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The Principle of Hard and Soft Acids and Bases and the Problem of Competitive Coordination

in Complex Compounds

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1972 Russ. Chem. Rev. 41 341


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Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972 341

U.D.C. 541.49 + 541.124.128

The Principle of Hard and Soft Acids and Bases and the Problem of
Competitive Coordination in Complex Compounds
A.D.Garnovskii, O.A.Osipov, and S.B.Bulgarevich

A systematic and general account is given of data on the location of the coordinate bond in systems with several potential
electron-donating centres (competitive coordination). The problem is examined from the standpoint of the principle of
hard and soft acids and bases.
The biliography includes 441 references.

I. Introduction 341
11. The fundamental concepts of the principle of hard and soft acids and bases 341
III. The location of the coordinate bond in systems with several electron-donating centres: 342
competitive coordination

I. INTRODUCTION Nevertheless, these postulates, which are familiar and

comprehensible to chemists and which have been tested on
The principle of hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB), numerous examples 1 " 2 5 ' 3 0 " 3 8 ' 4 1 , have been frequently
put forward by Pearson 1 in 1963 has been recently widely disregarded and have not yet been considered in the
adopted in chemistry not only as a result of the author's discussion of many general and specific problems of
own efforts 2 " 6 but also due to the publication of mono- organic, inorganic, and coordination chemistry as well as
graphs 5 > 7 " 9 } reviews 1 0 " 1 6 , and original papers 1 7 " 2 5 in in the chemistry of organometallic compounds.
which certain problems of inorganic, organic, and coord- In this connection the undoubted usefulness of the HSAB
ination chemistry as well as the chemistry of organic principle in individual correlations and the general cor-
derivatives of the elements have been discussed from the relation of a large number of experimental facts concern-
standpoint of hard and soft acids and bases. ing primarily the stability and reactivity of inorganic,
The HSAB principle is based on three fundamental organic, and coordination compounds and organometallic
postulates: (I) the majority of chemical reactions may be compounds must be recognised. This is confirmed by the
regarded as of the acid-base type 1 " 6 and compounds can finding that the formulation of the HSAB principle 1 ' 2 and
be treated as complexes of Lewis acids and bases 4 ; (2) all its vigorous propagation 3 " 7 stimulated the consideration
acids (A) and bases (B) can be classified as hard (H), soft of problems of the stability of coordination 5 " 7 ' 13 and
(S), and intermediate (I); 1 " 6 ' 1 1 (3) acid-base reactions •organic 4 ' 6 ' 14 " 16 compounds and their reactivity 4 ' 8 ' 1 4 ' 1 7 ' 2 4 ,
take place in such a way that hard acids (HA) are preferen- the problem of electronegativity 18 ' 19 , and also the
tially coordinated to hard bases (HB) and soft acids (SA) consideration of the nature of the attacking agent in
are preferentially coordinated to soft bases (SB). 1 ) 4 ' 5 quantum-chemical estimations of reactivity 2 .
The reactivities of the intermediate acids (IA) and bases In the present review an attempt is made to apply the
(IB) require a specific consideration. HSAB principle in the discussion of the problem of the
The above postulates, combined in the HSAB principle, location of the coordinate bond in the chemistry of coor-
are not new to chemists, since (1) the possibility of dination compounds. The enormous amount of experi-
assigning chemical reactions to the acid-base category mental data accumulated on this problem has already been
follows directly from the Usanovich theory 2 6 , as rightly the subject of some discussion 7 ' ' 2 4 ' 2 5 ' 3 3 ' 4 2 , but this has
pointed out by Yatsimirskii 13 , Day and Selbin27, Evans 1 8 , been unduly narrow 1 2 ' 4 2 or insufficiently objective 33 .
and Denes 2 8 ; (2) the classification of acids which follows Among the very large amount of data published on this
from the HSAB principle is identical with the classification question, we have considered mainly those of the last five
of metal ions into classes A and Β (Schwarzenbach29) or a years.
and b (Ahrland, Chatt, and Davies 30 ), as was emphasised
by Pearson himself4' and also in monographs 31 ' and
reviews 1 0 ' 3 3 ; an approach to the estimation of softness
and hardness of bases was suggested by Schwarzenbach 34 ' 35 ;
(3) the preferential coordination of hard acids to hard
bases and of soft acids to soft bases has long been known to Π. THE FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF THE PRINCIPLE
chemists as the postulate of the predominance of electro- OF HARD AND SOFT ACIDS AND BASES
static or covalent interaction in individual acid-base
reactions (including donor-acceptor reactions 1 3 ). This Using the criteria of hardness and softness, Pearson
fact, which follows from classical polarisation concepts of compiled Tables classifying acids and bases 1 " 6 . Despite
coordination chemistry, has been pointed out in mono- the wide range of acids and bases covered and the satis-
graphs 3 6 " 3 8 and original papers 1 3 ' 3 9 . Here it is interesting factory treatment of the preferred paths for reactions,
to note that in his paper published in 1962, Hudson40 states Pearson's classification is in many ways arbitrary and in
directly that polarisable ions tend to react at polarising many cases cannot be used to account for the reactivity
centres, while non-polarisable ions react at charged of coordination and organic compounds as well as organic
non-polarising centres". derivatives of the elements.
342 Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972

The stability series of complexes with electron-donating We see the advantages of Yatsimirskii's classification
atoms found on the basis of the existing classifications 4 ' 29 ' : not only because of a more rigorous approach to the nature
of acid-base interaction in its derivation but also because
hard { 0>S>Se>Te and soft j O«s^S ~ S e ~ Te
of the more correct distribution of cations and anions
lF>CI>Br>I lF<Cl<Br<I
among different classes which follows from it. These
considerations concern primarily the H+, CHj, and CR3
are valid only when one disregards electronic and steric hard cations which belong3+to one group, and the separate
factors in molecules 14 , which may alter significantly the assignment of Al3
* and Sc to hard cations (group 3) and of
"softness" and "hardness" of both an7 acid 10 31 32
and a base. Ga3+ and In3+ to soft cations (group 4). It is shown below
This has been frequently pointed out > > > χη the assess- that in most cases the classification of all the cations
ment of the stability series of complexes using the classi- included in group 5 as soft is justified. At the same time
fication of Ahrland, Chatt, andDavies 3 0 ; these remarks the assignment of quadrivalent zirconium and hafnium to
are undoubtedly valid also for Pearson's classification hard cations (group 3) is not always justified and in this
Tables. When estimating "hardness" and "softness" of case account must be taken of the symbiotic effects of
acids and bases, it is particularly important 4 7 43
to take into anions 4 ' 7 ' 4 3 .
account electronic and symbiotic effects ' ' , which may A quantum-chemical basis has been obtained for the
result in the "transfer " of an acid or base, particularly HSAB principle 5 ' 4 6 ' 4 7 using the mathematical apparatus
those of intermediate types, from one category to another of the simple perturbation theory 4 8 . This approach is
(SA-IA-HA or SB-IB-AB). Numerous data useful in unduly narrow and suffers from many disadvantages 20 ' 49 .
understanding the arbitrary nature of this type of classifi- However, such discussion is outside the scope of the
cation in organic chemistry 41are given in a paper by 44 present review.
Nesmeyanov 14and Kabachnik , in the reviews of Gompper
and Shevelev , and in Sokolov's papers 2 4 ' 4 5 or organic
derivatives of the elements. ΙΠ. THE LOCATION OF THE COORDINATE BOND IN
In estimations of "hardness" and "softness", an SYSTEMS WITH SEVERAL ELECTRON-DONATING
important role must be attributed to specific 4 14 40
conditions and the effect of the solvent ' ' . We believe
that in this respect the "hardness" of the proton and In the discussion of the problem of competitive coor-
"softness" of the methyl cation (CHJ) are particularly 4
dination, one must distinguish non-conjugated and con-
instructive. The entire data quoted by Pearson appear jugated systems. The first type includes saturated
to be consistent with his conclusion that the methyl cation compounds (or compounds with isolated multiple bonds)
is "softer" than the proton. However, data on the affinities where the reaction centres are separated from one another
of the proton and the methyl cation for various bases in by at least one atom with a saturated valence. In com-
the gas phase suggest that they are equally "hard". 1 3 pounds of the second type, the electron-donating centres
Thus Pearson's classification as well as earlier classi- are linked in a single mesomeric system (ambident
fications (Chatt, Schwarzenbach)29'30 are very approximate compounds ^ t . From the theoretical standpoint, such
and should be used with a certain amount of caution. division is based on the important difference between
localised and delocalised orbitals.

