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Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy, Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy - 0946 530 486

CLASS: 8A ____ DATE: __________ YOUR NAME: _________________________________



Questions 1-3: Complete the form below.

There is an example at the beginning (0).

Application for: Children’s Librarian - Volunteer

Example: Name: Tessa (0) _Bridges_
Address: Matthew
51, (1) ________________________ Drive
Area: Northwood
Postcode: 4126
(2) ________________________
Studying at: North wood Polytechnic
Major: creative writing
(3) ________________________
Career choice: Children’s author

Questions 4-6: Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Work History

Length of service Employer/Place Position

2 years family friends
(4) ________________ babysitter
1 year Senior High School peer tutor
(5) ________________
3 months Ace Sports Academy tennis coach
(6) ________________
ongoing Northwood Hospital official visitor: Children’s ward

Questions 7-10: Is Tessa available for work at the times listed below?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 7-10.

A. She is definitely available for work at these times

B. She might be available for work at these times
C. She is not available for work at these tunes


(7) Weekdays ___________________ (8) Evenings B
(9) Weekends ___________________ (10) School Holidays A

Questions 11-17: Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

BeWellness Online Programme

= interactive website with resources to help reach health (11) ___________________________
Wellness Register:
• easy online health check
• keep a record of progress
• get (12) ______________________________
report on present health condition
Active Health Agenda:
8-week plans taking into account age & lifestyle
• diet & workout
• weight loss
• (13) ______________________________
stress management
• healthy aging
• time-saver workouts
• allow use of various tools and (14) ______________________________online
• give access to articles, recipes, exercises
Active Sport:
skill level
Individual programmes in accordance with personal objective and (15) ______________________
• warm-up, workout, weekly training e.g. marathon, swimming, biking, running
Active Care [for specific health requirements]:
• (16) ______________________________
stop smoking
• Glucose Management
• Heart Health
• (17) ______________________________
back care

Questions 18-20: Complete the sentences below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
BeWell Coaching Course
18. Health professionals will help people make long-lasting ______________________________.
19. Coaching is for people with ______________________________ diseases.
20. Coaches help people make a ______________________________ and keep to it.

You are going to read five reviews of songs by teenage boy bands. For questions 43-52, choose
from the reviews (A-E). The reviews may be chosen more than once.
Which review

mentions that the song was the best the band released? 43. C

says the song’s lyrics are surprisingly effective when performed? 44. A

says some instruments cannot be clearly heard? 45. E

says the song has wide appeal despite its style? 46. D

suggests the track deserved to have been appreciated more? 47. B

says that the track has not lost any of its originality? 48. C

mentions an opportunity for everyone in the band to display their singing ability? 49. A

mentions the influence someone outside the band had on its music? 50. B

says that the song is easy to relate to? 51. D

admires a voice that is not what it seems? 52. E

Reviews Of Songs By Teenage Boy Bands

A. Fran by The Warts
A significant problem faced by boy bands is the narrow musical range expected of them. On the one
hand, there’s pop-rock, on the other, a dull version of rhythm and blues. Anything that differs from
those styles sounds wildly creative, which may explain the phenomenal success of The Wart’s hit
song Fran in the music charts. The keyboard plays a central role on this track, giving it a sad feel.
The lyrics are cleverly written, with each song-line starting with the last word of the previous line.
This is more impressive than you might think just reading about it, because each band member
takes a line in turn. It’s a showcase for The Warts’ excellent voices, and lead singer Mike Royce is
B. Hard Shell by Loud
Loud specialised in disco music until three years ago, when a new producer was brought in who
gave them a completely different sound. This has resulted in a string of recent hits although their
latest song, Hard Shell, is heavy with electronic synthesizers, string instruments and horns. Ned
Laing leads on vocals, guitarist Grant Berry manages a creditable solo, and the band’s rhythm
section is faultless. But at just two-and- a-half minutes long, it’s over before you know it. And sadly,
the song lacks the memorable lyrics of their earlier successes. In the end, it seems to have proved
too polished for their younger fans, and too lightweight for the older ones. It hasn’t been a hit, though
many in the industry feel it should have been.
C. What I Lost by Dealt

Though Dealt got together to compete with other popular boy bands, their first single, What I Lost,
had few of the elements that defined boy band music at the time: none of the sophisticated disco
beats that might have been expected. Instead, it’s understated rhythm and blues with a trace of folk,
and accented by that least cool of instruments, the accordion. It was a fantastic debut; four years
later, it’s still unique, as different from the usual boy-band style as accordions are from electronic
synthesisers, though both were used on the song. And although the subject matter, romance, is
familiar, there’s a clever twist: What I Lost is set in a courtroom. It was a track that was hard to
improve on, and they never did.
D. No Grace by The Bowls
Boy band The Bowls’ hit song No Grace features Len Blane’s gentle lead vocals and flowing
harmonies from some of the other band members. Say what you like about Blane, but there’s no
doubt that he has a gift for writing poetic love songs and arranging them to music. No Grace, which
he claims to have written in an afternoon, is one of his finest songs. It’s become a classic guilty
pleasure for many people who wouldn’t normally admit to liking a soft-pop love song - but why feel
guilty? There’s something touching about the lyrics and they deal with themes that everyone will
have experienced at some time in their lives.
E. Floss by Slog
Released while Slog were at their short-lived peak, their hit song Floss is a splendid example of
attitude plus technology. It opens with a drum solo, which gives way to three minutes of keyboard
craziness that sounds like something a far more experimental band might have come up with. The
three Slog members play conventional guitars and drums, but it’s virtually impossible to detect them
over the unusual electronic sounds of the backing track. Then there’s lead singer Mo Aramba’s
remarkable vocals - more those of a thirty-year-old, than of a boy of seventeen. Floss is a marvellous
track, and an inspiration for boy bands everywhere.

