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Combine these sentences using a relative clause (Put commas where necessary)

1. Richard Corniff is an animal behavior specialist. He is the author of the book “Ape in the
Corner Office”.

2. Some employees rely on powerful people in their office to help them get better jobs. They
have ambitious career goals.

3. In chimps, a common strategy is to break up alliances. They can be used against them.

4. Primates find themselves happier, more effective and likely to survive. They cooperate in
the wild.

5. Geladas are primates. They live in the remote highlands of Ethiopia.

6. Typical family units have between two and eight adult females, their offspring, and a
primary male. It is called the family male by the researchers.

7. Some monkeys demonstrated gender-driven toy preferences. They live in captivity.

8. The police found a pager. It led them to a suspect.

9. Europe’s oldest mummy was discovered by hikers in the frozen ice of the Italian Alps in
1991. It was known as the iceman.

10. Stores try to sell items. They were designed to make us look or feel better.

11. Predators are a major factor in their life. They threaten these birds.

12. Some fishermen complain that having holes in their nets can cause them to lose a
significant percent of their catch. They use the new turtle excluder device.
13. Their primary way to reproduce is to produce nectar. It is attractive to insects.

14. Pollen is a substance. It contains DNA.

15. Epiphytes grow in places with a humid climate. They get water from the air.

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