, e.g., that methane.
President Barack Obama would not live The warning at Texas City a few days
through his first year in office. Florida before the plant blew was less specific
coast residents are said to have stopped than these others, but more ominous.
paying much attention to hurricane At a company safety meeting, a slide
warnings after there were two evacua- was shown that simply said, ÒThis is
tions for storms that didnÕt make landfall not a safe plant to work in.Ó It was the
in the state. view of management at the plant; they
And to be sure, there are major acci- were unable to maintain the plant in
dents that occur without warning, safe conditions because of budget cuts
including the Three Mile Island nuclear and production pressures by top
incident and some chemical plant acci- management.
dents, such as the toxic releases from Other warnings are more general and
Union CarbideÕs West Virginia plant. long range, but significant anyway.
But these no-warning events are few. Scientists had regularly warned that the
Perrow 49

erosion of the wetlands protecting New

Orleans was making it more vulnerable
to hurricanes. They were more specific So how do organizations cope with
about the negative consequences of disasters once one occurs? The record
building a new ship canal that did, as here is just as dismal as with regulation
predicted, channel KatrinaÕs storm and warnings.
surge directly into the city. There are vastly more cases of crea-
There were multiple warnings in the tive coping from citizens than from
United States before the 2008 economic organizations. The true first responders
meltdown. They came from some direc- to disasterÑco-workers, neighbors,
tors of impacted firms and from many passersbyÑhave almost always per-
risk managers and department heads, formed splendidly, as with the comple-
worried about the risks of their highly tely self-organized flotilla that
profitable mortgage business. They evacuated thousands from lower
also came from government regulatory Manhattan in the 9/11 crisis. And in a
agencies, including the Securities and few cases, governmental agencies and
Exchange Commission, and watchdog private firms do successfully cope with
agencies such as the Government disaster.
Accountability Office; from bills pro- Though failed space flights do not
posed in Congress; from chief execu- have the catastrophic potential of the
tives of financial firms not at direct other systems I have mentioned (they
risk; from financial gurus; and from jour- affect only a handful of people), they
nalists at leading magazines such as the are complex and risky. The rescue of
Economist. There were also some 7,000 the crippled Apollo 13 capsule is a
news stories containing the phrase Òthe prime case of skill and innovation in
housing bubbleÓ from 2000 to 2006, dealing with and overcoming a failure.
meaning there were seven years of There are many outstanding examples
warnings before that bubble burst late of coping by airplane pilots, though,
in 2007. again, the potential loss of life in these
Indeed, according to a book by a cases is relatively small. The response of
respected journalist (Sorkin, 2011), the President Lyndon JohnsonÕs administra-
newly appointed secretary of the trea- tion to the 1964 Alaskan earthquakeÑat
sury in the Bush administration, Henry 9.2 magnitude, the biggest ever in North
Paulson, delivered warnings about a AmericaÑis a model of what can be
dangerous mortgage bubble at his first done by government to help victims
cabinet meeting in 2006. He proposed and rebuild a city. But examples of cre-
that investment banks be regulated ative coping by organizations are rare.
much as commercial banks were, but The poster child for official failure to
Goldman Sachs, where Paulson had just cope with disaster is the response to
served as president, and other major Hurricane Katrina, the subject of so
investment banks that dominated Wall many books and articles that I will not
Street would not hear of it. Credible dwell upon it (although it should be
warnings were dense, but the profits noted that the US Coast Guard per-
the firms were making drowned them formed extremely well and the unofficial
out. response by citizens and private firms
50 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 67(6)

was often innovative and effective). In trialÑbecause a valve had been installed
the case of Fukushima, there was official backward. Workers at the Fort Calhoun
denial and secrecy, refusal to accept out- Nuclear Power Plant near Omaha were
side help, the failure to evacuate citizens surrounded by a flooding Missouri River
at risk, and an attempt by the prime min- with dikes close to being topped. They
ister to halt the cooling of the damaged assembled an emergency berm to pro-
reactors by seawater shortly after the tect the vital electrical system. It was a
process had been started (fortunately, 15-foot-wide, eight-foot-high plastic
the plant manager lied, saying he had doughnut filled with water, a literal
stopped using seawater even as he con- example of defense in depth. But some-
tinued to use the ocean to cool the crip- one backed a truck into it, and all the
pled plants, thus preventing a far worse water poured out onto the soggy plant
catastrophe). grounds.
At Bhopal, plant officials initially This litany of regulatory failures,
denied any chemical release and then failures to heed warnings, and com-
said it was not dangerous, even as they monplace failures is independent of
themselves were fleeing upwind of the normal accident theory. That theory
toxic fumes. The Soviet Union refused says that even if we had excellent reg-
to admit there had been an accident at ulation and everyone played it safe,
Chernobyl, even after the Swedish there would still be accidents in sys-
nuclear agency had concluded that the tems that are highly Òinteractively
radioactive materials they were detect- complex,Ó and if the systems are tightly
ing had to come from Chernobyl. Worse coupled, even small failures will cas-
yet, the USSR waited two days before cade through them. The theory is
evacuating the town next to the plant. useful for its emphasis on system com-
BP officials and American officials con- plexity and tight coupling; these con-
sistently minimized the damage of the cepts play a huge role in analyzing
oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and kept the failures of any source in risky sys-
reporters and scientists away from the tems. In the financial meltdown, for
scene. Little of the equipment oil compa- example, the mounting complexity of
nies are required to have on hand in case the overall system allowed fraud and
of a big spill was present when the Exxon self-dealing to go undetected, and
Valdez ran aground. Similarly, Massey the tight coupling of many systems
Energy didnÕt have equipment available allowed the failures to cascade.
to handle a mine explosion. In my work on Ònormal accidents,Ó I
Crises may bring out the best in citi- have argued that some complex organi-
zens. But, in some cases, they often raise zationsÑsuch as chemical plants,
the rate of routine errors made by dis- nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons
tressed, tired managers and workers. At systems, and, to a more limited extent,
Fukushima, workers desperately trying air transport networksÑhave so many
to assemble a huge tank that would nonlinear system properties that even-
remove radioactive substances from tually the unanticipated interaction of
the salt water being poured over the multiple failures may create an accident
damaged reactor and its spent fuel pool that no designer could have anticipated
saw the system fail on its first and no operator can understand.
Perrow 51