1. Experimental Methods for Solving the Problem of

Classifications of acids and bases according to Yatsimir- Competitive Coordination
skii 1 3 .
Acids Bases
X-Ray diffraction analysis constitutes a direct and
No. Groups
reliable method for the determination of the site where
the coordinate bond is located and the complete elucidation
1 Ionic Cs+, Rb+, NH+ BR7 of the structure of complexes. It has been frequently used
σ-Acceptor acids, σ-donor bases
2 H + , CH+, CR+, BR 3 Η", CH£-, NR 3 , NH 3
to unravel molecular structures with different potential
3 Strong σ-acceptors and donors; Li+, Be 2 +, Mg 2 + , A18+ OH", H 2 O, OR- electron-donating centres: complexes of pseudohalides
weak jr-acceptors and donors Sc 3 + , Zr*+, Hf 4+ Rcoo-, xo*-. ρ- (NCX; X = O, S o r S57e ) , 1 2 ' 5 1 ' 5 2 u r e a J 3 3 ' 5 3 thiourea, 54 ~5569 ω
T1+, Pb 2 +, Sn 2 +, Bi*+ 2
4 Strong σ, jr-acceptors; strong
a, π-donors
3+ 3+
Ga , In , T l
α - , Br-, S -
RS~, R2S
dimethyl sulphoxide , morpholine , thiocarbazide ' ,
5 τ-Acceptors; π-donors F e " + , Co"+, Ni 2 +, Cu"+ thioacetamide a , and many other complexes 10 ' 33 . However,
Ag+, Cd2+, P t " , P d i + the scope of X-ray diffraction analysis is limited owing to
6 τ-Donors; rr-acceptors — CCCN-.QH- the amount of labour involved.
Most studies in this field have used spectroscopic
methods, among which vibration spectroscopy has the
greatest importance Its scope in coordination
chemistry has9 3been quite fully discussed in well known
8 42 68 69
monographs ' ' ' ' and therefore does not require
In this connection Yatsimirskii's classification, based special consideration. vVe shall only mention that, when
on the assignment of acids and bases to different categories infrared spectroscopy is employed, one must use consider-
on the basis of the types of bonds formed by them, appears able caution in those cases where the displacements of
to be more correct 1 3 .
Not being in a position to characterise in detail each of tin their review, Norbury and Sinha33 did not always
the groups quoted in the Table, we shall point out that consider the necessity for the conjugation of reaction
groups 2 and 3 are hard (group 1 belongs to the category centres in the definition of ambident ligands. Therefore,
of acid-base reactions with electrostatic interaction 13 ' ") among the ambident compounds they consider, there are
and groups 4-6 combine soft acids and bases. also non-conjugated systems, for example 1,4-oxathiane.
Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (3), 1972 343

many ligand vibration frequencies during coordination The possibility of different sites of location of the
interaction are used to draw conclusions as to the location coordinate bond (at oxygen or sulphur atoms) involving
of the bonds. The most accurate of such information has oxathiane was first formulated by Hendra and Powell86, who
been obtained from 6 calculations of molecular infrared established that in complexes with CuCl2, HgCl2, and
spectroscopic data 9 ' 7 071. 74We believe that low-frequency PtCb, 1,4-oxathiane behaves as a monodentate ligand (only
infrared spectroscopy ~ , whereby it is possible to one of the electron-donating atoms is involved in coor-
determine directly the type of M-X bonds (X is an electron- dination interaction). Subsequently it was shown in a
donating atom), is promising in the study of the type of series of studies 1 7 ' 8 7 " 9 3 that the hard acids A1X3 (X = Cl
coordination 73 . or Br)§ and BF3 combine with the hard nucleophilic centre
Among other methods, mention should be made of (oxygen) while the softer transition metal halides in the
electronic spectroscopy. Comparison of the theoretically highest state of oxidationiT combine with the soft sulphur
predicted behaviour of a ligand in coordination to different and selenium atoms.
electron-donating atoms with the experimental spectrum Platinum, palladium, rhodium 93 , and mercury 9 2 > 9 4
yields reliable evidence on the location of the bond. An salts also combine with the sulphur atom of compound (I).
instructive series of such studies have been carried The above studies were carried out mainly by infrared
out 7 5 " 7 9 . Other methods for using electronic spectroscopic and NMR spectroscopic methods 6 2 > 8 7 " 9 3 and the reliability
data in the solution of the problem of competitive coor- of the conclusions may be open to certain objections
dination are also known33' 8 . because the vibration frequencies of the C-X-C linkages
On further development of NMR spectroscopy, this (X = O, S, or Se), on whose behaviour in coordination
method too will find wide application in this field of interactions the principle conclusions are based, are
coordination chemistry. However, so far its use is limited relatively non-characteristic. The work of McEwen and
(see for example, Refs. 17, 62, 63, 71). Sinn94, where the coordination of mercury and sulphur
Modern quantum-chemical methods yield definite atoms was demonstrated by an X-ray diffraction study of
quantitative values for the electron distribution in mole- the HgCk.l· complex, is superior in this respect.
cules and therefore may be used to predict the direction Morpholine (III) contains identically hybridised oxygen
of attack in systems with several electron-donating centres. and nitrogen atoms, the first of which, being more
Although so far few studies involving quantum-chemical electronegative 95 , is therefore harder than amino-nitrogen.
calculations have been made in this field 1 2 ' 5 2 ' 8 0 " 8 4 , they In this case too the location of the coordinate bond agrees
suggest that the coordinate bond is usually located at the with conclusions based on the HSAB theory: 9 97
soft (Agl) x
electron-donating atom with the highest negative π-elec- and intermediate (salts of many bivalent ' and ter-
tron density. valent m metals) acids combine with the nitrogen atom.
In conclusion we may note that best results may be Only in the case of A1(CH3)3 is it possible to obtain a
obtained by employing 7 5a 8 combination of methods}, includ- complex with the composition 2A1(CH3)3.(III) where both
ing synthetic methods ' 0 . centres are involved in the coordination interaction 99 .
Probably the coordinate bond involves the oxygen atom
also in the platinum complexes of morpholine . Identical-
2. Non-conjugated Systems ly hybridised oxygen and nitrogen atoms are present also
in α-dimethylamino-/3-methoxyethane which forms a cyclic
The available literature data show that the location of structure (IV) with Al(CHs)3.10 However, in this case it
the coordinate bond in non-conjugated systems in general is difficult to assess the competitive interaction of oxygen
obeys the requirements of the HSAB principle when and nitrogen atoms owing to both the limited selection of
account is taken of the hybrid state of the electron-donat- acceptors and to the energy gain usually observed on
ing atoms and of steric factors. formation of cyclic structures of type (IV). The latter
1,4-Oxathiane (I) and its selenium analogue (II) are factor must be always considered in the study of the
perhaps the most successful models for the consideration competitive coordination of ligands the electron donating
of competitive coordination from the standpoint of the centres of which may be involved in the formation of
HSAB principle: metal-containing rings.
This approach appears to be particularly useful in
H 2 C— CH2 studies of the possibility of the coordination of acids and

