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Wednesday,15th of September,2021

Writing a paragraph

Powerful vocabulary learnt

Bad=Terrible=awful=mischievous during the session:

Proverb of the day ‘Empty vessels make Significant= important

the most noise.’ Format= shape
Elongates=make it long
Advantages= good things
Entertaining= fun
What do you I want to write about? Indentation= space before you
 The entertainment provided by start your paragraph= five
mobile phones. letters space
 Games
 Videos
 Music
 Photos
Mobile phones
Mobile phones can cure you from boredom. It has a lot of fascinating games and with
no doubt most kids Like ROBLOX, Among Us, Minecraft and more as they are fun.

Concluding sentence:

1. Mobiles are functioned for amusement in numerous methods.

2. Mobiles are used to prevent boredom in more than one way.
3. In more than one way , Mobiles can be used to avoid boredom.
Topic Sentence Mobiles are used for entertainment in many

Detail 1 People use them to play games.

Proof/ Example 1 No doubt most kids and teens are obsessed

with ‘Candy Crush’ and ‘Subway’ among

Detail 2 They allow you to watch videos.

Proof/ Example 2 You can display your friend’s Facebook

accounts and watch the videos they all

Concluding sentence Hence, mobiles help you enjoy yourself.

 Write your own paragraph about the advantages of T.v following
the steps taken in the session +the table (Topic sentence+ details
with evidence+ concluding sentence)
 Remember to add an indent before your paragraph.
 Remember to use linking words.
 Remember to use powerful/big vocabulary.

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