Everything is subject to failureÑ an individualÕs failures can only be cata-

designs, procedures, supplies and equip- strophic if they are magnified by organi-
ment, operators, and the environment. zations. The larger the organizations, the
The government and businesses know greater the concentration of destructive
this and design safety devices with mul- power. The larger the organizations, the
tiple redundancies and all kinds of bells greater the potential for political power
and whistles. But nonlinear, unexpected that can influence regulations and
interactions of even small failures can ignore warnings.
defeat these safety systems. If the Modern society is not likely to decon-
system is also tightly coupled, no inter- centrate big organizations and toxic
vention can prevent a cascade of failures substances, so what can be done? High-
that brings it down. reliability theory is correct, of course, to
I use the term ÒnormalÓ because these say that government and business can do
characteristics are built into the sys- much more than they do to prevent seri-
tems; there is nothing one can do about ous accidents through constant training
them other than to initiate massive and mindfulness. More important is
system redesigns to reduce interactive system design: Modular systems are
complexity and to loosen coupling. less vulnerable than integrated ones,
Companies and governments can modu- and the toxic and explosive potential is
larize integrated designs and deconcen- more dispersed in modular systems than
trate hazardous material. Actually, in tightly coupled ones. Even more can
though, compared with the prosaic be done through regulation; highly reg-
cases previously mentioned, normal ulated nuclear power plants in Europe
accidents are rare. (Three Mile Island do much better than poorly regulated
is the only accident in my list that qua- ones in the United States and Japan.
lifies.) It is much more common for sys- Technical improvements can make sys-
tems with catastrophic potential to fail tems safer, of course, and we do learn
because of poor regulation, ignored from past disasters. Emergency power
warnings, production pressures, cost facilities are being upgraded at nuclear
cutting, poor training, and so on. plants in the United States because of
All of the organizational faults I have Fukushima.
noted have their counterpart in daily life. And the learning is continuous.
Like organizations and their leaders, Before the Three Mile Island incident,
people seek wealth and prestige and a some held that during a loss-of-coolant
reputation for integrity. In the process, accident in a nuclear plant, there would
they occasionally find it necessary to be be a possibility of a zirconium-water
deceitful, engaging in denials and cover- reaction that consumes oxygen and
ups, cheating and fabrication. Everyone frees hydrogen, which is explosive. One
has violated regulations, failed to plan nuclear scientist scoffed at such a possi-
ahead, and bungled in crises. But bility in a publication, which was
people are not, as individuals, reposito- released shortly before he was, unfortu-
ries of radioactive materials, toxic nately, designated to be the key scien-
substances, and explosives, nor do they tific adviser to Pennsylvania Governor
sit astride critical infrastructures. Richard Thornburg during the Three
Organizations do. The consequences of Mile Island accident. (Later, the scientist
52 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 67(6)

was appointed chairman of the NRC.) dangerous to exist, not because we do

The scientist was of course wrong. The not want to make them safe, but because,
appearance of hydrogen meant there as so much experience has shown, we
was hydrogen Òburn,Ó as it is called, at simply cannot.
Three Mile Island. Fortunately, the
hydrogen accumulation was small, and Funding
the damage was minimal. This research received no specific grant from any
With this march of knowledge, engi- funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-
for-profit sectors.
neers learned to install vents to prevent
the explosive accumulation of hydrogen
in the reactor buildings of nuclear plants
Mangels J (2003) NRC cracks down: Industry strikes
in case of a loss-of-coolant accident. But back. Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 25.
the vents failed at Fukushima, and Perrow C (2011) The Next Catastrophe: Reducing
hydrogen explosions sent radioactive Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and
materials and gasses into the environ- Terrorist Disasters. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.
ment. DonÕt despair, though. Learning Sorkin A (2011) Too Big to Fail. New York: Penguin.
from disaster still goes on: US plants
have been asked to make sure their
vents will open as designed in case of a
hydrogen explosion! Author biography
It is the commonplace scenario, such Charles Perrow is an emeritus professor of
sociology at Yale University and visiting pro-
as this encounter with zirconium and
fessor at Stanford University. The author of
vents, that needs to be emphasized. several books and many articles on organiza-
Prosaic organizational failures will tions, he is primarily concerned with the
always be with us, and knowledge is impact of large organizations on society
always incomplete or in dispute. Even (Organizing America: Wealth, Power, and the
highly reliable systems are subject to Origins of Corporate Capitalism, Princeton
everyday failures, and even if we avoid University Press, 2001), and their catastrophic
potentials (Normal Accidents: Living with High-
these, there is always the possibility of
Risk Technologies, Princeton University Press,
normal accidentsÑrare but inevitable in 1999; The Next Catastrophe: Reducing Our
interactively complex, tightly coupled Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and
systems. Some complex systems with Terrorist Disasters, Princeton University
catastrophic potential are just too Press, 2011).

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