/ \ their esters. These compounds are convenient models for
(CH3)2N Ο—CH3 a comparison of the coordination capacities of the sp3-
hybridised nitrogen atom (amino-group) and the oxygen
Η atom (amino-group) and the oxygen atom in the sp2-hybrid
state (the carbonyl group). On the basis of the foregoing
(I) (Π) Ο") considerations, amino-nitrogen may be regarded as a
softer electron-donating centre than the carbonyl oxygen.
Compounds (I) and (II) contain atoms, isolated from one
another, belonging to the same group of the Periodic
System, so that, according to the HSAB principle, in their
interaction with hard acids, the coordinate bond should be
preferentially located at the oxygen atom (hard centre) §In the review of Norbury and Sinha33, the halides AIX3
and in the interaction with soft acids, at the sulphur are erroneously included in the group of acids combining
[compound (I)] or selenium [compound (II)] atom (soft with the sulphur atom of oxathiane.
electron-donating atoms). Experiments have confirmed fThe softness of cations of this kind is associated not
these considerations. only with the highest degree of oxidation of the metal but
also with the symbiotic effect of the X anion. In particular
TiCU forms more stable complexes with dialkyl sulphides
$The application of Mossbauer spectroscopy in this field than with ethers 8 8 , i.e. is a soft acid according to the
is also promising 6 4 ' 8 5 . HSAB classification.
344 Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972

This idea is confirmed by the finding that in complexes of it deals with the salt or structural isomerism, which
a - and y-amino-acids (AH) of the type [(AH)2Pt(NH3)2]Cl2 is extremely important for coordination symmetry!.
as well as in the glycine complexes (GlH)-Pt(GlH)2Cl2, the From the standpoint of the HSAB principle, the problem
102 103
soft acid PtCh is linked to the amino-nitrogen ' . of the location of the coordinate bond in conjugated systems
Similarly ar-aminoacid esters may react with salts of com- with several electron-donating centres is of special
paratively soft bivalent metals as monodentate ligands interest, since nucleophilic atoms in ambident compounds
with preferential formation of an M-N bond (only with become harder or softer, mainly under the influence of
methyl-L-tryptophan is coordination involving the C=O electronic effects, than in the isolated ligands or in the
04 105 107
group observed) . However, in most cases " non-conjugated systems discussed above.
amino-acids behave as bidentate ligands and form cyclic
chelate compounds.
Similar cyclic structures arise in the coordination a. Ambident Ligands with Electron-donating Atoms of
108 109
interaction of thio- and seleno-semicarbazides ' with Elements in the Same Periodic Group
metal salts, although there is evidence that comparatively
soft acids combine preferentially with the softer sulphur O x y g e n and s u l p h u r ( s e l e n i u m ) a t o m s . In
110 111
and selenium atoms ' !. conjugated systems containing the hard oxygen atoms and
Aminonitriles with the general formulaR2N(CH2)nCN the soft sulphur and selenium atoms, the position of the
have two electron-donating centres: sp - and sp -hybrid- coordinate bond is generally consistent with the require-
ised nitrogen atoms. If one bears in mind that the ments of the HSAB concept: typical 1 ' 2 5 soft acids (Pt, Pd,
electronegativity, which in many ways determines the Rh, Hg) form a bond with the sulphur and selenium atoms,
hardness of nucleophilic agents , increases with the while harder acids (Al, Th) combine with the oxygen
amount of s-character in the hybrid orbitals of the nitro- atom 1 0 ' 3 3 . However, with intermediate acids (salts of
gen atoms 9 5 ' 1 1 2 , one must assume that the'nitrogen atom bivalent metals, metal carbonyls), the oxygen atom is
of the nitrile group is a harder donor than the amino- preferentially involved in the formation of the coordinate
nitrogen. Therefore, in agreement with the HSAB bond33, although a bond with the sulphur atom is also
principle, only may assume that hard acids will combine observed. Thus not only iridium 1 2 6 ' 1 2 7 , palladium 128 ,
preferentially with the hard nitrile nitrogen and soft acids platinum 129 , and rhodium 130 , but also cobalt 2 8 ' 1 3 1 forms
with the amino-nitrogen. Experimental data agree with bonds with the sulphur atom of the sulphite anion. A bond
these considerations. In the case of hard BCI3, an with the sulphur atom is formed by the majority of
increase of the vibration frequencies of the nitrile group metals 3 3 ' 1 3 2 ' 1 3 3 and their carbonyls 134 in complexes with
in the aminonitrile with R = C2H5 and η = 1 is observed 1 3 , sulphur dioxide and also sulphones and sulphonyl chlor-
showing that the coordinate bond involves the nitrile ides 3 3 . On the other hand, the hard A1C13 forms with the
nitrogen 1 1 4 " 1 1 6 . The comparatively soft MX4 (M = Sn, Ti, ligands of the last type complexes involving Al-0 bonds 1 3 5 .
or Zr; X = Cl or Br) form complexes without involving There is a particularly large amount of data concerning
the nitrile group 1 1 3 . However, withw = 2 or 3, the the location of the coordinate bond in sulphoxide complexes.
MX4 also form cyclic structures and both electron-donating Intermediate and hard cations 10>28»136-143> organometallic
nitrogen atoms of the aminonitrile are involved in the derivatives 1 4 4 " 1 4 7 , and even metal carbonyls 4 8 combine
coordination interaction 112 . with the oxygen atom of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) (V).
Not only individual atoms but also the π bonds of unsatu- However, in accordance with the HSAB principle, soft
rated hydrocarbons can behave as soft electron-donating acids are coordinated via the sulphur atom 3 3 ' 56
. The
centres. Electron-donating systems of this kind include conclusions reached concerning the mode of coordination
allylamines and aminoallene and aminoacetylene of DMSO give rise to no doubts not only owing to the
hydrocarbons reliability of the assignment of the S=O frequencies № but
Depending on the reaction conditions, allylamine can also because the conclusions were in many cases based on
behave as a monodentate or a bidentate ligand. As X-ray diffraction data 1 4 4 ' 1 5 7 " 1 5 9 . Complexes with M-O
expected, in the first case PtCb combines with the η bond bonds only have been described for dimethyl selenoxide10'33:
of the ethylene group 119 , which is a softer centre, and in
the second case it combines with both electron-donating
centres, forming dimeric bridge structures U 7 ) 1 1 8 or s
monomeric cyclic structures 1 1 ' 1 2 0 . The latter are char-
(V) (VI)
acteristic also of complexes of bivalent nickel, cobalt,
manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and cadmium and The different coordination behaviour of sulphoxides
tervalent iron, chromium, cerium, and praseodymium (compared with oxathiane and oxaselenane discussed in
with aminoallene, aminoethylene, and aminoacetylene the preceding section) can probably be accounted for by a
ligands 121 . mesomeric effect which increases the "softness" of the
oxygen atom. A similar effect may be observed for the
sulphur atom in 2,6-dimethyl-4-thiopyrone (VI), for which
3. Systems with Conjugated Bond •· (Ambident Ligands) M-S bonds have been described 1 6 0 .

Examination of competitive coordination in compounds N i t r o g e n and p h o s p h o r u s a t o m s . Tri-{NN-

with conjugated electron-donating centres is very impor- dialkylamino)phosphines (VII)—ambident systems contain-
tant not only because of the great range (mentioned above) ing tervalent electron-donating nitrogen and phosphorus
of the reactivities of ambident systems but also because

$Recently this type of isomerism has been referred to

tit was stated in this study that the mode of coordination as linkage isomerism in non-Soviet literature 5 ' 1 2 4 ; in
of thiosemicarbazide depends on the assignment of the Soviet coordination chemistry this concept is given a
metals to the Chatt classes a and b. different significance125.
Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), Ί972 345

atoms—are extremely sensitive to the "hardness" and for the meta- and />ora-substituted derivatives of com-
"softness" of acids: pound (XII), it is very likely that the reaction will take
place separately at the phosphorus and arsenic atoms .
0C Ρ(ΝΜβ,), Preferential coordination should be even more character-
R.N-P m (Me,N),P-*Nl(CO)a istic of analogous derivatives with nitrogen and phosphorus
atoms and particularly of those with nitrogen and arsenic
(Me,N),P CO 177
(VIII) (IX) (Me=CH,) atoms .

