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Maleek Holder

12 Arts 1
January 14, 2022
Essay Writing

Essay Topic: Evaluate the relevance of the Marxist model of class structure and class conflict to
an analysis of Caribbean society.

This essay is done to evaluate the relevance of the Marxist model of class structure and class
conflict to an analysis of Caribbean society. After examining this, I would first like to define
Karl Marx’s view of class structure which was based on his belief that society was split in two
classes which were the bourgeois (the social order that is dominated by the so-called middle
class.) and the proletariat (the lowest or one of the lowest economic and social classes in a
society.) and what would determine where a person fit into either of these classes was their
means of production (meaning that he who owned the resources had a better position in the
society). He also believes that conflict would arise between both classes because of the
inequality between them.

The class conflict of the marxist model of class structure can be seen in the Caribbean society
were the proletariats and the bourgeois are both engaged in a continual struggle. Reason for this
is because those who have power and resources will not give up voluntarily (bourgeois), and
those with less power and fewer resources hope to better their plight and obtain more resources
(proletariat) therefore this leads to the bourgeois owning the means of production and the
proletariat is thus forced to sell their labor in order to survive in Caribbean societies.

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