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Student name Student ID

Layla Alsoghayer 1706472
Hind Alsharif 1706489
Menna Sultan 1617279
Bashayer basalam 1707696

Dr. Farheen Bano
The Eye and Visual System......................................................................................................................3
Occupations That Require Excellent Vision.............................................................................................4
Instrument of the experiment.....................................................................................................................8
Test and Results.........................................................................................................................................10
Acuity Test.............................................................................................................................................10
Stereopsis, or perception of depth (at far distance)..............................................................................11
Phoria or binocular action of eyes.........................................................................................................13
Color Discrimination..............................................................................................................................13
Lateral or vertical Phoria.......................................................................................................................14

Vision is our most precious sense. Our eyes are in constant use every waking minute of every
day. The way we use our eyes can determine how well we learn, work and perform throughout
our lifetime. Over eighty percent of our learning is mediated through our eyes, indicating the
important role our vision plays in our daily activities. The way we use our eyes in our daily
routine has changed dramatically over the past number of years. More and more tasks are done at
a close viewing distance and we are working under a variety of workplace conditions. Our visual
system must adapt to these changes in order for us to function to our maximum potential.

The Eye and Visual System

A complete eye examination is more than just reading letters on a chart twenty feet away. It is
simply one test of the function of one part of the visual system. The eyeball is just the receiver of
light and the comparison of the eye to a camera is limited in understanding how we really see.
Visual processing is accomplished in the brain where visual perception occurs. “Eyesight” is the
process of properly focusing the incoming light to the proper area of the retina, whereas “vision”
is the process of taking that information into the brain, making sense of it and reacting
appropriately. The pathway of light through the eye travels through the cornea, the anterior
chamber, the pupil, the lens, the vitreous body, and then to the retina where the light energy is
transformed into nerve impulses. It travels out of the eye via the optic nerve, which is a mass of
about one million nerve fibers that extend from the retina to the brain. When the entire process
works normally, the visual state is known as “emmetropia”. If the light comes to focus too soon
(before striking the retina), it is called “myopia” or near-sightedness. If the light strikes the retina
before it has come to a focus, it is called “hyperopia” or far-sightedness. If there is any distortion
in the shape of the cornea or other optical structures, then “astigmatism” can occur. This is a
common occurrence and often needs an optical correction to compensate for the distortion.
Occupations That Require Excellent Vision
We all want the freedom of having good vision so as to enjoy life without contacts or glasses, but
some of us work in fields where 20/20 eyesight isn’t just an option, but a requirement. Of course,
pursuing our ideal job calls for the necessary qualifications and experience — and this can urge
strict health and fitness standards. There are some industries that strictly call for sharp eyesight
and peripherals, such as:

1. Firefighters
We all know firefighters have to stay in great physical shape in order to save lives, but you
probably didn’t envision your eyesight getting in between you and your dream job. When one
considers the perilous conditions, firefighters are faced with on a daily basis, poor or average
eyesight just won’t do. Environmental factors — not to mention navigating smoke, flames, water
and darkness — impel the need for corrective surgery in this field.

2. Airline Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers

The ability to navigate safely and good eyesight go hand-in-hand, so it’s only reasonable to
command pilots and air traffic employees to correct their vision. Flying a plane and directing
flight traffic requires a great deal of spatial intelligence, and professionals will undergo strict
assessments to determine their visual capabilities before being granted the appropriate licensing.

3. Defense Force Personnel

Defense force careers, including roles within the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, and
Royal Australian Air Force demand some of the strictest standards of vision of any organization.
As personnel are faced with arduous tasks well outside the norm, this is to be expected. Exact

prescription levels will depend on the branch in which you wish to enlist, so it’s a good idea to
look into your eligibility requirements and book an appointment with your ophthalmologist for
your mandatory specialist review.

4. Police
The Australian Federal Police, much like the Department of Defense, requires medical and
psychological assessments to be undertaken, including proof of visual acuity. Police officers
need to act quickly in emergency situations, with the ability to see clearly in an urgent duty
driving capacity. While contact lenses and glasses may be used to correct a vision impairment,
a minimum prescription criterion must be met. Permanent laser vision correction is a convenient
alternative for AFP employees.

