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What is more beautiful than a blooming flower? What is more attractive

than a lovely sunset? I hope you guessed it right. Yes, it’s your smile!

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the chairperson, honorable

judges, timekeepers and members of the audience.

I am certain that most of you have heard the expression, “Smile, and the
world will smile at you.” I totally believe that a true smile is the best way to keep
you in a good mood. A smile is the way of showing your happiness, love,
friendliness, appreciation and kindness. When you are doing great in
examinations, you smile. When you see your best friends can do well in the
competitions, you smile. When you want to offer help to strangers, you smile.

People who knows me will definitely say that I am a smiley person. I chose
to be one because I know, it gives me so many positivity. It makes me feel the
sense of serenity and peacefulness. Hence, I can handle almost all the situations
perfectly because the first thing that I do when I am facing any challenges or
difficulties is smiling. It helps me to overcome my fear, anxiety and nervousness.
When I smile, suddenly all the strength just came running around my body and
mind and therefore, everything seems very easy. This is what I called as tricking
my brain to elevates my mood. I believe that happy people are those who learn
to smile during difficult times.

Now, let’s take a deeper look why this expression can change into so many
positive emotions. Before that, let’s take a little tour into the depths of our
physiological structure. When we smile, a chemical message is released within
our brain known as endorphin. Once released, it travels down the spine and send
the feeling of good messages throughout the rest of our body. Therefore,
Endorphins have the ability to make us feel happy. Whenever we smile, we
release them. Studies also shown that smiling stimulates our brain’s reward
mechanisms in a way that even chocolate, a well-regarded pleasure-giver cannot
match. Amazing right?

Ladies and gentlemen.

Smiling is like a pre-programmed behavior where people don’t have to

learn to do that. It is a universal sign of happiness that every language in the
world can understand. Have you ever wondered how people who are born blind
can show the same smiles as those sighted people? It is surprising considering
that they have never actually seen a smile, right? Babies also show their
intentional gesture of warmth by smiling to their caregiver. Hence, this proves
that smiling has become a natural response to pleasant feelings. It creates an
ultimate connection between all humankind. Sometimes, when no words can
be spoken, a smile is all that is needed to fill the air.

Smiles are wonderfully contagious that it has the power to change

countless lives. It works like a magical spell. It has a mirroring effect whenever
you smile at someone, they are most likely to start smiling too. When they smile
back, then they too will feel a wave of happiness flood throughout their being. It
does not only make them feel accepted and appreciated, it also provides
encouragement as well. All you have to do is smile.

Smile does not only make you feel good. It also can stimulate people’s
attention especially when you as a communicator or presenter. Smiling is crucial
when it comes to first impressions. Have you come across? A viral video of a
teacher is seen walking in the corridor and stopping right outside the classroom.
He takes a few deep breaths and practices a smile before going inside the
classroom. By doing this, he is not only boosting all the energy for himself, he is
also transmitting it to the whole classroom. I am sure most of our teachers are
doing this every single day. Even on their toughest days.
Ladies and gentlemen,

We all are aware that because of this pandemic, people are no longer
interacting with each other as usual. The lockdown and economic recession have
causes mental distress to some people. It does not affect the adults only, but also
the children. I believe that some of us already forgotten how to smile. Look at the
people around you. Maybe you can do something to bring a smile back on their
face and at the same time you can enforce positive energy in them. Small
gestures or activities like helping your mother, sharing your toys with your
siblings, giving cards or presents to people in the house, and giving compliments
to each other can initiate positive feelings in the house. Trust me, it feels so good
when you can put a smile on someone’s face. It is one of the best feelings in the
world. So, be the reason someone smiles today.

Though some people might say that they find it hard to smile due to
circumstances in their lives. Keep in mind that no one is born happy, but all of us
are born with the ability to create happiness. Now, try to close your eyes and
think of the moments that make you laugh and smile. How do you feel? These
visualizations are great for helping you smile. Or, I encourage you to just do it!
Stand up straight, work on you posture, smile to the world. Fake it till you make

I believe in the power of a smile can make the saddest of circumstances

a little better. I believe in the power of a smile can enrich the happiest
experiences in life. I believe in the power of a smile can transcend all barriers
between individuals and to create special moments in life.

With that, I end my speech. Thank you. Till we meet again.

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