Translation Week 4

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Bisclavret lines 261-end.

261. The king believed in his advice.

262. He detained the knight;

263. For the other part, he seized the lady.

a. “on the other hand”

264. And put her in very great pain.

265. So through pain and through fear

a. “as much through pain as well as through fear”

266. Did she tell him everything about her sire,

267. How she’d betrayed him

268. And stole his clothing from him,

269. The story that he told her,

270. And what he became and where he went;

271. After she stole his clothes from him,

272. He wasn’t seen in his country;

273. Very well he thought and well he believed

a. More likely “she”… cf. switch of subj. to king in next line

274. That he was the beast Bisclavret.

275. The king requests the clothing.

276. Whether she like it or not,

277. He has it brought back,

278. He has it given to Bisclavret.

279. When they had placed it before him,

280. In no way did he pay attention.

281. The wise man called the king,

282. He who first advised him.

283. “Sire, you’re not acting rightly at all.

284. He wouldn’t do this for anything at all,

285. That is, put his clothes back on before you,

286. Nor change his appearance from that of the beast.

287. You do not know how important this is.

288. He has great shame about it.

289. Have him led into your chambers

a. Switch between “tu” and “vus?

290. And have the clothing brought to him;

291. Let us leave him there for a good bit.

292. If he becomes human, we will well see it.

293. The king himself led him there

294. And shut all the doors on him.

295. At the end of the wait, he went there;

296. He had two barons with him, leading.

a. “He led two barons along with him.”

297. All three entered into the chamber.

298. On the king’s lordly bed

a. “the king’s own bed”

299. They find the knight sleeping.

300. The king ran to embrace him;

301. More than a hundred times he embraces and kisses him.

302. As soon as he could have the opportunity,

303. He returned to him all his land;

304. He gave him more than I will say.

305. The woman he removed from the land

306. And hunted out of the country.

307. She departed together with him,

308. For whom she betrayed her sire.

309. She had many children with him.

310. And they were then easily recognized,

311. Both by their air and by their appearance:

312. Many of the women of her line,

313. And this is true, were born without noses

314. And thus lived without noses.

a. “unnosed”

315. The story which you’ve heard

316. Was true, and don’t doubt me.

a. “don’t doubt it at all”

317. The lai of Bisclavret was done

318. For remembrance for all further days.

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