161 162 163

The soft Hgl2, Cdl 2 , and BH3 ' form adducts with b. Conjugated Systems with Electron-donating Atoms (of
aminophosphines which involve an M-P bond, while the
163 164 Group V and VI Elements)
harder BRa, BCb, BF 3 , and PCla attack the nitrogen
atom and dissociate the P-N bond:
N i t r o g e n and o x y g e n ( s u l p h u r , s e l e n i u m )
a t o m s . The simplest ambident systems containing
( N M e ^ B H , < ^ Ρ(ΝΜβ,), BX
" (X F
- ' a)
MejNBXj + PX,
nitrogen and oxygen systems are NO and NO2 groups.
Molecular complexes involving the "soft" phosphorus Nitrosyl complexes involve exclusively bonds with the
33 38
atom are also formed
when aminophosphines react with nitrogen atom ' . This conclusion was initially based
Ni(CO4) (VHI, IX). The soft diborane also adds to the mainly on infrared spectroscopic data and was recently
phosphorus atom in i\T-diphenylphosphinotriphenylphos- confirmed for a series of complexes by X-ray diffraction
phazenes 165 : studies 3 3 ' 1 7 8 .
For the nitrite ion, in the study of the complexes of
C,H6 which salt isomerism 3 3 ' 3 6 ' 1 8 0 was discovered 179 , two types
(C 0 H 6 ),P=N-P (QH6)2 + (ΒΗ3)ί - . (C,H6),P=N-P : BHS + BH, . of complexes are known: nitro-complexes in which the
AH. metal is linked to the nitrogen atom and nitrito-complexes
in which a bond with the oxygen atom is formed (in the
The coordination interaction of AIX3 (X = H, Cl, or Br) latter case cyclic structures are also possible) 33 . The
with phosphorus(m) cyanides (X) probably involves the majority of hard and soft metals form nitro-complexes and
phosphorus atom 1 6 6 . only a few very unusual compounds [Ni(NO2)2Lx]2,
Dialkyl-(o-dialkylphosphinophenyl)amines (XI) are K3Cu(NO2)5, K4Ni(NO2)6, etc. involve the formation of
interesting ambident systems l 7 : nitrito-complexes 28 . For both ions considered, the site
of the coordinate bond is independent of the "hardness"
/PRa or "softness" of the cations, being determined to a large
extent by the ligand environment. Thus compounds of the
type MLX(NO2)2 (L = ammonia, ethylenediamine, pyridine,
(X) (XI) and its 2-amino-derivatives) are typical nitro-complexes,
while 1,2-diphenylene-ethylenediamine is known to form
where R = alkyl or aryl. However, the formation of also nitrito-complexes 33 .
complexes by ligands of this type has not so far been A similar situation arises also for cyanato-com-
investigated. plexes 3 3 ' 5 2 . It has been shown52 that all the known cyanate
Here we may mention the exceptionally high electron- complexes may be divided into four groups in terms of the
donating activity shown by tervalent phosphorus in ambident mode of coordination of the NCO" anion: in the first group
systems containing phosphorus and nitrogen atoms when NCO" is coordinated via the nitrogen atom (isocyanates),
interacting with halogens 1 6 5 ' 1 6 8 oxygen, sulphur, selenium, in the second group via the oxygen atom (cyanates), the
tellurium , and other substances™ 5 ' 170 ' 17 . third group includes compounds with isocyanate bridges
Quinquevalent phosphorus has almost no electron- M\
of the type }NCO, and the fourth group includes com-
donating properties and its derivatives are fairly active
electron-acceptors 1 6 9 ' 1 7 2 . Thus P F 5 is a stronger Lewis pounds in which the NCO groups play the role of outer-
acid than BF3—one of the hardest acids In agreement sphere ions. The M-NCO structure has been observed for
with this finding, ambident systems containing quin- manganese(II), iron(H), cobalt(II), nickel(H), copper(II),
quevalent phosphorus and nitrogen behave as monodentate zinc(II), cadmium(II), silver (I), lead(n), and indium(in)
ligands, which form on coordination interaction complexes in compounds of the type M(NCO)nwL (L = pyridine,
with exclusively M-N bonds. The complexes of phos- 2-aminopyridine, 2,2'- or 4,4'-dipyridyl, 1,10-phen-
phazenes are similar coordination compounds174. ' anthroline, or urotropine). The same structure is char-
acteristic of the typical soft platinum(II) and palladium(H)
P h o s p h o r u s and a r s e n i c a t o m s . Dialkyl-(o- cations. The NCO group interacts via the nitrogen atom
dialkylphosphinophenyl)arsines are ambident systems also with the "soft" mercury, silver, cadmium, and
containing electron-donating phosphorus and arsenic atoms, copper, but in this case bridge structures are formed
(the third group).
which form cyclic structures (XII) with the soft PdBr 2 : 1 7 5
The second group of compounds, involving the M-O
bond includes only a few complexes with mercury(II),
molybdenum(III), rhenium(IV), and rhenium(V). Pre-
PdBr, :
Ar,As R .
ferential coordination via the nitrogen atom, which has
been frequently demonstrated by systematic infrared
(XII) (X11I) (XIV)
spectroscopic 5 2 ' 6 9 ' 7 4 and X-ray diffraction52 studies,
Probably metal-containing rings of this kind should be agrees with the high π-electronic charge at the nitrogen
characteristic also of the cis -isomers of ethylene deriva- atom of the cyanate anion 1 8 1 " 1 8 3 .
tives (ΧΠΙ),176 but, when the electron-donating centres in A different picture is observed for the amides of
the ambident system (XIV) are in the trans -positions and monocarboxylic acids (XV), which behave mainly as
- 346 Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972

monodentate ligands with the coordinate bond located at above considerations 237 . However, the "imidol" structure
the oxygen atom 3 3 : (XIX), rather than the hydrazide structure (XX), attributed
in this case to the complexes requires additional proof:

R2N •/ R_C=N— R_C_NH—NH2

(XVa) (XVb) (XVIa) (XVIb) Η—Ο MX.
Such coordination, which can be explained184 by the 1 8 4 MX,

enhanced electron density at the oxygen atom associated (XIX) (XX)

with the mesomeric effect of conjugation in (XVb), is In contrast to nitrogen- and oxygen-containing ligands,
lffS 186 9 33 184
characteristic of salts of Group i ' a n d m-V ' ' ' ambident systems with nitrogen and oxygen atoms enter
metals, the UO2 cation 1 * 1 " 197 , certain bivalent into coordination interactions mainly in accordance with
metals ' , and the soft platinum(II) and palladium(n) 33 .
198 203
the HSAB principle. The behaviour of the thiocyanate
This type of coordination has been fairly convincingly anion is particularly instructive in this respect. The
demonstrated on the basis of infrared spectra (decrease204of interaction of soft metals (platinum, palladium, silver,
the stretching vibration frequencies of the amide bands ) gold, and mercury) with this anion always results in the
and follows also from X-ray diffraction data 12 52
' and NMR formation of a bond via the sulphur atom s»12»33'52»6^ while
spectra 1 8 4 . The coordination interaction of MXn with hard metals are linked to the hard nucleophilic centre—
aminoacetophenone and JVN-dimethylamino-derivatives the nitrogen 1 2 ' 3 3 ' 5 2 ' 2 3 8 " 2 4 2 . Such preferential coordinationiT
of unsaturated aromatic ketones 2 0 6 takes place similarly. via the nitrogen or sulphur atom in the thiocyanate ion has
At the same time in a few studies it has been suggested that been rigorously demonstrated by infrared spectro-
complexes may be formed via the nitrogen atom , the scopic 1 ^' 2 8 ' 6 9 ' 2 * 5 " 2 4 5 and X-ray diffraction studies 1 2 ' 3 3 ' 5 2 and
N-M-O bridge linkage 33 , and even via the hydrogen atom has been frequently discussed as a classical example of
attached to the carbonyl carbon atom of dimethylformam- competitive coordination 12 ' 33 . At the same time it is
ide 2 0 8 ' 2 0 9 . The above hypotheses and particularly the last regarded as proven that, regardless of their 3"hardness"
one appear to be unlikely. or "softness",
248 2
metals react with thioamides 3 ' 2 4 6 ' 2 4 7 and
The possibility that the nitrogen and oxygen atoms of thiourea " to form preferentially complexes with
urea and its Λ-derivatives are involved in coordination an M-S bond. Probably, as for amides and urea, the
interaction has been more rigorously demonstrated. It has formation of structures with strongly polarised C=S bonds
become generally accepted 3 8 ' 4 2 ' 6 8 that, on coordination via (ΧΧΓ-ΧΧΠ) leads to a reduced electrondensity at the
the nitrogen atom, urea has the structure (XVIa) and the nitrogen atom and makes it relatively inaccessible to
coordination via the oxygen atom is due to the mesomeric coordination interaction:
conjugation effect in (XVIb). It ought to be possible to
apply successfully the HSAB principle to this compound in R R

