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Q1 ) The distributor can convince the manufacturer by clarifying these advantages:

 The distributer is serving specific region so he is aware of market

characteristics and compatible with it; whereas the manufacturer serves
several geographical regions.
 The supplier may not be fully aware of all the potential customers and he will
spend a lot of time and cost to get accurate demand while distributors are
close to the market which leads to better and accurate market demand
 Distributor could have storage warehouse and distribution capabilities so he
will be able to deliver right quantity in right time and maintain service level of
customers, on the other hand manufacturer would have to develop the proper
warehouse and transportation system
 Distributor can provide customer with combinations of products from several
manufacturers since customers usually like to buy various products or

Q2 ) Amazon. com has the greatest advantage when compared to retail store chain
through going online is from the product of book sales. Amazon is able to list a huge
number of books in their publications, publishers and types. Through this it has a cost
advantage. elimination of unnecessary inventory costs and also shipping the books
directly from wholesalers to the consumers it gains advantage over its costs. On the
other hand, selling electronics, hardware, toys and home improvement products
through online channels has a smallest advantage when compared to the retail store
chains because the customers mostly prefer to experience its features and quality
before they make any selection. Due to the inability to hold such items online, the may not or have smaller cost advantage in these products selling

Q3 ) Panasonic should build its factories in Kagoshima, Sapporo, and Hiroshima with
capacity of 300000 each

a. The plant will be in Jazan and the network will be as the following

From/to East West Central North South

Jeddah yes yes yes
Dammam yes
Jazan yes

b. the plant will be in Jazan and the network will be as the following

From/to  East West Central North South

Dammam yes yes yes
Jazan yes yes

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