5. Web Developers
A high level of analysis is needed to perform within web development role and — given the
amount of time spent in front of computer screens — so too is visual acuity. This type of work
can be taxing on your eyes, and those with visual problems such as myopia (short-
sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), astigmatism and presbyopia (age-related long-
sightedness) can see symptoms like eye strain and headaches worsen. For many office-bound
occupations, some form of vision correction is needed; be it eyeglasses, contacts or laser eye

6. Surgeons and Paramedics

Having good vision can be a matter of life or death for healthcare providers and those employed
by emergency services. Performing life-changing surgery, especially microsurgery, requires
steady vision as much as a steady hand. Paramedics and other emergency healthcare providers
can find themselves in a race against time, often navigating through traffic to save lives. Such

professionals can certainly benefit from laser eye surgery, which can change the way you operate
in your role forever.

7. Photographers
A keen eye defines the very best photographers, and to be an expert in this craft you’ll need
nothing less than outstanding vision. Laser eye surgery can be a real eye opener for both
professional photographers and amateurs, making it easier and more comfortable to operate a
camera than with eyeglasses. Some photographers may choose to wear contact lenses instead —
but keep in mind you may encounter glare problems.

8. Lifeguards
Looking out for danger calls for rapid response rates and a set of hawk-like eyes. For a lifeguard,
glasses simply aren’t practical when you’re out saving lives in the surf. Coastlines across the
Gold Coast rely on the fitness and health of our surf lifesaving members to patrol our shores and
protect as many people as possible.

9. Construction Workers
Laser vision correction among construction and tradesmen is growing rapidly. Anyone who
works in construction and wears glasses or contact lenses will tell you about the daily challenges
they face on the job. While perfect vision may not be specified in the application criteria, it’s an
ideal component of building and infrastructure. Protective eyewear, nonetheless, is a health and
safety requirement, and wearing glasses underneath can prove difficult. Dust and dirt are realities
of the construction environment, and contact lens wear can present a host of associated

10. Hospitality Workers

If you’re a hospitality worker who relies on glasses or contact lenses to see clearly, you’re
probably fed up with the fog and irritation. It’s no wonder when you’re surrounded by high
temperature ovens and steamy dishwashers whilst working in a fast-paced environment. If you’re
a chef, you’ll understand how cooking comfortably in the kitchen is a key safety precaution,

particularly for those vulnerable extremities you use to prepare food. So, master your inner chef,
and pay attention to those fine details by correcting your vision appropriately for all kitchen

11. Parents
Arguably the most challenging role of all is a job that comes with little to no praise — parenting.
It’s easy to lose our glasses when our minds are overburdened with responsibility and a million
things are going on at once. In our busy world, parents often delay dealing with issues related to
their vision — but the job requires good near and farsighted vision to keep kids safe and to
observe all the wonderful visual joys parenting has to offer.

Studies has shown there are 12 visual functions that are necessary for most professions to be
successful. In this experiment the B&L vision check tester measures certain functions. The
evaluation comes under the following four basic classifications:

1. Eye phoria or binocular action.

2. Acuity or visual discrimination fitness.

3. Stereopsis or depth consciousness.

4. Discrimination in color.

 To gain knowledge in using the vision tester to measure the 12 visual functions.
 To determine the suitable profession based on the individual’s visual skills whether she’s
adequate, or below for the job visual standard.
 To study job distributions with respect for the required visual functions.

Instrument of the experiment

The vision tester which is in figure (1) with these main components:
• Instrument Body
• Lens System
• Instrument Base
• Test Dial
• Observation Window
• Head Rest Tissues
• Easy “FAR” and “NEAR” change
• Tension Knobs

• “FAR” and “NEAR” indicators
• Convenient carrying handle

Figure 2 Vision Tester

Vision tester is utilized to assess the visual functions. The experiment procedure may be
described in the following criteria;
1. Using the master switch 2 for turning the vision tester on.
2. Setting the buttons to the position of FAR/NEAR depending on the test
3. A student will put her hand tightly into the tissue of the hand rest.
4. Changing from one test to another test by using the Test Dial.
5. Write the score of each question on the report sheet given by the instrument.