order to account for the location of the coordinate bond at c=s c—s C=S ~ C—I
the nitrogen atom 33in the complexes with the "soft" pallad- R2N R2N R2N
ium and platinum and3 3at3 8 the oxygen atom in the com- (XXI) (XXII)
plexes 224 of "hard" acids ' ' 4 2 ' 2 0 3 ' δ ή 5 " 2 2 3 . However, the However, it has been suggested that "soft" acids
finding that the "hard" BF 3 is coordinated at the nitrogen [platinum(II) and palladium(II)] are linked to the nitrogen
atom of JV-alkyl(aryl)-substituted urea shows that in this atom inN-methylthiourea 271 and intermediate acids (T1CI4)
case the HSAB concept should be employed with much are linked to the nitrogen atom in thiourea itself 272 . The
caution§. possible involvement of the sulphur atom+ in thiourea in
Among other ligands containing nitrogen and oxygen coordination interaction with the soft Ag cation follows
atoms, mention should be made of p -hydroxyazo- also from a potentiostatic study of complexes of the type
methines (XVII, XVIII): Ag+[(NH2)2CS]n.273 One cannot rule out the possibility that
thiourea forms with soft metals (palladium, mercury)
bridge structures in which nitrogen and sulphur atoms are
simultaneously involved in coordination 274 ' .
The site of the coordinate bond containing nitrogen and
selenium atoms is also consistent with the HSAB princi-
ples: metals of class a (hard cations) prefer the hard
nitrogen atom and those of class b (soft cations) prefer
the soft electron-donating centre—the selenium atom 1 2 ' 3 3 '
For the complexes (XVIIa-XVm) with MXX (M = Ml, 51,52,276
Ml\ ΜΐΠ, MlV, or MV; χ = Cl, Br, or I), the formation As a result of many years of systematic study by Soviet
of the quinonoid configuration (XVIIb), where the metal chemists 1 2 ' 5 1 ' 5 2 ' 2 7 6 , the most complete data on the compe-
is linked to the oxygen and nitrogen atoms 2 3 5 ' 2 3 6 , is quite titive coordination of nitrogen and selenium atoms have
likely to occur, as well as structures in which the metal been obtained for the selenocyanate ion NCSe". The
is bound to the nitrogen atom (XVIIa, XVni). 225 ~ 234 The results yielded by infrared spectroscopic 52»69»276 and276X-ray
12 52
data obtained in the study of the structures of the com- diffraction ' methods make it possible to divide
plexes of transition metal, cadmium, and zinc halides with selenocyanate complexes into three groups: ionic seleno-
acetyl and benzoyl hydrazides are also consistent with the cyanates and complexes in which the metal is linked to the
nitrogen or selenium atom. Ionic selenocyanates are
§The authors themselves believe that the coordination formed by alkali metals, strontium, barium, and thallium:
of BF3 at the nitrogen atom can be justified from the stand-
point of the HSAB principle by its greater rigidity com- ITOne cannot exclude also the possibility of forming
pared with the oxygen atom. However, this explanation bridge structures in which the thiocyanate ion is linked
conflicts with the coordination of the "soft" platinum(II) and to transition metal atoms via both electron-donating
palladium(II) via the nitrogen atom in urea 3 . atoms 1 2 ' 3 3 .
Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972 347

complexes involving the selenium atom are characteristic A r s e n i c and oxygen ( s u l p h u r ) a t o m s . There
of the soft cations of silver, gold, mercury, and the are comparatively few data available for the discussion
platinum metals 3 3 ' 2 7 6 . The remaining metals form com- of the site of the coordinate bond in ambident systems
plexes via the nitrogen atom 1 2 ' 3 3 ' 2 7 6 " 2 *. Cadmium, lead, containing tervalent arsenic and Group VI elements as
and tervalent cobalt, which are capable of forming com- electron-donating centres.
plexes both via the nitrogen and selenium atoms, may be It has been shown that, in complexes of HgX2 (X = Cl,
regarded as an intermediate group of metals 74»27e>281# Br, or I) with dialkyl(aryl)-2-carboxyphenylarsine and its
There is also a group of two-metal complexes in which the derivatives, mercury is linked to the arsenic atom and the
NCSe" anion behaves as a bridge 2 7 4 ' 2 7 6 . The structure of carbonyl oxygen [compound (XXIV)]:292
these compounds also fits into the framework of the HSAB Η—Ο
principle. Soft metals form a bond with selenium and
hard and intermediate metals with the nitrogen atom. A R V
Thus in the complex CoHg(SeCN)4 cobalt is linked to the Hg Α., Hg Hg <- As—

nitrogen atom and mercury to selenium: the analogous V/\C=O \

lead derivative evidently has the same structure 2 7 .
As was in fact to be expected, in complexes of seleno- (XXIV) (XXV)
urea and its JVN-derivatives with soft metals, a linkage
between the metal and selenium atom is formed 1 0 ' 2 8 4 ' 8 5 . where R = CH3, CeHs, or C7H7 and R' = Η or CH3 in com-
This structure occurs also in mixed complexes of tervalent pound (XXIV) and R = CeH5 in compound (XXV).
cobalt of the type [Co(DM)2Seu2]X and [Co(DM)2(Seu)ThiO]X, It has been suggested that 2-carboxyphenyldiphenyl-
where DM = dimethylglyoxime, Seu = selenourea, ThiO = arsine forms a dimeric bridge structure in which the soft
thiourea, and X = acid residue 2 2 1 ' 2 8 6 . HgCk is linked only to the soft electron-donating centre —
the arsenic atom is (XXV).292
P h o s p h o r u s and oxygen ( s u l p h u r , s e l e n - Like quinquevalent phosphorus, quinquevalent arsenic
ium) a t o m s . As in the systems containing phosphorus has no electron-donating properties and therefore in
and oxygen atoms, tervalent phosphorus exhibits a more ligands of the type R3As = X (R = alkyl or aryl; X = Ο
pronounced electron-donating capacity than does the or S), the coordination interaction involves exclusively
oxygen atom 1 7 0 ' 1 7 1 ' 2 8 7 . Thus the study of the infrared the X electron-donating atom 2 9 0 ' 2 9 8 " 2 9 5 . This conclusion
spectra of complexes of metal halides with the phosphides has been confirmed by studies on the complexes
of monocarboxylic acids (ΧΧΠΙ) shows that, regardless R3As=X — MYn in the far infrared (the vibrations of the
of the "hardness" or "softness" of the acids, the coordinate M-X bonds have been detected in the range 270 to
bond involves the phosphorus atom (the stretching vibra- 450 cm" 1 ). 2 9 6 ' 2 9 7
tion frequencies of the C=O group increase) 2 8 7 :

