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Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist .

She born in 3 January 2003 and she is

known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation. The
youth and straightforward speaking manner of Thunberg was the reason that she start gained
notice. She criticizes world leaders for their failure to take what she considers sufficient action to
address the climate crisis .

She started spending her school days outside the Swedish Parliament to call for stronger action
on climate change by holding up a sign reading Skolstrejk for klimatet (School Strike for climate) at
age 15 in August 2018.Soon other students engaged in similar protests in their communities. After
Thunberg addressed the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference, students strikes took
place every somewhere in the world. Thunberg sailed to North America where she attended the
2019 UN Climate Action Summit to avoid energy intensive flying.

In my opinion, Greta Thunberg is a very brave person. She dare to argue the world leader to
take their responsible in managing the problem of climate change .She also quit school for a day to
protest and didn’t scare of the damage that may face in the process. In such a young age ,she really
brave and didn’t scare of the challenge.Greta Thunberg also a person that have strong
leadership.This is because she influence many people to start the activity with her no matter where
the people is .The students also being started to do the similar protests in their communities.Many
people believe her and want to follow her to do something for environment and climate change.She
also a insist person.She keep doing this activity which is protest non stop until the problem finally
being notice and gain attention from the world.She never stop her footprint and never giving up
although her family refuse to support her. Thunberg also a kind person.She cry when her teacher
paly the video of the condition of animal due to climate change.

The issue about education also very important.The education can make a person more know
about the knowledge ,the wrong and right and become responsible person in their
life.However,there are many people that didn’t have the opportunity to study.In the india ,the
people that illiteracy is among the top in the world.This is because the people was poor and they
busy to work for the money .They didn’t know the important of studying and they also didn’t let
woman to study.They think woman just have do take care of family.

I think the way that can be take is do the protest and gain attention from other
nation.Therefore,other nation can communicate with the government India to build a school and
their school fee have to be free or half or giving food as fee due to their own condition.The book also
can do like that.The teacher also can do whether the salary give half or giving food to them as salary.

In conclusion,there have many issue that we have to give attention and lend a hand. The issues
need cooperation of many people to solve the problem so all of us start to give attention and help .

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