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Bisclavret lines 89-134

89. ‘Lady,’ he said, ‘beside this wood,

90. Beside the path through which I go,

91. There stood an old chapel,

92. Which many times did me much good.

93. There there is the stone, hollow and broad,

94. Beneath a bush, empty on the inside.

95. My clothes I put there beneath the bush,

96. Until I return home.’

97. The lady heard this marvel,

98. She was all red from fear.

99. She is frightened by the situation.

100. In many ways she considered

101. How she would be able to separate herself from him;

102. She wished no longer to lie beside him.

103. A knight from the countryside,

104. Who long had loved her

105. And often entreated her and often wooed her

106. And offered much in his service,

107. (she had never loved him

108. Nor promised love from herself,)

109. To this man she sent with a message,

110. And to him she opened her heart.

111. ‘Beloved,’ she said, ‘be happy!

112. That for which you have toiled

113. I grant you now without any delay;

114. There will no longer be any resistance.

115. I grant you my love and my body:

116. Make me your beloved!’

a. Lit: “make your beloved out of me”

117. He thanks her kindly for this

118. And takes the pledge from her,

119. And she places him under oath.

120. Then she told him how

121. Her lord would go and what would become.

122. All the path that he would take

123. Toward the forest she told him;

124. She sent him for his clothes.

125. In this way was Bisclavret betrayed

126. And harmed by his wife.

127. Because one commonly lost track of him,

128. Everyone believed together

129. That he had left everything behind.

130. He was plenty searched for and inquired into:

131. But they couldn’t find him,

132. and it remained for them to let him be.

133. The man then married the lady,

134. Whom he long had loved.

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