c. Ambident Systems with Identical Electron-donating

>P-C=O~ >

Analysis of the literature data shows that even for

(XXIII) electron-donating atoms which are identical but subjected
to different electronic and steric influences in the mole-
where R = alkyl, aryl, or arylalkyl. cule, one may formulate the problem of competitive coor-
This result, which conflicts with the HSAB principlet dination. For such nucleophilic centres, the concepts
might be explained by the conjugation of the carbonyl of "hardness" and 'softness" can probably retain their
group with the d orbitals of phosphorus, which leads to the significance in the sense of a greater or smaller
appearance of a negative charge at the phosphorus atom accessibility to coordination attack by electrophilic agents.
and a positive charge at the oxygen atom together with a The postulate of an increased electron-donating capacity
decrease in the order of the C=O bond 2 8 8 ' 2 8 . However, by nucleophilic atoms with increasing p character of the
there are serious objections to such an explanation hybrid orbitals' , which follows from Paulings' theory,
associated with the absence or an insignificant degree of would appear to predict an increase of preferential coor-
p,ir conjugation in systems with tervalent phosphorus 171 . dination in the following sequence of electron-donating
atoms with different types of hybridisation: sp < sp2 < sp3.
In contrast to tervalent phosphorus, quinquevalent However, this postulate is probably valid only for isolated
phosphorus has almost no electron-donating properties and or non-conjugated systems. On the other hand, in ambid-
in systems with —P=X (X = O, S, or Se) groups, the ent compounds the direction of coordination attack depends
significantly on the distribution of electron density (the
donor-acceptor interaction involves exclusively the X π-electronic densities at the nucleophilic centres), the
atoms. There are numerous literature data concerning degree of localisation of electrons at the electron-donating
the coordination interactions of metals with POCI3, PSCI3, atoms, and steric factors.
and R 3 P = Ο which 29are quoted by Webster 172 and by Bridg-
land and McGregor ° and for similar interactions involving
R3P = Se by Nicpon and Meek 291 . O x y g e n a t o m s . Numerous studies designed to
establish the site of the coordinate bond in complexes of
organic acids and esters with Lewis acids have shown that
the oxygen of the carbonyl group is the electron-donating
atom 9 ' 1 1 3 ' 3 8 ' 4 2 ' 6 8 . Regardless of the "hardness" or "soft-
ness" of the acids and the bulk and the electronic effect of
the substituents (R and R'), the infrared spectra of the
t Preferential coordination via the oxygen atom and not complexes (XXVI) always show a decrease of the stretching
the phosphorus atom would be expected ' ' l e . vibration frequency of the carbonyl group 3 0 1 " 3 0 9 , which is
348 Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972

fairly convincing evidence 33>3? in favour of the reaction The formation of the complexes by the halides of
involving the carbonyl oxygen$: Group m-V elements with the keto-derivatives (XXXI)
R' R
involves the carbonyl oxygen320:
R' O=C— Ο \/\
\ _ (XXXI)
C—Ο CI4Zr ZrCl4 .
where Μ = Ti, Sn, Zr, In, Ga, or Nb, X = Cl, Br, or I,
(XXVI) (XXVII) andra = 3-5.
R = alkyl or aryl; R=C 2 H 6 -, R'=CH S N i t r o g e n a t o m s . The azomethines (ΧΧΧΠ) and the
R' = H, alkyl or aryl azo-compounds (ΧΧΧΠΙ) containing an amino- or a dimeth-
ylamino-group in the aromatic ring are suitable examples
This direction of coordination attack (which contradicts for discussing the problem of the site of the coordinate
Pauling's theory 3 1 1 can probably be accounted for by σ, π bond in ambident systems with sp3- and sp2-hybridised
conjugation in compounds (XXVI), which leads to an nitrogen atoms:
increase in electron density at the carbonyl oxygen in
esters compared with aldehydes or ketones and to a
decreased capacity of the alkoxy-oxygen (the alcoholic ^J:V-
oxygen) for participation in coordination interaction (com- ft "-\J
pared with alcohols and ethers).
a. R=/)-N(CH3)2i R' = H
At the same time there is reason to suppose that not b. R = m-N(CH3)2; R'=H b. R=CH3
only carbonyl but also alkoxy-oxygen (alcoholic oxygen) of c. R=H; R'r m -N(CH 3 ) 2
esters and organic acids may be involved in coordination d. R = H; R' = p-N(CH 3 ) 2
interaction. In this case the non-planar dimers (XXVII) e. R = R' = p-t>
are formed in solution 312 . Evidently one cannot rule out
the possibility of the formation in the condensed phase of It was established on the basis of infrared and ultra-
coordination polymers involving the alkoxy- and carbonyl violet spectra and quantum-chemical calculations that the
oxygen. Therefore, the conclusions concerning the site formation of complexes by compound (ΧΧΧΠ) with the
of the coordinate bond based solely on infrared spectro- chlorides of Group IV and V elements involves the nitrogen
scopic data must be treated with caution. Dipole moments atom of the azomethine group, which has the maximum
may prove very useful in solving this problem 3 1 3 . π-electron density 80 .
Only in compound (XXXIIc) is the electron-donating
centre the amino-nitrogen 80 , which forms also quaternary
(RQ), c (OR),
R-0 X
salts In view of the small difference between the
ο P=O -O=P Ο ultraviolet spectra of the adducts of C11CI2, C0CI2, and
R—O—P=O \C (CH2)n C 1 / N C 1 N
(CH2)nC^ HgCl2 with 4-aminoazobenzene (ΧΧΧΠΙ, R = H) and the
RV spectrum of the initial azo-compound, one must assume
(XXVIII) (XXIX) that the coordinate bond in such compounds is located at
the amino-nitrogen 6 7 ' 7 6 ' 7 7 . At the same time, BF 3 , SnCl4,
where Μ = Sn or Ti; and SbCU form bonds preferentially with the nitrogen
atom of the azo-group 7~79.
It has recently been shown that in the amidines (XXXIV)
with sp2- and sp3-hybridised nitrogen atoms the coordinate
P=OV bonds formed on interaction with SnCU 3 2 1 and B(n-C3H7)3322
(H a C) n MX. is located at the nitrogen atom of the azomethine group:

R ,N-R'
(XXX) \
\ N R

where Μ = Ti or Sn and X = Cl, Br, or I. (XXXIV) (XXXV)

In alkyl phosphate complexes the coordinate bond is
located solely at the oxygen of the phosphoryl group where R = H, alkyl, or aryl and R' = R" = aryl for
[compound (XXVm)], 31*""317 the electron-donating activity compounds (XXXTV) and R = Η or alkyl for compounds
of which surpasses even that of the carbonyl
group, since (XXXV).
in complexes of a-ketophosphinic acids and/3-phos- Cyanamide and its JW-dialkylderivatives (XXXV) are
phonocarbonyl compounds31 with the composition MX4.2L the simplest ambident systems with sp3- and sp -hybridised
the coordination involves only the phosphoryl oxygen nitrogen atoms. On interaction with MX4 (M = Sn, Ti, or
[compound (XXIX)]. On the other hand, in complexes with Zn and X = Cl or Br), cyanamide itself behaves as a
the composition MX4.L, cyclic structures (XXX) are bidentate ligand, while its dialkyl derivatives are coor- 3 2 3
formed, the coordination interaction in which involves the dinated via the harder nitrogen atom of the nitrile group .
carbonyl and phosphoryl but not the alkoxy-oxygen atoms, Probably in the case of sp3- and sp -hybridised nitrogen
in agreement with the foregoing considerations X 8 > 3 1 9 . atoms the direction of coordination attack is determined
mainly by the negative π-electron densities§, although one

