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In a rich private school in Europe best friends Adam, Josh, Spencer and Ian are playing truth or dare
when it goes horribly wrong and Spencer dares Adam to use Ashley, (an average girl in school) as a dare.
Eventually they all cave in and devise a plan on how to use her. Initially, Adam was just supposed to lead
her on into her thinking that he likes her, and then dump her in front of the whole school to embarrass
her even more. Unfortunately, things did not go to plan and Ashley kept on avoiding Adam and never
gave in. One day though, Adam is getting fed up with his friends constantly taunting him about it, so he
completely switches up the plan without any of his friends knowing. The new plan is Adam must get
Ashley any way, even if its an abusive, forced, and unhealthy situation for her. Ashley’s best friend,
Caroline, starts noticing bruising on her face every time she was coming to school, and when asked
about it, she didn’t want to talk about it (Caroline doesn’t know about the whole Her and Adam
situation). Abusive went to peer pressure to do things that she didn’t want to do, like drugs or alcohol
and that ultimately led to her deep state of depression. Ashley starts to do badly in school and her
favorite teacher, Ms. Liz is genuinely concerned and wants to know what’s going on, so she talks to Mr.
Matthew, the school counsellor. The next day, during Ms. Liz’s English class, Ashley excuses herself to
use the restroom but takes a long time. When Caroline goes to check on her, Ashley is visibly distraught
and needs to talk to someone about something, or she might just end it. It’s revealed that at the party
some people from school went to, Adam drugged Ashley’s drink and used her. Caroline goes to talk to
Josh about it, while Ashley feels the urge to talk to Ms. Liz and Mr. Matthews. Adam ends up being put
to jail as a shocking secret is revealed.

Director – Iyanu
Adam - Tolu
Ashley – Fiyin
Josh - Ozi
Ms. Liz (Teacher) - Tojunmi
Spencer – Ayomide
Caroline -Iremide
Ian – Tamilore
Mr. Matthew (Counsellor) – Tuoyo
Police Officer 1 – Mayowa
Police Officer 2 - Amarachi
Opening Scene
Adam, Josh, Spencer and Ian are playing truth or dare and are seen laughing

SPENCER: Adam, truth or dare?

ADAM: Truth.

IAN: Why are you acting like such a baby? Choose dare.

JOSH: Ian has a point, why are you afraid? Choose dare.

Adam hisses but gives in

ADAM: Fine, Dare.

SPENCER: I dare you to…

Just then, Ashley and her best friend Caroline walk past them talking about something. Spencer eyes
them and comes up with a dare.

SPENCER: Use Ashley and embarrass her in front of the whole school when you’ve discarded her.

IAN: Ah.

JOSH: Don’t you think that’s too far?

SPENCER: No. What’s wrong with it? It’s not like you’re raping her or anything.

ADAM: Well, Spencer has a point. I’ll do it.

IAN: As long as we don’t get in trouble for anything.

JOSH: Adam just don’t do something dumb.


ADAM: Why are you so proud? Someone wants to talk to you and you will not let them to even say
common “Hello”. Who hurt you? Is it by force? If you don’t want friends just say so.

ASHLEY: Adam please leave me alone. I don’t feel the need or willpower to talk to you or involve myself
with someone like you.

ADAM: Someone like me? What does that even mean?

ASHLEY: You know what? Just forget about it. I’m running late for class and you probably are too. Please,
just leave me alone.

As Ashley is walking away from Adam, he starts shouting at her

ADAM: It will shock you! I will show you I am capable of anything and everything. You will beg me and I
will not listen. You will see the amount of pain you’re going to witness in your life from now on!

ASHLEY: (mumbling) Whatever.

ADAM: Josh, what do I do? This Caroline thing of a person is avoiding me seriously. I’ve tried my best.

JOSH: I will try and talk to her best friend Caroline. But just know that at one point you need to stop if
she’s persistent with saying no.

ADAM: OK. Thanks Josh. Bye.

JOSH: Bye.

When Adam checks that Josh is gone, he starts talking to him. elf.

ADAM: I have tried everything with that useless worthless piece of garbage. Now she wants things done
the hard way. It’s fine. But something is going to end badly in this whole case.