I. Choose the words that best complete the sentences in the text.

Is hypnosis a mystification or an ideal way of (1) ____________ many diseases?

The fact that a hypnotized individual will (2) ____________ the hypnotist's commands to perform
even the most illogical actions has always excited both the psychologists and their clients (3)
____________ for getting rid (4) ____________ different ailments, be it mental or physical, by
means of responding to persuasive suggestions while in the altered state of consciousness.
This trance may usually be (5) ____________ by repeating monotonous commands thus introducing
an individual into a subconscious sphere of his personality, which in the state of full wakefulness
may be suppressed or concealed. A hypnotized person appears to be more (6) ____________ to
imposed orders and more motivated to (7) ____________ his deep-rooted anxieties and worries.
Controversial though this approach may seem to be, it does contribute to curing people of their
emotional distresses in the (8) ____________ of positive suggestions. Hypnosis can (9)
____________ establishing a more profound contact with a patient's emotional life even (10)
____________ the forgotten events from a remote past where the root cause of an affliction may
(11) ____________ from.

It doesn't necessarily (12) ____________ at confronting the psychological problems only. Hypnosis
can also be of great assistance in treating many addictions, (13) ____________ various kinds of
pains or even fighting skin diseases.
Without (14) ____________ , hypnosis is a most useful tool in the hands of physicians and faith
healers even though the extraordinary phenomena that it (15) ____________ cannot always be
accounted for by any scientific or logical means.

1. a) recuperating b) mending c) treating d) reconvalescing

2. a) tackle b) concede c) operate d) follow
3. a) eager b) keen c) resolute d) intent
4. a) with b) of c) away d) for
5. a) conjured b) applied c) fixed d) evoked
6. a) answerable b) responsive c) reactionary d) perceptible
7. a) disclose b) depose c) delete d) disperse
8. a) use b) means c) way d) manner
9. a) help b) implement c) facilitate d) entitle
10. a) adjusting b) reviving c) deploying d) invigorating
11. a) aoriginate b) exist c) initiate d) conceive
12. a) opt b) pursue c) aim d) emphasize
13. a) depleting b) shrinking c) alleviating d) declining
14. a) fail b) miss c) guess d) word
15. a) enacts b) provokes c) breeds d) induces

II. Replace each italicized verb or phrase with the correct form of a synonymous phrasal

ask out blow up break out of bring round call for

come off drop out of give In go on grow out of

leak out make up for put up run down sound out

1. This is a maximum security prison. Nobody has ever escaped from here.
broken out of
2. Stop wasting your time. The whole situation requires an immediate response that could bring
calls for
more decisive effects. ____________________
3. Telling bad things about your workmates certainly doesn't influence the atmosphere in the
office in any positive way, so I expect you to stop doing that from now on.
running down
go on
4. Keep pressing Eddie and he'll agree to your request, for sure. ____________________

5. Hardly anyone would have thought that the boxing champion would surrender after the first
give in
round. ____________________
6. How are they going to compensate for the time they wasted playing cards in the barracks?
make up for
7. My daughter has been Invited to a restaurant by the tall gentleman for the second time this
asked out
week. ____________________
8. The construction is very light and the materials are pretty cheap. The agent claims the house
put up
can be built within three months. ____________________
blown up
9. I like this photograph so much that I'm going to have it enlarged. ____________________
10. As far as I know, the ideology of the party doesn't quite appeal to him and that's why he's
dropping out of
thinking of withdrawing from its ranks. ____________________
11. The news about Sue's pregnancy became known quickly despite her efforts to keep it secret.
leaked out
12. He is not a very outspoken person, so we may find it hard to discover his opinions.
sound out
13. I can't stop thinking there's something more that the scheme needs to to be successful.
come off
14. Peter used to be fond of collecting mascots, but after his military service he became mature
grew out of
enough to abandon the hobby. ____________________
15. Don't think you can change his approach, he's too stubborn to be convinced.
brought round

III. Replace each italicized phrase or adjective with a synonymous one.

animate coarse exclusive exemplary fruitful

fundamental grand hereditary intrepid irritable

negligible overwhelming prolific resolute topical

1. Some mothers cried during the solemn ceremony of their sons being honoured by the
President. ____________________
2. The enemy forces were too powerful to be defeated, so our troops were ordered to retreat to
a safer position ____________________
3. I advise you to be careful with Mrs Linton. She gets easily annoyed at times.
4. The details you are giving to me are of secondary importance, what I need is something
really extraordinary. ____________________
5. Look at the mouse in the trap! I thought it was dead, but it's still alive. ____________________
6. There's no necessity to be anxious about Frank; he's too determined a candidate to ever
withdraw from the election. ____________________
7. Mrs Stanford is an unusually productive author. She can write seven books a year most of
which achieve a complimentary assessment from the critics. ____________________
8. Susan's approach towards school and learning is the most suitable to follow.