$In this connection one can hardly agree with the view of
Pilipenko and Savranskii 301 that the carbonyl oxygen has a §The sp -hybridised nitrile nitrogen has a much higher
lower coordination capacity compared with the hydroxyl negative ν -electron charge324 density (-0.279) than that of the
oxygen in the conjugated systems which they considered. amino-nitrogen (-0.064).
Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972 349
canot rule out the possibility that the bulky ethyl sub- Azole-containing systems form mainly σ complexes via
stituents prevent the location of the bond at the amino- the nitrogen atom of the azole ring with Group II, 346-349
nitrogen 3 . m, 3 5 °- 3 S 3 iv, 3 5 4 " 3 5 9 and v 3 5 7 " 3 5 8 metal salts, Group m
Thus the principal factor determining the mode of addi- metal derivatives 3 5 β ' 3 β 0 , and Group VI metal carbonyls 3 6 1 " 3 6 3
tion of electrophilic agents (acids) in ambident systems
with several competing but identical electron-donating
atoms is the magnitude of the negative π-electron charge
density. This conclusion is directly related to the HSAB
principal and the familiar postulate that the most nucleo-
philic centre in the molecule is the electron-donating atom (XXXIX) H3C
with the highest negative potential. 1
X = O,S,Se, NR ;
R: Alk.Ar, C.H, (XL)

d. Specific Ambident Systems However, objections have been made against the involve-
ment in the coordination interaction of the π-electron
H e t e r o a r o m a t i c c o m p o u n d s . In five-member ed system of the azole ring 3 6 4 and the electron pair of the X
heterocycles with a single heteroatom (furan, thiophen, heteroatom 3 6 5 and therefore we believe that additional
selenophen, and pyrrole), which have two potential elec- tests are required. The properties of the 3,5-dimethyl-
tron-donating centres (the heteroatom and the π-electron pyrazole complex of iron carbonyl can be accounted for not
system), coordination interaction involves mainlyii π elec- only from the standpoint of π complex formation but also
trons 9 > 327 ~ 334 . by the formation of the dimeric structure (XL), resembling
There is at present no doubt about the validity of this that of the complexes of pyrazole with BF3 3 6 6 and
conclusion: (1) metal carbonyl π complexes of pyrrole 3 3 1 ) 3 3 4 ) A1R 3 . 359 ' 360
thiophen 33 5,336 and selenophen have been synthesised; The hypothesis concerning the possible coordination via
(2) azoferrocene has been obtained on the basis of the the X heteroatoms conflicts with the familiar postulate
π-electron system of pyrrole 3 3 2 ' 3 3 3 ; (3) measurements of that sp3-hybridised O, S, Se atoms and NR groups of
the dipole moments and studies on the infrared spectra of azoles have no electron-donating properties 3 4 4 ' 3 7 . More-
thiophen and furan complexes of SnCk indicate the occur- over, the negative π-electronic charge density is almost
rence of 7Γ-electron coordination interaction 9 ' 3 2 7 " 3 2 9 . wholly localised at the nitrogen atom (the X atom is posi-
In contrast to five-membered heterocycles, six- tively charged), which, was shown above to constitute the
membered heterocyclic nitrogen-containing systems principal factor responsible for the location of the coor-
(pyridine, quinoline, and many of their derivatives) react dinate bond at the competing heteroatoms of the ambident
with metal salts exclusively via the nitrogen atom 3 3 7 ' 3 3 8 . system J.
The reported synthesis of a chromium tricarbonyl π com- Thus, according to published data, heteroaromatic
plex of pyridine (XXXVI) 339 was disproved by the same systems behave predominantly as monodentate ligands:
investigators 3 4 0 t, who showed that the π complex 339 is in five-membered systems (pyrrole, thiophen, furan, and
fact a π, σ derivative of the hydrogenated pyridine ring 34° selenophen) are π-electron donors and six-membered
and the amino-olefinic system (XXXVII) is involved in nitrogen containing systems and azoles are σ-electron
coordination interaction. It is interesting to note that a donors.
similar π, σ bond has been attributed to the magnanese
tricarbonyl derivative of pyrrole 3 4 2 . At the same time D e r i v a t i v e s of h e t e r o a r o m a t i c s y s t e m s .
2,4,6-triphenylphosphorine (phosphabenzene—L) forms The non-conjugated systems (XLI-XLIV) form several
both σ complexes with the compositions L(CO)s and L(CO)4 classes of complexes368"374:
and the π complex L(CO)3 with the structure (XXXVm):343


As, N: R=Alk. R = H, Alk.Ar.
Ar; B = 2 n
= I, 2

The azoles (XXXIX)334'345—five-membered heterocycles

with two heteroatoms one of which is nitrogen—and their Nickel(n), cobalt(n), and zinc(II) salts form cyclic
aromatic analogues behave in coordination interaction like structures with 2-(/3-diphenylphosphinoethyl)pyridine 3 6(XLI,
the six-membered heteroaromatic systems (pyridine) and Ε = P) involving the nitrogen and phosphorus atoms 8 .
not like the thiophen (furan, pyrrole) systems. On the other hand, when there is a considerable difference
in hardness, for example between the nitrogen and arsenic
atoms, the above salts interact only with the nitrogen atom,
while the soft 3 copper(I) halides interact with the "soft"
arsenic atom 6 9 .
fThere is some evidence for the possibility of the
quaternisation of the sulphur atom of thiophen' The
hydrogenated five-membered systems readily form
9 327 330
σ-complexes via the heteroatom > " . $The high negative π-electron charge density at the
tUnfortunately this erroneous study was employed by oxygen atom of oxazole 3 6 7 suggests that the coordination
Candlin et al. in their monograph' as an example of a interaction with "hard' cations (BF 3 , A1X3) may take place
π complex of a heterocyclic ring. via this atom.
350 Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972

In a study of complex formation in a series of Antipyrine (Lin) and its derivatives should seemingly
2-[/3-hydroxy(mercapto)ethyl]pyridines (XLII), it was be included among nitrogen- and oxygen-containing ambid-
noted that the coordinate bond with relatively soft MX2 ent systems. However, the localisation of a high negative
81 382 384
is located at the nitrogen of the pyridine ring and not at the π-electron charge at the oxygen atom ' " renders
harder oxygen and sulphur atoms. antipyrine a monodentate ligand in which coordination
It is believed that α-substituted aminoethylpyridines interaction involves exclusively the exocyclic oxygen atom
81 384 391
(XLI, Ε = N) can form complexes of three types: (1) cyclic regardless of the type of MXn. > - Thio- and seleno-
81 389
compounds with transition metals involving both electron- antipyrines behave similarly > :
371 374
donating centres " ; (2) complexes with N1I2 involving
only the amino-nitrogen ; (3) complexes of Group IV VV
metal (tin and titanium; η = 2) tetrachlorides
niobium oxide trichloride
of the pyridine ring.
involving the nitrogen atom

y-Derivatives of pyridine (quinoline) also form com-

ό α
plexes of MX4 and NbOCl3 via the nitrogen atom of the
357 375 376
pyridine (quinoline) ring ' ' . These results in
general agree with the greater hardness of MX4 and NbOCle The coordination interactions of MXn with pyridine-
compared with N1I2 (in addition to the greater softness of carboxylic acid amides and thioamides is unusual. Nico-
the metal itself13, the symbiotic effect 4 ' 14 of the soft tinamide (LIV) and isonicotinamide (LV) form complexes
iodide anion probably operates in this case). However, it with the coordinate bond involving preferentially the
is noteworthy that Uhlig and Maeser 3 7 1 did not study the nitrogen atom of the heterocyclic ring 3 8 0 ' 3 9 2 ' 3 9 8 . On the
infrared spectroscopic behaviour of the pyridine ring and other hand, depending on the composition of the complexes
therefore their results should be treated "with some and the properties of MXn, picolinamide forms cyclic
caution. structures in which complex formation involves the pyri-
In complexes of SnCk and TiCU with cyano-derivatives dine nitrogen and the carbonyl oxygen [compound (LVI)]394
of the benzazole series (XLV, XLVI), coordination inter- or the amino-nitrogen [compound (LVn)] 3 9 5 " 3 9 7 .
action probably involves the softer nitrogen atom of the
azole ring 3 7 7 : S*-MXrt (soft)
—c RaN :
>_CH2-CN \ H 2 -
y\N/ \/\ N , MXn (hard)