Test and Results

The records are in attached forms and the results of the vision tests for student Layla and Hend
are illustrated below
Acuity Test.

Figure 3 Test Slide for Dial 1,2,3,4 (Acuity Test)

Figure 4Test Slide for Dial 9,12 (Acuity Test)

Visual Acuity
#Tes Test Name Layla Hend
1 Far binocular 20/20 20/40
2 Far monocular right and left eye 20/20 20/40
3 Near binocular 20/20 20/20
4 Near monocular right and left eye 20/20 20/20
9 Acuity-Far(left- both-right) 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/50 20/30 20/30
12 Acuity-Near(left- both-right) 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20

Table 1 visual acuity test results

Stereopsis, or perception of depth (at far distance)

Figure 5 test slide for dial 5 (stereopsis - right eye)

Figure 6test slide for dial 5 (stereopsis - right eye)

Table 2perception of depth results

Perception of depth
#Test Dial Test Name Layla Hend
Tumbling “E”- Far
5 20/20 20/20 20/50 20/40
Left and Right eye (left-right)

Phoria or binocular action of eyes

Figure 7 test slide for dial 6&8(phoria or binocular action of eyes

Table 3 Phoria or Binocular action of the eyes test results

Phoria or Binocular action of the eyes

#Test Test Name Layla Hend

6 Muscle balance -Far Pass Pass

8 Muscle balance -Near Pass Fail

Color Discrimination

Figure 8 test slide for dial7 (color discrimination)

Table 4 color discrimination test results

Color discrimination
#Test dial Test Name Layla Hend
7 Color Perception-Far Passed Passed

Lateral or vertical Phoria

Figure 9 test slide for dial 10 (vertical phoria)

Figure 10 test slide for dial 11 (lateral phoria)

Table 5 lateral and vertical phoria test results

Lateral or vertical Phoria

#Test dial Test Name Layla Hend
10 Lateral Phoria-Far 8 9
11 Vertical Phoria-Far 4 5

After testing and recording the results of each test, now it will be discussed the results for the
two members of the team who did the tests of eye vision. The first member who was Layla she
has a good eye vision and don't have any problems in her eyes, while the other member Hind she
was having problems in her eyes which is called vision weakness and she used to wear glasses.
Therefore, in this experiment they conduct twelve tests to know what range of vision acuity they

 Test 1

Referring to Error: Reference source not found, we can see that Layla has a result of 20/20 acuity
for the test of far acuity Patti for both eyes. Which is mean that Layla can see normal far views
what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 20 ft. at the same time, Hind conduct the test
and has a result of 20/40 acuity for the test of far acuity Patti for both eyes. Which is mean that
Hind can see normal far views what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 40 ft. It can
be concluded that Layla has a better vision acuity than Hind.

 Test 2

Referring to Error: Reference source not found, we can see that Layla has a result of 20/20 acuity
for the test of far acuity Patti for the right and left eye. Which is mean that Layla can see normal
far views what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 20 ft. On the other hand, Hind
conduct the test and has a result of 20/40 acuity for the test of far acuity Patti for the right and
left eye. Which is mean that Hind can see normal far views what a normal person 20/20 can see
at a distance of 40 ft. It can be concluded that Layla has a better vision acuity than Hind.

 Test 3

Referring to Error: Reference source not found, we can see that Layla has a result of 20/20 acuity
for the test of near acuity Patti for both eyes. Which is mean that Layla can see normal near
views what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 20 ft. Conversely, Hind conduct the
test and has a result of 20/20 acuity for the test of near acuity Patti for both eyes. Which is mean
that Hind can see normal near views what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 20 ft. It
can be concluded that Layla and Hind has the same vision acuity and this is mean that Hind can
see near objects better than far objects and this is called near-sightedness.

