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Personality Type Explained According to Carl G. Jung's theory of psychological types [Jung, 1971], people can be characterized by their preference of general attitud. + Extraverted (E) vs. introverted (1), their preference of one of the two functions of perception: * Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), and their preference of one of the two functions of judging: * Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F) The three areas of preferences introduced by Jung are dichotomies (\.. bipolar dimensions where each pole represents a different preference). Jung also proposed that in a person one of the four functions above is dominant ~ either a function of perception or a function of judging, Isabel Briggs Myers, @ researcher and practitioner of Jung's theory, proposed to see the judging-perceiving relationship as a fourth dichotomy influencing personality type [Briggs Myers, 1980]: + Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P) The first criterion, Extraversion - Introversion, signifies the source and direction of a person's energy expression. An extravert's source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world, while an introvert has a source of energy mainly in their own internal world, The second criterion, Sensing ~ Intuition, represents the method by which someone perceives information. Sensing means that a person mainly believes information he or she receives directly from the external world, Intuition means that a person believes mainly information he or she receives from the internal or imaginative world. The third criterion, Thinking - Feeling, represents how a person processes information. Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he or she makes a decision based on emotion, ie. based on what they feel they should do, The fourth criterion, Judging ~ Perceiving, reflects how a person implements the information he or she has processed. Judging means that a person organizes all of his life events and, as a rule, sticks to his plans. Perceiving means that he or she Is inclined to improvise and explore alternative options. All possible permutations of preferences in the 4 dichotomies above yield 16 different combinations, or personality types, representing which of the two poles in each of the four dichotomies dominates in a person, thus defining 16 different personality types. Each personality type can be assigned a 4 letter acronym of the corresponding combination of preferences: ISTJ Learning Style How ISTJs acquire, memorize and recollect information In ISTJs, interest in learning a subject stems from the question, “Is this practical and useful to me?" The more precisely they can learn how something can be put to use or how they can operate it, the greater their interest in the topic and the greater their desire to apply what they learn. Their interest in studying something is driven by the desire to gain experience in successfully implementing plans or carrying out hands-on activities. ISTJs are capable of grasping material that has logical flow and material that consists of a set of practical information. They can take in large sets of conceptually unrelated information like facts or Instructions, They are most receptive to new material when it is delivered using straightforward, reablife examples. ISTUs understand learned information concretely, and they immediately grasp how it can be practically applied. They are capable of learning independently, especially if the material Is of practical nature, Group work with the material gives an ISTJ no advantage compared to independent work. ISTus are able to actively and effectively apply material they have learned and understood well in concrete tasks. IsTUs have a high degree of tolerance to high levels of learning related stress. They prefer to evenly distribute their efforts when learning new material. Functional Analysis Of The ISTJ 8 4 on Jungs framework of cognitive functions Introverted Sensing ‘Sis oriented toward the world of forms, essences, generics. Time is such a form, a quantifiable essense of exactitude, the standard to which external events are held, For both of the IS_J types, the sense of, propriety comes from the clear definition of these internal forms. An apple “should” have certain ‘qualities, against which all apples are evaluated. A "proper" chair has four legs, (and other qualities this. poor INTP can only guess). Jung viewed introverted sensing as something of an oxymoron, in that the natural direction of senses Is outward toward the object, rather than Inward and away from it. One has the sense that introverted Sensors are drawn more to the measure of the concept of the perceived object than to the experience of that perception. Extraverted Thinking The moderation of the Te function serves to socialize the expression of these forms. When the Si function is ready to relinquish the data, Te may speak. Otherwise, silence is golden. ISTJs seem to have a few favorite forms (the tried and true) which may serve for most occasions, My ISTJ dad woke me every morning with the same phrase for more years than | care to remember. Asked, ‘How are you?" he answered with the same stock phrase. (‘As well as my age and habits will permit’ was used for about two decades.) "hs a good form, a sound form-i's the form for me. Introverted Feeling ‘Since Fis turned inward, itis rarely expressed. Perhaps this enables the ISTJ to resolutely accept that *we are all doomed.’ When told that Lazarus had died, Thomas said, "Let us go and die with him, (He ‘could just as well have said something like, l knew this was bound to happen sooner or later.) Only in times of great distress is the Introverted Feeling expressed (as | witnessed in my dad when @ neighbor's son was killed in a hunting accident). Otherwise, feeling is inferred, or expressed nonverbelly, through eye contact, of an encouraging smile. Extraverted Intuition ‘The Ne function of an ISTJ does not serve them very well. It needs a lot of help. For example, an ISTJ was surprised to find that someone she had talked with only by phone had red hair, because she "didn't usually liko" people with red hair! This inferior Ne seems to be a major source of, and a natural breeding ‘ground for, stereotypes. Failure of the banking system is but one bogeyman which arises from the fear ‘which feeds on the ISTJ's mistrust of real world possibilities. The shadow inhabiting the inferior Ne strikes at the precious forms and standards in the heart of the dominant Si function. ISTJ Career Choices Introvert(34%) Sensing(12%) Thinking(1%) Judging(3%) Due to their natural strengths ISTJs often find themselves in occupations that involve controlling production processes effectively, orientation to details, clear-cut planning, occupations that require responsibilty and being an efficient worker. They are found across a wide range of industries and verticals, n organizations of all sizes. ISTJs succeed as military and police workers, engineers, auditors, lanyers, surgeons. They are found in technology