MXn forms complexes via the oxygen atom with carbonyl The coordinate bond in the complexes of the tetra-
derivatives of five-membered heteroaromatic system chlorides of Group IV elements with 5-OV-dialkylamino)-
having one heteroatom. Stable neutral complexes of furfurals (LVIII) involves mainly the amino-nitrogen and
furfural with MX4 have been isolated 3 7 8 ' 3 7 9 , their infrared not the carbonyl oxygen399. Whereas the direction of
spectra showing a considerable decrease in the frequency coordination attack in ambident systems containing nitro-
of the carbonyl stretching vibrations indicating that the gen and oxygen atoms is difficult to predicts}, in pyridine-
coordinate bond involves the carbonyl oxygen [compound carboxylic acid thioamides soft acids (Au, Ru, Os, Ag,
(XLVn)]. 37 ' 68 and Rh) attack the "soft" sulphur atom and the harder
On the other hand, the formation of complexes via the transition metal salts attack the nitrogen atom [compound
nitrogen atom is characteristic of pyridyl ketones (LIX)], in agreement with the HSAB principle 4 0 6 .
380 355 377 381
and carbonylazoles (XLIX) ' ' containing In the series of amino-, 82>348>353>4rfM°2 azomethine 80 ' 82 ,
electron-donating nitrogen and oxygen atoms: azo-, 3 4 8 ' 4 0 3 " 4 0 5 and cyano-derivatives 406 " 407 of pyridine
and azoles, the coordinate bond is preferentially^ located

at the electron-donating centre with the highest negative
π-electronic charge 8 0 ' 8 , as for the aliphatic and aromatic
ambident systems with nitrogen atoms hybridised in differ-
ent ways.
(XLVI I) (XLVIII) R=H.Alk.Ar. X, = S. NR
M e t a l c h e l a t e a m b i d e n t s y s t e m s . It has
Only with A1X3 (X = Cl or Br) and carbonylazoles can been shown that metal chelate s may be used as
coordination interaction involve both electron-donating ligands in complex formation ("complexes as ligands", 4 U ~ 4 1 2
centres with the formation of complexes (L) having the "complexes of complexes" 413 » 414 ). The problem of the
composition 2AlBr3.(L) or, under favourable steric condi location of the coordinate bond in such dinulcear com-
tions, of cyclic compounds of types (LI) and ( υ ^ , β β ^ β β plexes arose at once 4 0 9 " 4 1 9 . It is believed 4 0 9 ' 4 1 1 " 4 1 5 ' 4 1 7
that coordination interaction involves the oxygen atoms of

1 Cl
AlBr 3
\ §In pyridine-2-acetamide, which has non-conjugated
electron-donating centres, the coordinate bond is located
in accordance with the HSAB principle: PdX2 (X = Cl or
sX/ \)-AlBr, Br) enters into coordination interaction with the soft
χ/ \ * nitrogen atom, while the harder MX2 interact with the
(L) (LI) LII nitrogen and oxygen atoms 3 9 8 .
fit is believed that the formation of complexes with
where X = S or NCH3 and R = Η or CH3. 2-amino-l,3,4-oxadiazole involves the amino-group 408 .
Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972 351

the metal chelate unit of the inner-complex compounds of The experimental data discussed in the present review
the Schiff bases (LX) and β -aminoviny 1 ketones (LXI). indicate the unusually pronounced interest in the problem
However, the investigators 4 1 0 ' 4 1 6 ' 4 1 8 ' 4 1 9 concluded that the of competitive coordination among both Soviet and foreign
interaction of SnCk and T1CI4 with salicylideneanilinato- investigators. At the same time there have been still too
complexes leads to the rupture of the metal-containing ring few systematic and comprehensive discussions of the
and the location of the bond at the nitrogen atom of the causes of aparticular mode of coordination in polyfunctional
azomethine group: ligandsj. In many cases the experimental data are insuffi-
cient for this purpose (a narrow selection of "acids" and
"bases"), while in others (these include the majority of
investigations) the aim of the study was to discover the
rO H-C.
location of the bond at a particular electron-donating atom.
The tasks of the immediate future are probably specific
?'χ,, synthesis of polydentate ligands with electron-donating
M = Ni.Cu; (LXIl):M = Ni,Cu; centres of different types and specific selection of acids
M Ni.Cu,Ti.Sn M'=Sn.Ti; X = CI (both "hard" and "soft") for the solution and a comprehen-
Br; X, = O,S.NR' sive examination of the problem of competitive coordina-
In the metal chelates of the formazans of the benzazole tion. Such attempt designed to synthesise ligands are
series, the centres for the formation of a donor-acceptor already being made 1 7 7 ' 4 2 1 and they must be prosecuted in all
bond with MCI4 (M = Sn or Ti) are probably not only the possible ways. Naturally, the successful solution of the
nitrogen atom of the heterocyclic ring but also the nitro- problem depends on the reliability of the experimental
gen atoms of the formazan ring [compound (LXII)]. 420 methods employed for this purpose.
The problem of competitive intramolecular coordination A general description of data on competitive coordination
in metal chelates (the building up of square-planar and in the chemistry of complex compounds may prove extreme-
tetrahedral structures to octahedral structures) is probably ly useful in determinations of the mode of reactions in
directly related to these data. However, its discussion is polyfunctional systems and for other branches of chemistry.
outside the scope of the present review. We believe that the study of the problem of the location of
the hydrogen bond and of the site of protonation of organic
compounds with several electron-donating centres is
particularly promising; the data which have accumul-
The HSAB principle is a simple and convenient formula ated 4 2 2 " 4 3 7 show that, in agreement with the HSAB principle,
tion of a number of postulates relating to acid-base inter- this process involves the hardest atom in non-conjugated
action and not a new law or theory. The main postulates and ambident systems. The question of the quaternisation
of the HSAB principle are extremely useful for a sys- of polyfunctional systems, primarily the amino-, azo-
tematic arrangement and explanation of experimental data methine, and azo-derivatives of nitrogen-containing
accumulated on the problem of the location of the coor- heterocycles, is apparently closely related to this problem.
dinate bond in systems with several electron-donating
centres. A general description of data on competitive
coordination in non-conjugated systems from the stand- ADDENDUM
point of the HSAB principle is particularly desirable
(unfortunately fewest studies have been made precisely (to Section IH, subsection 3d)
in this field).
For conjugated (ambident) systems, the concepts of the π-Complexes of manganese tricarbonyl with tetraphenyl-
"hardness" and "softness" of the electron-donating atoms phosphole (LXQI) and tetraphenylarsenole (LXIV) have been
are extremely arbitrary: the nitrogen and oxygen atoms, synthesised 438 :
which have been assigned by Pearson to the same class of
hard bases, can function as soft nucleophilic centres, Fe(CO),

while the "soft" sulphur can become hard (thiourea, thio-

amides, thioantipyrine). Similarly in many cases the
terminological concepts of "hardness" and "softness" lose OC^ ^CO
their significance in the case of cations. Probably, in a CO Η

consideration of the problem of competitive coordination (LXIII): X = P: R = C f r H, (LXV)

(LXIV).R = C 6 H,; X = As
in ambident systems, one cannot in general relate the
concepts of the "hardness" and "softness" of nucleophilic
atoms to the Schwarzenbach, Chatt, and Pearson classifi- Complexes (LXV) in which the ligand behaves as a mono-
cations. In estimating the "softness" and "hardness" dentate base and is coordinated to the metal via the "pyri
of electron-donating centres, it is more correct to take dine" nitrogen atom have been described. Complexes
into account the properties characterising the "soft" and ( X L )
439,440 a n
( )
4 3 O
"hard" nucleophilic agents as defined by Pearsont. In the structure of a π-complex has been suggested for the
same connection, one should evidently assume that in any latter 4 3 9 .
polyfunctional system it is possible to isolate centres for Direct proof of the location of the coordinate bond at
the preferential formation of a donor-acceptor bond. the "pyridine" nitrogen atom in benzazoles has been
As shown above, the position of such a centre coincides obtained in a study of4 4141 N NMR spectra of metal carbonyl
in general with that of the electron-donating atom bearing complexes of azoles .
the highest negative π-electron charge density.

tRegardless of its position in the Periodic System, any

atom can evidently exhibit Pearson's "hard" or "soft" %We believe that this problem has been most satis-
properties. factorily solved for pseudohalide ions 1 2 ' 2 5 8 ' 2 7 6 .
352 Russian Chemical Reviews, 41 (4), 1972

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