 Test 4

Referring to Error: Reference source not found, we can see that Layla has a result of 20/20 acuity
for the test of near acuity Patti for the right and left eye. Which is mean that Layla can see
normal near views what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 20 ft. Conversely, Hind
conduct the test and has a result of 20/20 acuity for the test of near acuity Patti for the right and
left eye. Which is mean that Hind can see normal near views what a normal person 20/20 can see
at a distance of 20 ft. It can concluded that Layla and Hind has the same vision acuity.

 Test 5

Referring to Table 2, this is about the test of the perception of depth at far distance. It can be seen
that Layla has a result of 20/20 acuity for the test of the perception of depth at far distance for
right and left eye. Which is mean that Layla can see normal far views what a normal person
20/20 can see at a distance of 20 ft. Contrarily, Hind has a result of 20/50 acuity for the left eye
while the right eye has an acuity of 20/40 acuity. Which is mean that Hind can see normal far
views what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 50 ft. for the left eye, and for the right
eye Hind can see normal far views what a normal person 20/20 can see at a distance of 40 ft. It
can be concluded that Layla has a better perception of depth at far distance more than Hind.

 Test 6 &8

Referring to Table 3, this is about the test of phoria or binocular action of eyes. Both of Layla
and Hind had passed the test of far muscle balance. In the near muscle balance Layla passed the
test while Hind failed to pass the exam.

 Test 7

Referring to Table 4, this test is concerned with colour discrimination at far distance. Layla and
Hind had passed this exam, and identify all of the eight E's which means that their colour
discrimintation is good and they have 20/20 acuity.

 Test 9

Referring to Error: Reference source not found, this test is concerned with acuity test at far
distance. Which will test left, right, and both eyes. For Layla she got 20/20 acuity for the far
acuity test as 20/20 normal person can see far views at a distance of 20 ft. for all of the three
tests. While Hind the results vary, for the left eye she got 20/50 acuity for the far acuity test as
20/20 normal person can see far views at a distance of 50 ft. Furthermore, for the both eyes she
got 20/30 acuity for the far acuity test as 20/20 normal person can see far views at a distance of
30 ft. Lastly, for the right eye she got 20/30 acuity for the far acuity test as 20/20 normal person
can see far views at a distance of 30 ft.. Layla had a better acuity for a far distance than Hind.

 Test 10

Referring to Table 5, this test is about the lateral phoria binocular at a far distance. Which is as
noticed that Layla is in the normal range or (Ortho) which that she has a normal vision. While
Hind is above normal in the first degree of exophoria but she is not in the dangerous range.

 Test 11

Referring to Table 5, this test is about the vertical phoria binocular at a far distance. Which is as
noticed that Layla is in the normal range or (Ortho) which that she has a normal vision. While
Hind is above normal in the first degree of right hyperphoria but she is not in the dangerous
range and she is near normal. When Hind failed to pass the eight test, this may refer to the stress
of eye after doing many tests before.

 Test 12

Referring to Error: Reference source not found, this test is concerned with acuity test at near
distance. Which will test left, right, and both eyes. For Layla she got 20/20 acuity for the far
acuity test as 20/20 normal person can see far views at a distance of 20 ft. for all of the three
tests. In addition, Hind got 20/20 acuity for the far acuity test as 20/20 normal person can see far
views at a distance of 20 ft., which means that Hind got a better vision at near objects rather than
far objects. As it indicated above she have near-sightedness and that is the reason why.

After conducting all of the twelve tests, Layla had an average of 20/20 acuity while Hind had
20/32 acuity in average. Now we have to measure the range of visual acuity for both Layla and
Hind by taking the lowest acuity from each of left, right, and both eyes tests conducted
previously. It conclude that Layla, have a normal visual acuity for both eyes (left and right) and
Hind have a mild visual acuity for both eyes (left and right).


In this experiment we had recognize what Occupations that require an excellent vision, which
means that it requires the twelfth visual functions to be excellent. We had learned a simple and
accurate method of measuring the twelfth visual functions. Also, we had trained how to compare
the measured twelfth visual functions with the visual standard that are required for the team
member selected job and determining whether the team member visual skills are adequate, below
or seriously lowered for the job visual standard.




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