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QE_1 Page 1

3. The Irrational roots occur in pair if a,b,c

4. If a = 1 , b, c and D is perfect square then both the roots of the quadratic equation are integer.

5. Identity: The equation which is true for all values of variable involved in the equation is known
as identity. To show that a polynomial equation of n th degree is an identity either show that its all
coefficient are 0 or show that it has n+1 roots.

6. The complex roots occur in pair if a,b,c

7. If a + b + c = 0 then one root of quadratic eq is 1 and other is c/a

8. If a - b + c = 0 then one root of quadratic eq is -1 and other is -c/a

QE_1 Page 2

1. Find a real polynomial equation of least degree whose two roots are i and 2i.

2. Find a rational polynomial equation of least degree whose one root is

3. The roots of (x-c)(x-d)+k = 0 are then find the equation whose roots are c & d in terms of & k.

4. The biquadratic eq
a. At least 2 real root c. No real root
b. At least 3 real root d. Can't Say

5. Find the values of so that both the roots of the equation are integer.
(given that )

6. The roots of the biquadratic equation

are then find

7. Let P(x) be a fifth degree polynomial with leading cofficient(coff of highest power) one and P(1) = 1,
P(2) = 4, P(3) = 9, P(4) = 16,P(5) = 25 then find P(6).

8. Find the values a,b & c if (a-b) + (b-c)x +(c-2) = 0 .

9. The equation have

a. Two real root c. No real root
b. At least one real root d. Infinite roots

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