CAROLINE: Josh, just drop it. I already said No just like she has. Why are you guys so persistent and
adamant about this thing anyways. One day you never talk to us the next day you are begging us to talk
to you. If we don’t want to we don’t want to. End of discussion.

JOSH: Don’t “End of Discussion” me. What is it? So someone cannot say they want to talk to another
person without being questioned as if they’re a suspect in a case or something. Can’t you see? Adam’s
parents are crazy rich. Don’t you want your friend to be lavishing in that money. You can even get a cut.

CAROLINE: No means no. Money will not change it. No matter what.

JOSH: Adam was right. You guys really are proud and stubborn.

CAROLINE: Going in one ear and coming out through the other.

JOSH: Whatever.
Party Scene. Adam is seen sprinkling something into Ashley’s cup. Party music is playing in the

IAN: Adam! What are you doing?

ADAM: Making someone feel the high.

IAN: Party on!

ADAM: Woo Hoo!

When Ian goes away, he hisses and mumbles something along the lines of “ Useless friend”

At the party, Adam offers the drink to Ashley, but she declines. He forces her to drink it when no one is
looking and takes advantage of her.

ASHLEY: Adam I said I don’t want it. If you really know me, you’d know that I don’t drink.

ADAM: It’s offensive when you don’t accept something I offer.

ASHLEY: I said I don’t want it, just like I don’t want you. Now please leave me alone.

ADAM: You really thought that would change anything? You worthless piece of nothingness.


Before Ashley can finish her sentence, Adam grabs her and forces her to walk away with him
The next day, as Caroline is walking, she sees Ashley and tries to catch up with her. She is obviously in


CAROLINE: Hey Ashley! Wait for me! (Eventually catches up to her) Is everything ok? You’ve been acting
pretty weird since you left the party yesterday. It was like one minute you were ther, the next minute,
you weren’t!

ASHLEY: I’m fine.

CAROLINE: Oh my God! Ashley what happened to your face?

ASHLEY: I’m fine.

CAROLINE: Well, yo
u obviously don’t look fine so let’s-

ASHLEY: Just leave it alone! If I say I’m fine, I’m fine.

CAROLINE: Ok. Well we better get to Ms. Liz’s class.

MS. LIZ: Okay class. Today we will be discussing Phrases and Clauses. Ashley, would you like to tell us
what a phrase is?


MS. LIZ: Uhm, Caroline can you tell us what a phrase is?

CAROLINE: (looks at Ashley with a look of concern) A phrase is a group of words that adds meaning to a

MS. LIZ: Thank you Caroline. Ashley, please see me after class.

NARRATOR: After class…

MS. LIZ: Hey Ash, is everything ok? What happened to your face?

ASHLEY: I’m fine.

MS. LIZ: But you don’t look-

ASHLEY: I said I’m fine.

MS. LIZ: I’ll have to take this up with Mr. Matthews and-

ASHLEY: Whatever.

MS. LIZ: (sighs) You’re excused.


Mr. Matthews knocks on Ms. Liz’s office door

MS. LIZ: Come in!

MR. MATTHEWS: I received your concerns about Ashley

MR. MATTHEWS: So you said she has bruises on her face?

MS. LIZ: Yes, and she looks very distraught.

MR. MATTHEWS: I’ll look into it.

MS. LIZ: Thanks Matthews.

MR. MATTHEWS: No problem.


ADAM: I told you I’d do things the hard way! Now you’re begging me. No way.

ASHLEY: (Crying, Distraught) Please Adam, you don’t have to do this!

ADAM: Shutup.

ASHLEY: Adam no!

ASHLEY: Ms. Liz, may I go to the restroom?

MS. LIZ: Sure, go ahead.

Ashley in the bathroom

ASHLEY: I can’t do this anymore. Adam took my innocence away from me. But I can’t. I won’t. I refuse to
give up and give Adam the satisfaction. I must tell someone if not, I might just go insane.

Knock on the door

CAROLINE: Hey Ash? You okay in there? Ms. Liz said I should check up on you. You’ve been acting pretty
weird lately. Is there anything you want to tell me?

ASHLEY: (Tearing up) Caroline I need to tell you something. I think you should sit down for this one.