9. Now that the negotiations have turned out to be successful, the ratification of the truce is a
matter of hours. ____________________
10. I’m sorry sir, but the conference facilities are restricted to the participants only.
11. The basic assignment for us now is to gather information about the ringleaders of the assault.
12. Is he the same Peter we met a year ago? Where did he learn to use this vulgar language?
13. Doctors and scientists have been trying to determine whether arthritis is a disease that can be
passed from parents to their offspring. ____________________
14. This article on the political crisis in the Far East is very informative and up-to-date.
15. If you aren’t a brave man, you won’t make a good fire fighter. ____________________

IV. Rewrite the sentences using the given forms so that they retain their original meaning.

1. The other day, I was fined for exceeding the speed limit. (beyond)
The other day, I was fined for driving beyond the speed limit.
2. I am not responsible for your misfortunes.
misfortunes are not my
Your __________________________________________________________ fault.
3. Someone suggested that we should stop manufacturing the low-price items.
was a suggestion that we should stop manufacturing the low-price items.
There ______________________________________________________________
4. He would do almost anything to win the girl's hand. (lengths)
He would go to any lengths to win the girl's hand.
5. Who's going to supervise our section? (in charge)
Who's going to be in charge of our section?
6. Although we respect Brian’s expertise in archaeology, we’re not going to employ him this time.
as we respect Brian's expertise in archaeology, we're not going to employ him this time.
Much __________________________________________________________________
7. My son attaches great importance to eating healthy food. (makes much)
My son makes much of eating healthy food
8. Alice couldn't remember the caller's identity.
The caller’s identity was beyond Alice’s
__________________________________________________________________ recall.
9. Does your mother want a soft drink? (care)
Does your mother care for a soft drink?
10. Mickey is extremely busy, but he often finds time to look in and ask how I am.
being extremely busy, Mickey often finds time to look in and ask how I am.
Despite ____________________________________________________________

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. I don't like Anthony, he seems to take too much ________ in criticizing everyone.
a) joy b) fascination c) pleasure d) entertainment
2. My family has gone to Edinburgh to pay their last ________ to uncle Tony who died last
a) sympathy b) respects c) love d) honours
3. It ________ us only a quarter of an hour to reach the residence from the bus stop.
a) needed b) lasted c) required d) took
4. If you’re planning to leave the office earlier, ________ in mind to tell me about it in advance.

a) bear b) put c) hold d) carry
5. ________ who wish to ask for the writer’s signature stand in a line, please.
a) These b) They c) Those d) There
6. A few passengers were ________ after the liner overturned in a storm.
a) plunged b) drowned c) watered d) submerged
7. Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60's, but now they are ________ the times.
a) beneath b) under c) over d) behind
8. Who else is of the ________ that we should break the camp?
a) conclusion b) opinion c) remark d) theory
9. The sergeant was furious because he hadn't been ________ of the manoeuvres
a) notified b) announced c) referred d) communicated
10. The local press has been pouring ________ on the mayor for dissolving the council.
a) blame b) hatred c) disapproval d) scorn
11. I'm ________ too keen on visiting the Parkers again so soon.
a) that b) none c) such d) very
12. It’s no wonder the children felt disappointed because first their parents promised to take them
to Disneyland and then they ________ on their word.
a) played down b) drew out c) came off d) went back
13. The army suffered very heavy ________ yet, their victory was imposing.
a) losses b) victims c) wounds d) harms
14. It's a chance of a lifetime for me to see Tokio, so I'll try to ________ the most of it.
a) catch b) do c) fulfil d) make
15. The Smiths have been ________ guilty of kidnapping their neighbour's child and have been
sentenced to ten years in prison.
a) confessed b) affirmed c) found d) established
16. They are as like as two peas. It's amazing how their parents can ________ them apart.
a) tell b) mean c) distinguish d) see
17. Do you think this kind of meat ________ itself to stewing?
a) allows b) gives c) offers d) lends
18. It was Martin who ________ the initiative in introducing our guests to the princess.
a) adopted b) took c) led d) pursued
19. Martha has been hard ________ to it to organize a fancy dress party for the younger children.
a) forced b) ordered c) put d) made
20. Only one person who can provide the best solution to the question will be promoted and
________ a financial grant.
a) served b) equipped c) entitled d) awarded


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