companies among those who deal with the practical aspects of technology (e.g. implementation specialists), ISTJs make good project menagers, midrank managers, department heads ‘Jung Career Indicator” determines occupations and areas in which people of your type find themselves most futfiled and content, are most successful, and in which they are = likely most represented. The following listing includes examples of areas of occupation suitable from a personality type standpoint. Search of educational institutions” that might be offering 2 relevant degree or training is also provided, The listing factors in the expressiveness ‘of the four traits of your personality type: Introvert(34's) Sensing(12%) Thinking( 1%) Judging(3%) ‘Therefore, ISTJ type persons with different expressiveness scores might get @ somewhat different list. ‘Areas of occupation that are more aligned with your result appear frst. Click occupation names to request information about programs. » Management » Management » Administrative Management » Accounting » Technical » Computer Science and Software Engineering » Technical Education » Health Care » surgeon » Dentist 12 OOO Oln Ooo) 1p » Dental Assistant ‘An extensive list of occupations along with personalized career tips for your type are available with Career Development Profiler. ISTJ Entrepreneur? In fact, anyone can be an entrepreneur. There are many factors influencing how successful an ‘entrepreneur can be, and your personality preferences is one of the very important ones. Identifying a line of business and size that fits your entrepreneurial personality preferences helps mitigating risks and increasing chances of being more successful and more content. Determine most favorable for you size and kinds of businesses and franchises with Entrepreneur Quiz » New!. Your Type Preferences Introvert(34%) Sensing(12%) Thinking(1%) Judging(3%) Because you appear to have marginal or no (1%) preference of Thinking over Feeling, marginal or no (3%) preference of Judging over Perceiving, characteristics of more than one personality type may epply to you: ISTJ, ISFU, ISTP and ISFP. ISTJ Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging "itis in keeping with tradition throughout our history that | should express simply and directly the opinions which | hold concerning some of the matters of present importance." Herbert Hoover, Inaugural Address, Monday, March 4, 1929. ISTJs are often called inspectors. They have a keen sense of right and wrong, especially in their area of interest and/or responsibility. They are noted for devotion to duty. Punctuality is a watchword of the ISTJ. The secretary, clerk, or business(wo)man by whom others set their clocks is likely to be an ISTJ. As do other Introverted Thinkers, ISTJs often give the initial impression of being aloof and perhaps somewhat cold. Effusive expression of emotional warmth is not something that ISTJs do without considerable energy loss. ISTJs are most at home with ‘just the facts, Ma'am." They seem to perform at highest efficiency when. employing a step-by-step approach. Once a new procedure has proven itselt (i.e,, has been shown "to work’) the ISTJ can be depended upon to carry it through, even at the expense of their own health, ISTUs are easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially ; when the second parties don't keep their commitments. But they enon Thin usually keep their feelings to themselves unless they are asked. And GS % when asked, they don't mince words. Truth wins out over tact. The _@ grim determination of the ISTJ vindicates itself in officiation of sports 5 events, judiciary functions, or an other situation which requires 5 | S TJ: % z making tough calls and sticking to them. Suispnc © Their SJ orientation draws the ISTJ into the service of established institutions. Home, social clubs, government, schools, the military, churches ~ these are the bastions of the SJ. "We've always done it this way’ is often reason enough for many ISTJs. Threats to time- honored traditions or established organizations (e.g., a "run" on the bank) are the undoing of SJs, and are to be fought at all costs. (ISTJ stands for Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging and represents individual's preferences In four dimensions characterising personality type, according to Jung's and Briggs Myers’ theorles of personality type.) Hi, Devanshi! TYPE: CODE: ROLE: STRATEGY: Turbulent Logician INTP-T Analyst Constant Improvement Mind This trait determines how we interact with our environment. 35% 85% EXTRAVERTED INTROVERTED Energy This trait shows where we direct our mental energy. 54% 46% INTUITIVE OBSERVANT Nature This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions. 55% 45% THINKING FEELING Tactics This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making. 47% 53% JUDGING PROSPECTING Identity This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. 10% 90% ASSERTIVE TURBULENT DISC Personality Test that least describes you. Once yo! Select the word that most describ and the w« the DISC test below, you'll be able to see your DISC type results. | Disc Test The Stabilizer - SC People with the SC (Stabilizer) personality type tend to be even-tempered, fairly reserved, and cautious when making decisions, Stabilizers typically offer others predictability and consistency in their interactions and are likely to desire the same response from others. Your results present a correlation ratio with our model superior to 5 %, (Results can be taken into account if this ratio is superior to 30 %.) Results of your test : You are 56% extravert and 44% introvert. You are dynamic, your actions are only | directed by your own will and you know how to lead people. You also are a leader, you know how to organize the groups of persons and give them your energy. You are attentive and cautious, you take into account the needs of others before setting up the defined goals. Your Profile : 1m Innovative m Creative im Intellectual = Wellthought ® Careful | Attuned to others & Manager © Organizer © Communicator Dynamic jj 1 Decision-maker The qualities that characterize your personality : Your dynamism. You are dynamic and active, you are determined in your actions, you know how to communicate your ideals and your energy, and thus, you know how to boost people. 116 Your contact abilities. You are open and good communicator, you know how to attract people and engage them. Your energy. You are strong-willed and active, your actions are determined by your own will, by the goals you settled to yourself, and by your need to act and move ahead. Your leadership. You are open and good communicator, you know how to attract people and engage them. Finely you are thoughtful and capable of listening to others, you take into account the needs of others before setting up the defined objectives. You are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them to the fixed goals. You are attuned to others and you show a good emotional intelligence, which allow you to give support to people.

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