Caroline and Ashley sit down on the floor criss - cross

ASHLEY: Remember at the party we went to last night?

CAROLINE: Mhm? What about it?

ASHLEY: Adam forced me to drink booze that I’m 101% he drugged. Then he-

Ashley lets out a shaky breath like she’s on the verge of losing it
CAROLINE: Ashley? What did Adam do to you?

ASHLEY: He used me like I was nothing but trash.

CAROLINE: Oh my God. The bruises. Your sudden change of attitude. Ash I’m so sorry. How did I not kn-

ASHLEY: Hey, Hey, Hey. Don’t breakdown on me just yet. We’re stronger than that. I hate to admit but I
think I have PTSD.

CAROLINE: Baby steps. Can I have permission to talk to someone about this?

ASHLEY: Depends on the person. Who is it?

CAROLINE: (Deep breath) Josh.

ASHLEY: (Looks blank for 3 seconds.) Ok. But if this thing spreads, I’ll probably change school, and change
my whole identity, oh, let’s not forget-

Caroline hugs Ashley before she finishes ranting

CAROLINE: It’s you and me against the world Ash.

ASHLEY: Promise?

CAROLINE: Promise.

ASHLEY: In that case, I better go talk to Ms. Liz and Mr. Matthews.

CAROLINE: Ok. Bye beautiful.

ASHLEY: Bye gorgeous.


JOSH: Caroline, what are you making up? Is this some kind of joke? What type of nonsense are you
saying? (Mimicking her) “Josh, I think Adam raped Ashley at the party last night” Go get a life. Is it
because you want money?

CAROLINE: Josh this isn’t even a joke anymore. I’m telling you the truth. Why is it so hard to believe?

JOSH: Because first you (Mimicking her) “Never talk to us” then the next thing I’m hearing is that “ I’m
very sure Adam raped Ashley at the party last night.” Doesn’t that sound sus to you? Go get a life.
Caroline walks away frustrated. Josh sharply exhales, shakes his head, then walks the other way.


ASHLEY: Last night at the party, Adam drugged a drink I never wanted in the first place and raped me.

MR. MATTHEWS: Ashley we are so truly sorry to hear this. We will do everything in our power to get
that monster to jail.

MS. LIZ: (Takes Ashley’s hand) We would do anything and everything just for you Ash.

ASHLEY: Thank you.

BOTH: Any time.


ASHLEY: Any luck?

CAROLINE: Nope. He said it apparently sounded sus.

ASHLEY: Whatever. Some people are blinded by stupidity.

CAROLINE: Got that right. What about Ms. Liz and Mr. Matthews?

ASHLEY: They said they would do anything in their power.

CAROLINE: That’s good.



Ashley at home

ASHLEY: What’s that noise?

Ashley checks the door just as Adam breaks into her house yelling at her with a knife

ASHLEY: Adam what is wrong with you? What are you even doing?

ADAM: Doing what I should’ve a long time ago! You told everyone everything! Now, say bye bye to your
pathetic life.
Adam lunges at Ashley with a knife. Just then, 3 police officers barge into the house.

POLICE OFFICER 1: Adam Kijak, you are under arrest for rape, sexual assault, attempted murder and
break-in of Ashley Rivera.

POLICE OFFICER 2: Anything you say can and will be used in the court of law.

ADAM: Ian, what are you doing here?

IAN: That’s Officer Harrison to you, young man. I work as an undercover cop. Many girls had misconduct
forms licensed to you. I posed as your idiotic friend which was sickening.

ADAM: What the-

ASHLEY: I hope you rot in hell you filthy rat. Thanks Ian- I mean, Officer Harrison.

IAN: Ian is fine. I quite like that stage name. Did you know this all started with some stupid dare some
kid called Spencer made?

ASHLEY: Woah. That’s why they were forcing themselves on us.

IAN: Yup. I hope you sleep a little bit better now knowing this freak is in jail.

ASHLEY: I will. Thanks Ian.

IAN: No. Thank you. Without you confessing, this perv wouldn’t have been on his way to jail.

ASHLEY: I hope he drops the soap in jail.

IAN: You aint’ wrong on that one.

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