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Prinze Rashidhart M. Navallo Grade X- MMJ

AUGUST 20, 2020

1.Yes, I did to know its sources of information and I understand of course, because it
was demonstrate properly to do its workable solution and I also we need to research
that need to know its source And spread the solution to solve its problem

2. As of I experience it gives a good speech and a good quality and on how you deliver
your message to the listeners and being mindful learner.


1. Yes It Help me to be wise in my every decisions and actions I make because we

learn from our past and to correct my mistakes

2. By being open-mindedHave confidence in yourself, Think creatively, Take action,

Never give up

SEPTEMBER 15, 2020

1. Yes, I did assess my unique personal qualities and process in valuing the purpose of
the author by understanding the story itself and visualizing the plots

2. The assessment of my unique personal qualities and thinking process open door to
continued learning and personal fulfillment in a way that it enhances my learning and
understanding skills by continue developing, receiving new informations, and getting
to grow more. By that it deepens my own understanding and widens my own

OCTOBER 6, 2020
1. I understand, address and resolve issues or problems in our community by being
resilient and obedient. I know in this trying times that problems and issues should be
addressed with prudence and diligence in such a way that there could be no violation
of laws and rights of others. With this, I should always remember that I should filter
posts and that I must rely only to valid and reliable sources and that in exercising my
rights and in doing my share as a citizen I should do it with prudence and diligence
and with justice and honesty.

OCTOBER 13, 2020

1. I will show and tell them that surrender is not the answer to all battles, but love and
trust, because when i have confidence in myself, i will no longer worry about the battles that
are coming because i have trust, love, and god in self.
OCTOBER 20, 2020

1. I will show and tell them that surrender is not the answer to all battles, but love
and trust, because when i have confidence in myself, i will no longer worry about the
battles that are coming because i have trust, love, and god in self.

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