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University : Postgraduate of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Name / NIM : Husaini / 28162433-2
Title of Thesis : Application of Cooperative Learning Methods with Jiqsaw
Model to Improve Students' Ability in Understanding Nahwu
(Class Action Research in Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School
in Aceh Besar).
Advisor : 1. Moch. Fajarul Falah, P.hD
2. Dr. Nur Chalis, MA
Keywords : Cooperative Learning, Jiqsaw, Nahwu

Nahwu is one of the Arabic lessons taught in schools with general theories and
taught in Islamic boarding schools with special theories. The student in Islamic
boarding school of Darul Ihsan learn Arabic using special theories. The teacher
who taught this lesson used the book Mutammimah al-Ajrumiyyah with
traditional methods. The researcher observed that the teaching process carried out
by the teacher was not in accordance with the conditions of the students (they did
not cooperate with each other in the learning process) so that the teaching and
learning process became boring and what they learned did not leave any trace at
all. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the
Cooperative Learning method with the Jiqsaw model to improve students 'ability
to understand Nahwu's rules, to determine students' responses to their application
and the teacher's efforts to overcome problems that occur during the learning
process. The researcher conducted this research by using the Class Action method
and the research instruments used were in the form of tests, questionnaires and
observations. The study population is all students of the Darul Ihsan Islamic
Boarding School which covers 518 students while the sample taken is fourth
grade students, amounting to 27 students. The results of the study of the
application of this method are 89.44, and this shows that this method is effective
in improving students' ability to understand the Nahwu science rules. The teacher
overcomes the problem by discussing and using learning media in the form of
concept maps with the aim to facilitate students in understanding the lessons when
learning and also provide learning motivation so that they are happy when
learning Nahwu. Student responses in the learning process are greatly improved

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